I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 804: 804 A Weird Meeting

You can tell me now, I waved my hand. She asked Hilary to be gone, and we are now all by ourselves.

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Not like this, yet she suddenly took out a flashing golden orb and held it tight in her hands. Once she did, the orb flashed in bright golden light before a huge net of sparkling golden threads appeared around my entire chariot.

This I didnt get the meaning behind what she did.

Its one of the highest selling items I have, she went to touch the threads, and the moment she did a melody appeared as if she was playing on an instrument or something.

Anyone trying to listen to our talk will hear this melody instead and might feel sleepy, she didnt stop touching the threads, moving around my chariot while adding, now we can speak properly, Hye king of human race.

What? her tone and attitude strangely changed. I raised one eyebrow while she kept moving around like she was doing something she got to do from a young age.

Dont worry, Im just a messenger, she said as if this was a light thing, We are just taking over your subordinate body temporarily, to just deliver a message.

You? Who are you? I answered these shocking words by holding my glaive and pointed it towards her direction. Yet even if I got the feeling she got what I just did, her moves and actions never showed any sign of nervousness.

Dont get stirred up like this, we are just here on a friendly visit.

You didnt say who you are yet.

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We Can be considered to you as the collection of old souls, her tone was the same, but she gave me the sense that she grew older and had much domineaur than before, a group of old souls guarding our race.

The Hector race? Or another? I was in such a weird situation where I couldnt get what was going on.

The Hectors, she nodded while keeping her walk around, we were watching you through our people you entrapped using the advantage of the system.

Im just playing according to the rules, I shrugged, without shifting my gaze off that weird soul controlling my Lily for even a single second.

I didnt feel great having such an uninvited guest in my chariot. And so I also called for my pillar, ready for a brutal fight at any moment.

Rules or not, you are devastating my poor race with such supremacy.

Poor race? One of the big three is a poor race? Thats a joke!

Ranks and titles never mattered in the apocalypse, only might and strength did. And you are considered an anomaly in such a world.

Thanks for the praise, but you didnt tell me why you are here.

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I did, she kept her tour around my chariot, completing the first round and continuing, I want you to keep the fifth beast alive.

When it came from Lily, it looked weird. And coming from you, makes it weirder, I paused before adding, this fifth beast holds great importance for me and my kingdom. Sorry, I cant agree.

Im not speaking about losing a beast. If you want, I can just give you an egg of another beast, just to complete this useless circle of power you are seeking.

This mysterious soul He was offering me a beast in return? And his way of putting it made me feel he never placed any importance about stopping me from taking the blessing of the five beasts together.

Dont give me that look, after all we didnt leave the guardian beast behind for our race to kill.

You Are speaking like you are the one who created the legendary name of your race.

I am, she slowly nodded, not only me, but everyone else on my side is.

I didnt get his meaning, truly, but it seemed he despised the fact that his races future generations kept killing the beasts offspring he left behind.

Why didnt you try and speak with your race leaders then? This was the easiest way to solve this mess, they are your descendants and will listen to you.

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The greed for power You cant underestimate such thirst, he said as if he had already tried, more than once, and failed. We tried, but they never listened to our requests and pleas. All they cared about was finding ways to make their people stronger.

Thats natural, I didnt have anything to say to argue with such logic. I wasnt acting any different actually, aiming to get anything to help me to reach this goal as well.

No, dont think you are the same, shockingly enough, this dude seemed to read my mind, you are different.

How? Sorry but I beg to differ.

Of course you are, did you forget about what you said earlier?

About what?

A kingdom where all races will live equally and have a chance to get to higher positions based on their efforts?

His words made me freeze for a long moment. Indeed I said something similar just recently. Dont tell me he was listening to all this while he was controlling my Lily.

We were watching you for a long time already, I told you this before. So dont be surprised, thanks to that great speech you said before, we are meeting today.

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To ask me to let go of that beast? Offering me another? Why? I had to understand before deciding anything.

The guardian beast Is just like any sane race in the universe.

I didnt get what he wanted to say. What do you mean?

She Is like any mother, giving birth to new kids every few years. Tell me, what shall be the normal course of such an act?

Mother gives birth to kids, she watches over them until they grow up and have a life of their own.

A guardian beast will give birth to who will become guardians in the future, right? When he said it, he controlled Lilys body to stop, turn around for the first time since starting his tour, and waited for my answer.

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