I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 665: 665 He Is Finally Here!

Taking out cities and towns and using their portals instead to bring reinforcements? That might work if not for my forces to control all the cities and towns in the region.

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Trying to take a single one would come at a great cost, and they wouldnt be able to hold it for long enough.

After all, the fight at the frontline was getting closer from being over. Once the two girls got done from the fight over there, theyd retreat, and come with everything they got at these Hectors.

It was a pointless move in my opinion. And that bastard never did a useless move before.

So what was the real reason behind this? I kept glaring at the map, trying to see beyond this useless move.

As for the forces coming out from the big gulf near me, they went directly towards my capital. I just warned Lily, Leo, and Sara about these forces, leaving things for them to handle.

He is going to appear soon, I started to grow such a belief the more reports I received..

The first half of Hector s forces started fighting the remaining monsters of the jumpers army.

Despite the disparity in numbers, these monsters were fierce! They kept growing stronger the more foes they killed.

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So even if they were outnumbered, and even if the jumper left behind the weakest forces of his, they werent that weak to be underestimated.

I got reports from those dragon riders watching this fight from far. The monsters got the order from the jumper, to go out and kill without any restraints or tactics.

It seemed this bastard already anticipated such a thing. Then why did he come back at me complaining and whining?!

As for the other part, they started to go deeper in various groups, yet all were heading towards one single target; Isac.

It seemed they wanted to get her army in the fight before the frontline would be cleared.

Hmm Taking Isac out would leave the capital without any reinforcements. But why use Hectares to do such a task? Or Did they think Id use this army to go and support these two?

This was the only logical reason I found to explain such a weird move.

And when reaching this conclusion, I suddenly got an inspiration.

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Damn! Even when he was attacking my kingdom and capital, he left all this and focused on that jerk? No f*cking way! Whats wrong between these two exactly?!!!

From the look of things, this bastards main aim right now wasnt to hit my capital or even me. He sat his gaze again, once again, over the jumper!

That was unbelievable if it proved to be true! But with all this setting, and the last unexpected move of the Hector forces towards the only free army here, it was obvious what that bastard was trying to get.

He wanted the jumper to land over the Hector continent before attacking him. He wanted to kill the jumper, using the fact that this jumper had fewer forces and was in hostile lands, away from any help he could get.

But did that bastard think I wouldnt come to help? Or was he too sure Id not arrive there in time?

I thought about the lockdown he used before to prevent me from jumping over to my capital. If he used such a thing over an area surrounding the continent, then it would make sense.

[0) However, at least he knew that I saved lots of places there! No matter how hard he tried, he wouldnt be able to stop me.

This point was the only thing that didnt make sense. However, in the next hour, I got the explanation for it.

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The first thing that happened was for a massive pillar to appear almost ten miles away from my spot. It appeared hovering over the water of the gulf, stirring up a massive and violent response from the previously calmer water surface.

Even a few big waves appeared, moving out in every direction.

Here he comes, I looked using my Hawk Eye skill, and there I spotted that bastard at last.

He was standing on top of a big wyvern, covered up in the thick veil of black fog of his like a black cloak showing nothing of his features.

He used the same kind of pillar, the one that sealed my own before. Did he think he had something enough to threaten me? Enough to force me to try to use my precious pillar?


Just as that pillar kept rising up in the air, almost reaching the cloud layer up there, a huge portal started to appear from its tip.

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I got my eyes wide open when I saw this. This wasnt the previous pillar he used before, but another one. One that could summon such a gigantic gate high in the air.

This gate appeared fast, expanded in a flash to cover all the sky above my head. I clenched my glaive, feeling the pressure coming from this portal.

I know you are a stubborn dude, wont just sit behind and try to survive, and from far, the voice of that bastard came. It looked weirdly familiar, but I still couldnt pinpoint when or where I heard it.

If you just accepted your fate, your pathetic human fate, things would have been much better for both of us. But you are stubborn, a son of b*tch who wont stop at nothing until reaching hegemony.

Who Are you?!! I didnt know why but the words he said left a deep impression inside my soul. It seemed like he knew me, knew me very well to understand my mind to this extent.

Someone you dont need to know his name, he gave me such a weird answer before adding, this is going to be the start of your downfall. I know all about your second world, and all the forces you are amassing right there. And I know you already guessed my true aim. Your precious pal, that jumper, he will fall right now without you being able to help.


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