I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 667: 667 Fighting Against Death

I was indeed trapped here with nowhere else to go. If I teleported, Id lose control over my techniques.

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The moment my big portal touched that continent, I felt the falling speed of that behemoth of dirt slowing down remarkably.

[0) It was stopping, slowly falling an inch per minute or so. I could feel my portal devouring an endless stream of energy from that continent, but it would take long hours, even days or weeks for me to solve this.

Yet the jumper and that other jerk, Fang, wouldnt stay this long and wouldnt survive the sh*t coming towards their direction.

[Come here now!]

[Right now?!]

[Just leave whatever you are doing and come!]

I got tons of distressful and very anxious and terrified messages from everyone, literally everyone! Even the teams I sent to scout, they panickily sent messages over, crying out for help, speaking in pure despair.

They got all the right to feel so. The sky changed into such a seemingly endless continent falling over their heads. Anyone in their spot would feel like this..

But only one didnt send me such distressful messages, and it was Lily!

This girl She looked quite collected. And she wasnt that far away from me.

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Yet she would take roughly two hours to arrive here! [You have to wait for two hours at least, survive this period on your own] I sent this to the two jerks, as Fang started to scream in panic when he saw the falling continent.

[Two hours! Are you shitting me?]

[Two hours is fine! One minute later and Ill come to kill you myself!]

Fang and the jumper responded at the same moment, making me inwardly sigh.

This enemy He wasnt a normal person, not at all!

In just a simple move, he brought over an entire continent from the alien universe! Damn fierce! How the heck did he get a connection with that universe in the first place?

Last time I fought against that universe was when one of the Hectors paragons lost his mind.

But this time It was different! He wasnt bringing forth any forces, but an entire continent with the people living over it!

If this fell, it would flatten my lands! I didnt know how big this damn thing spanned, but I got the feeling it was enough to cover up the entire eastern part of Americas northern continent.

Such a massive piece of dirt was falling over our heads. And the only thing stopping it was my portal!

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Not enough! After one hour, I got the feeling this wouldnt be enough. The portal was now deeply inserted into this continent. It was eating up everything without any limitations, but it wasnt doing enough.

I need another one Can I do it?

I never tried to execute such a thing before. I looked at the sky, or the dirt that was now considered as a new sky for me and all the races living here.

I had no other way but to try it. I was controlling the two techniques using my two hands. So the first thing I had to do was to try and control it with one.

However when I tried to move my left hand to take control of the second technique done by my right hand, I felt an immense pressure over my body, and almost most of my spiritual energy in there got sucked up!

Damn fierce! Come out then! if it was a problem of energy, then it wasnt a problem for me.

I got out a large amount of green bones to fill my entire chariot. I was now using blue grade in dealing with the petal impact, and would use the higher grades with the Toranks race sovereigns.

I had no use for my green bones. And I got a ton of these bones in my inventory.

Come in, I started to madly absorb the energy from these bones without any restrain or limitation.

As the immense pure energy of the bones gushed inside my body, replenishing what I lost in a blink of an eye, I started to take control of the second technique with my left fist.

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Just as I did so, and after consuming tons of energy, a new change appeared!

The merge was done using the black threads to connect the two techniques together. But this time, the merge was real and complete!

The two techniques overlapped over each other, with the first smaller black sphere moving up, passed through the hole created by the biggest sphere, and merged totally with it.

I felt like the two were eating each other up. Sizzle noises kept coming from up there for almost ten minutes. During which an immense amount of energy was consumed.

The bones started to turn into dust fast, as their energy got depleted at such a scary pace.

I didnt delay and got much more to replace those exhausted bones. And in ten minutes, I refilled my chariot thrice!

Damn fierce! This merge was on a totally new level than anything I did before!

One had to know that my spiritual energy wasnt the same as before. I trained a lot during the past months.

Even if there was no obvious change over the grade of my energy, it got a considerable boost in terms of quality and quantity.

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Just when the merge finished, I heard such earth shattering rumble coming from the slowly falling continent.

And under my eyes, the entire continent shook, like it got an earthquake or something.

*Fwoosh!* *Fwoosh!* *Crack!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

As a result, deep and long spiderweb-like cracks spread all over the lower surface of this damn continent.

I didnt know how thick it ran, but just with these earthquakes hitting it, many pieces of different sizes rocks and dirt started to break apart, fall freely and slam violently over Earth.

This was enough to kill many, destroy a lot of buildings, but luckily my capital was protected by the big shield.

So at least the capital would stand tall after all this. As for other parts as for the rest of my forces I had to only pray they would move fast and evade the falling rocks.

[Damn Hye! When are you coming?!!]

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