I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 669: 669 The Symbol Of The Kingdom Is.

[Dont celebrate too soon. First get the kingdom hearts and then Ill tell you what to do step by step. But I have to warn you, the process will be hard and risky]

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Anything, I didnt hesitate to shout, shout with my loudest voice, Im willing to do anything!

[Thats the spirit! Now go and get your things, human!]

I didnt delay and instantly opened the chat between me and Silverlining.

[I want the kingdom hearts right now!] I didnt even start with greeting him. There was no time to waste!

I thought that by using my merged technique, it would be enough to stop this calamity from falling over here.

But according to Siths words, this wasnt going to work.

[You want them now?]

[Right away if possible!].

[Give me a minute, Ill get them to you]

This dude was really different from the nymph lady. He didnt ask, didnt try to waste time joking around like she used to do.

He just gave me a time limit, and he didnt betray his words!

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[I sent them over to you]

In one minute, he sent them to me. I opened my inventory and found three black and sparkling with silver lustre things.

[Thanks] I said while feeling the urge to get one out and test it!

[Dont!] just before Id take one of the three out, Sith stopped me with his deep voice ranging in my head, [You need to prepare things first]

What? Tell me and Ill do it! I didnt even think about it. If Sith said I shouldnt do it, then I wouldnt!

[Its not that much. You have that technique of yours up there, right? Control it, use these arms of it and do the same thing you did before to make the third technique]

And? I got what he wanted me to do. He wanted me to use my blood and my techniques thick arms to write like I did before.

[You want to write, this time you will draw!]

Draw? Draw what?

[Draw the symbol of your kingdom. You selected one, right?]

This I paused. It never crossed my mind before. Each kingdom, any power in the world must have a symbol unique only to it.

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But I didnt! It never crossed my mind to be honest.

[Just think of something, something unique and draw it. Draw it over that big continent, in the biggest possible way you can. Also draw it over your lands, over that capital of yours. You have a capital, right?]

You already know the answer for that, I rolled my eyes. If he was aware that I didnt get my kingdom hearts yet, then he must be following my movements from time to time.

So it would be weird not to know about my capital. He also might be aware of my kingdoms lack of a symbol and just acted in such a way!

[Then go there and start working over there, better than here]

[0) I turned around. All the fights here lost their importance long before my talk with Sith.

I realised since the moment that deadly piece of dirt appeared on top of my head why so far that bastard only used weak forces.

He didnt want to risk using anything that would hurt him when losing it.

So using these weak and useless forces was his best option to avoid needless losses.

Yes, I should be at my capital, despite knowing that Sith said it for another purpose, I had my own feelings about this.

It should be at my capital, the final cry of struggle Id make. Either Id live together, or die and get buried at my capital.

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[As you are going there, make your arms dig the symbol of your kingdom over the back of that continent]

Hmm Ok, I first had to select a symbol of my continent. But what would it be?

It should be something unique, a symbol with importance for myself, my race, and my Earth. I felt a little headache while getting many symbols in my mind.

Should I use the old and ancient monuments in the world before the apocalypse? Or should I select something that was unique to humans in the apocalypse? Something out of my experience in this apocalypse and the one before it?

[Please Stay away from dragons, phoenixes, and such things. Dont think like this. Think of something unique!]

I was just thinking about using one of the mythic creatures in the times before the apocalypse to be used as a symbol for my kingdom.

However it seemed Sith wasnt in favour of such an idea.

Then what? If you got anything better, then tell me! I rolled my eyes when I heard what he said.

[Damn fool! Im your god, the one who is helping your ass every single time you are faced with a deadly encounter. And you never thought about using a symbol related to me!]

This it never crossed my mind at all, and that made me feel a little guilty. Ok, tell me what symbol do you want me to use?

[As if you will use it!]

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I will! I decided, Consider it my token of appreciation.

It wasnt that big of a deal for me in fact. Or else Id have thought about it a long time before.

[Of course use a pyramid!]

A pyramid?

[Yes, one with shining top, making it look like a sun got shining over it]

Hmm Sounds nice, I honestly expressed my opinion, and this way I can draw it in any size I want, and without the need to do much effort in drawing.

I had to admit that I sucked at drawing. So using such a simple symbol was going to be easier for me to do.

[Now use these arms, and start drawing using your blood. Always think of the symbol in your mind while drawing, dont let yourself get distracted. Ill inform you when youll arrive at the capital to start drawing there]

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