I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 675: 675 Using The Kingdom Hearts

I turned to one of the fallen gods before adding, Go on the back of one of my dragons and find the general of soulers. Search for the orange fog, he will be there. Tell Lucias about this arrangement and let him work together with all of you.

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Yes, lord.

Go, take over the capital and dont embarrass me.

I watched my smaller sized army of warriors moving out. They might look smaller in number compared to any other force I had, but they are never to be underestimated!

Either my fallen gods, my dragons, or even the newly acquired warriors; they were all beasts!

But letting such a task over to them wasnt enough. I got a list of many warriors I could buy, and I decided to go on a spree once I was done planting the kingdom hearts here.

As they went over, I didnt hurry to start this process until after two more hours. During which, Sara finally managed to break through, and my boys showed how capable they were..

The capital was vast! But with the help of all the defences there, my boys didnt face any trouble.

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The fallen gods were the sharpest sword I had. Each one of them was enough to hold a couple of miles on his own.

As for my dragons and flying warriors, they kept harassing the ground forces, helping the soulers in killing enemies in batches!

I was standing high up in the air, overlooking almost all the capital region. I saw Lucias dividing up his big army into six smaller ones, each led by one of his elites, leaving an army for him to lead.

He wasnt acting like a general, fighting from the backlines. He led the forces himself, fighting at the forefront, killing to his heart content.

This fight really suited the soulers! They were like fire spreading all over a dried up forest. No matter how endless the dried up leaves were, they got burnt down fast, and they never posed a threat to any of my forces.

[Im going to meet Isac now] as I got this message from Sara, I knew it was time for me to start planting my two hearts.

[0) According to Sith, I had to dig deep into the continent high above and at my capital down below. Then Id plant the two hearts at the same time then soak them with my blood.

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I looked at the continent lying on my head. It turned the entire world all dark. Only faint rays of light escaped through a few gaps in it, giving it a scary and sacred impression to anyone seeing it.

I believe it will be better to line the two hearts together, I knew the goal of Sith from doing all that wasnt just to add this piece of dirt to my kingdom, but mainly to form a higher grade heart.

So it would be better to let the two hearts line up with each other. It would be easier this way for the merge, and also easier for me to sync the process.

I first controlled my arms to dig deeply high at the continent above and at the same time at the opposite point at my kingdom.

The point I selected high above matched a point just on the western side of the capital. It lay just behind the walls of my capital, close to the fields filled with crops outside the walls.

I knew there was another series of walls built a few tens of miles away, on the edge of these fields. Also there were many forts defending this region on the other side of the river.

The fights there were really bloody. However not a single force managed to cross the river, not even when aquatic monsters were added to the attacking forces of the enemy.

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I started digging, demolishing a few buildings and ruining a couple of streets in the process. I didnt know how big the hole should be, or how deep I should dig.

So I kept working for an entire hour, until I cleared a hole of one hundred metres radius and a couple hundred metres deep.

It looked so damn deep to my eyes, making me sigh and hope it was enough.

Time to use you, I finally got out one of the kingdom hearts and started examining it.

It wasnt a beating heart as I expected. It was just a piece or semi-transparent ore. It had such a pure white colour that made me feel like it was this close from emitting light on its own.

If such a gem started to shine, it would turn into a star for sure! It was in the size of my closed fist, not too large, at least not as I expected.

So you are my kingdoms heart? I said, speaking to it as if I was speaking with a sane person.

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It felt a bit warm, as if it was situated close to a fire source or something inside my inventory.

Take it there, as there was nothing special about this heart, I handed it over to one of my big and thick arms before replenishing the chariot with green bones once again.

I had to be ready for any consumption to maintain my technique. The consumption rate was already off charts!

If Siths words became true, and that god never lied before to me, then I wouldnt need my technique soon.

After that, Id really join this war, turning it upside down as I should have done a long time ago.

Go there, I took the second heart and let it hold it with another arm. One was stopping at the top hole, while the second was just a few metres on top of the hole on Earth.

The one on Earth would only need me to let go of it. As for the one up there, I had to push it all the way deep till the end of that hole.

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