I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 674: 674 Making Big Changes To My Armi

This was, as far as I could recall, the first time Sith said such words to me. Id deeply regret not doing this? Was the effects of the merge and the bonus from the advanced kingdom heart this alluring?

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I clenched my right fist while thinking deeply for an entire hour.

Ill do it your way then, if it was like he said, then it was better having losses for now than living in regret for the rest of my life.

[Good boy! This is how my human race should behave. Godspeed Hye! Ill watch from the side and cheer up for your success]

Thanks, his words ignited more energy inside my body, heart, and soul, I promise you wont get disappointed by me.

[No matter what happens, you will never disappoint me, kiddo!]

With such encouraging words, I closed my eyes, took successive deep breaths, before opening many chats at the same time.

[Its time to go all out and act crazy!]

[How boss?]

[Are we going over Hector s side, boss?].

[Im ready for anything!]

[The capital isnt safe yet!]

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Many responses came. I just sent these to the generals inside my mainland.

As for those fighting at the Hector side, they were already going all out!

[Leave the capital for me to handle] I looked around while thinking about the new arrangement of my armies.

Right now, Isac, Isabella, Hilary, and the spearhead were all together. Alex and Leo were also together. Sara was the only person here leading the battle of the capital.

Out of all of them, Isacs army was considered the largest by far in terms of numbers alone. Considering everything else, Isacs army was the one out of all that didnt take part in any heated up battles yet.

According to Sith, Id let that continent fall and merge with Earth. That meant Id be freed from this tedious task of holding this colossal rock back.

Taking charge of the capitol war was necessary. After all I had to make sure the kingdom hearts would be all safe.

Besides, alongside my personal army of soulers and other warriors, what could possibly stand in my way? Not to mention the huge defensive lineup surrounding the capital.

So taking the task of defence here wasnt that hard for me to do.

As for others, I had to think of the best approach suiting their abilities.

[Listen up Sara will take over Isacs army while Isac will take over Saras] I started the new formation by shuffling the generals of these two armies.

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Isac was best capable as a tactician. She lacked greatly in terms of fighting. It was proven before when I captured her and crushed her army.

So letting her lead her army, the biggest and the most ready army in the entire army I had, would be a mistake.

Shuffling the leadership position like that was the best thing to do right now. Like this, Sara would have a fresh army, grand enough to follow her crazy tactics.

[Isac will take over the task of clearing hostile enemies all over the kingdom lands from now on. The frontline will be formed as follows]

[0) The best role Isac could do was to clear the mess and fight such widespread fights all over the capital.

Give any tactician type general space and time, and he could do miracles!

As for others, I started to consider their roles.

[The frontline will be led by Sara at the centre, Isabella at north, and Hilary at south. The spearheads army will follow behind, acting as a helper for all the three]

[Whats our task, boss?] The spearhead was the one to ask first before everyone asked the same.

[You shall push forward, with everything you have. Dont stop and keep controlling cities and towns. Leave a small patrol behind at each city and town]

[Got it boss!]

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[What about the two of us?]

Alex and Leo were a big problem for me. Leo wasnt weak, but his relationship with Alex turned him as such.

[You are to work under Isac from now on] I took such a hard decision, [From now on, your armies belong to her, and you will act as her deputies]

Letting Isac defend the vast lands of my Heaven kingdom alone? It wasnt possible! Especially when she was going to take over Saras army that was already devastated enough from the capital fight.

Not to mention Sara had to break through the current encirclement. That would add more losses for sure.

So adding these two armies to Saras current forces would help Isac perform better.

[But Boss, are you demoting the two of us?]

[Yes Alex, I am!] I didnt feel any embarrassment or hesitation in taking such a harsh decision for the sake of my kingdom.

[I Understand]

Unlike Leo, she was more accepting of my decision. Leo kept bothering me until I threatened him to demote him further down the ranks.

Then he stopped, accepting such fate. The two knew exactly why such a decision was made. If not for the poor performance of Alex, and the unwise decision of Leo to go and help her, the two wouldnt have gotten demoted like this and at such a critical moment.

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[Good luck to all. Dont forget, I want the frontline to press hard and control as much land as possible]

[We will do our best]

[Dont worry boss, they got me!]

[Shut up!] I rolled my eyes when I read the message of the spearhead. That jerk! He was still full of himself even after what he faced so far.

[When shall I move out?]

[Right away!]

Sara had to start moving right now. As for the defences here, I summoned all my warriors and looked at them from the top of my chariot.

Even the fallen gods were there on the ground for the first time ever.

Spread up, take charge of the defences all over my capital. The fallen gods will lead the battle, the soulers will act as the vanguard, fighting outside as they are doing right now.

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