I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 803: 803 Lily's Weird Request!

What would be weird about such a weird and unique beast? I truly couldnt get it. But I first focused on handling the bones here before I finally went towards the ocean.

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I just took short glances at the capital I had. I couldnt consider it a capital anymore. My kingdom had only one capital.

So I planned to rename it to be a metropolis or something like that.

I didnt have time to inspect it enough, but from what I looked it seemed all the Hectors here just accepted the result of their loss.

They were signing contracts and all the fights ceased. They all surrendered and accepted such harsh reality for their future and the future of their kids.

This was the brutal nature of any war. In a moment, a mighty nation might just lose and their people who were once hailed as one of the top three races in the entire universe would end up in such a miserable state.

Ending up being a part of a nation belonging to a race theyd never put in their eyes no matter what.

I moved my chariot away while entrusting this place over to my forces. They needed to rest and they deserved it.

For long days, they kept fighting from one battle to another, marching even for hundreds and thousands of miles until this war ended.

Their reward wasnt just rest or wealth, it was the promise of making them stronger using these beasts.

As I flew over the ocean, I kept asking Hilary about her location.

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[Just go north west. There is nothing here to mark the place Im at. Its all water!]

This was funny indeed, but I kept moving my chariot ahead with my fastest speed.

They took more than a day to search for this beast until they found it.

But in less than five hours, I managed to spot her chariot as a dark dot at a distance using my Hawk Eye skill.

You surely took your time to arrive, she rolled her eyes, seemingly feeling a little bored.

But she wasnt alone.

Lily is here, I moved my eyes towards the chariot next to Hilary as Lily was on its board.

There is something I need to talk with you about, she seemed so damn serious. Wasnt the war over? Didnt we win? Or did she have a request regarding her people?

Well, she fought and contributed to my victory. If she asked for a small privilege for them I might consider it.

But it never crossed my mind that what she wanted to speak about was something entirely different.

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Come on board then, I waved at the two girls, and they simply jumped off.

I dont know why she came, Hilary gave Lily such a vigilant look. From day one, Hilary placed Lily as a potential threat for no obvious reason to me.

I want to ask for a favour, Lily looked me in the eye without blinking. Just seeing her alluring figure made me think about things, but when looking at her scales, I couldnt help but throw these thoughts out of my mind!

I still couldnt get over this scale issue.

What favour? I asked while my entire thoughts were focused about her possible favours regarding her people.

That beast Can we keep it alive?


Well I never saw it coming!

This I knew I decided to reward her for all her contributions she made so far to my kingdom and armies by accepting her request.

But this favour It wasnt the kind that Id accept even from my girl!

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What are you talking about?! Hilary turned fiercely towards Lily, taking advantage of my momentary pause, werent you the one to tell all of us about the benefits of having this beast? And now you are asking us to leave it alive!!

Well, Hilary got a point. But something still was off. Lily was indeed the one to tell me and seemingly others about the big value of the fifth beast.

So why would she change her attitude all of sudden and ask me to keep this beast alive?

It didnt make sense!

Explain yourself then, I ignored what Hilary said and said to Lily. Even when she got confronted like this by Hilary, Lily stood all collected and calm in my eyes.

Im aware that asking this out of the blue might seem inappropriate and illogical, but I have a good reason for it.

Then tell, Hilary crossed her arms as if she was challenging her to give any reason enough to make me change my mind.

Of course Hilary knew me better, and she knew that I would never risk giving my boys such a chance under the request of anyone.

I will, Lily said before focusing her eyes on Hilary, but Ill tell him alone.

You B*tch!! Hilary got stirred up all of sudden and even grabbed her sword and was ready to start a fight with Lily.

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Stop, but I had to intervene and prevent such a fight from happening, go now. Ill come later on and join you down below.

Hye! You cant

Dont be childish like this and meddle personal feelings with work, my tone wasnt loud or low, expressing how calm I was.

Hilary had a hard time believing my words, but I had her to leave. Under my calm gaze and unmovable stance, she decided to leave.

Yet she gave a long warning and promising fiery gaze towards Lily before leaving.

As I watched her chariot go into the ocean, seemingly using some sort of a treasure to keep her alive under water, I couldnt help but sigh.

Why do the two of you act like this all the time? I turned and asked Lily, who shrugged as if this matter wasnt a big deal for her.

Its like how you and that masked human do when you are together. Is it friendship? Or enmity? Or envy? I dunno

This girl Was she finding my quarrels with the jumper amusing? Weirdo!

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