I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 833: 833 The Shocking Discovery About

And it seemed the gods took advantage of that, taking these beasts as some sort of a reservoir for their souls or something.

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If so Then what was that beast feeling and experiencing right now was closest to hell.

Knowing that gave me confidence in getting rid of such cursed links. I didnt know how this process was done, or how long it might take, but at least there was light at the end of this dark tunnel.

So, that beast would be left there to rot for a long time, months even, until Id think about summoning it out again.

Are you glad of this chance? I noticed how obedient and respectful that lizard was.

Sure lord, please make me return there. I want to get powerful, get stronger, and help the lord in his upcoming wars.

Ok, little lizard, you can go back, I moved towards it and touched its body before it went with a big puff.

Well That went much smoother than I initially thought. I got this lizard following me obediently and willingly from now on.

As for that beast, I expected much to happen. So it wasnt that big of a loss.

Ok, time for me to get a nap, I headed downstairs, and before sleeping I sent a reminder for Silverlining.

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I told him to keep sending races, humans, and warriors here without the need to get my consent. The two of us had contracts about that, and he just needed to deliver and get paid.

As for the price needed for all that, I wasnt worried. The bone gain from this war was simply enough to sustain my needs for months at such a crazy consumption rate.

I slept like a baby for more than two days straight! It seemed I underestimated all the effort I made, the pressure I placed on my body, and ended up pushing my body over its limits.

When I woke up, I felt like a horse hit my head with its back legs! My head felt so damn heavy for hours later, and even eating and getting another nap of six hours didnt help at all.

But after another day of such rest, I regained my activity again.

The pain and fatigue were gone, and now I felt truly refreshed like a newborn.

Lets check over Angelica first, I decided to give it a go and check over what this check was doing.

But just as I roamed around, I couldnt find a single trace of her!

I saw her men working hard, welcoming just a newly arrived batch of races and humans. All the warriors were delivered as tokens inside my inventory.

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I knew taking them out wouldnt help that much. They got stat points of evolution, a thing that I didnt focus on for a long time now.

I have to speak with Silverlining about this, after checking the market and getting astonished with the high price of the stat points sold there, I decided to go to the bigger market and ask the impact of petals about this.

I knew the market here was related to the regulations of the apocalypse I was in. the prices would shift up and down according to the demand and offer.

Yet that wasnt a big issue in the bigger universe. There prices would be more stable and less cheaper about such hot cakes here, useless sh*t out there.

As I got a wide tour, and after resting for almost three days, I noticed the expansion of the towns and cities clusters in the paths between mountains.

They were expanding towards the back open space filled with greenery and forests there. Soon enough, theyd reach there and start developing further.

The building process looked natural to my eyes, with workers moving around, knowing what to do.

They never asked for resources to use in such construction large projects, meaning they got their own sources from here.

I could see that clearly from the different colours appearing at many settlements down there, with different ores than the ones I used to provide before.

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Well, if they found resources here, then it was great. Like this, I could depend on the materials extracted from this world, to satisfy my needs at least in this world.

Aside from the good work Angelicas and Isacs men were doing here, Lily and Legend were also doing great.

Keep pushing!

Dont leave the line!

Regroup! Regroup!

Looking at the two made me wonder, which one of them was much more brutal than the other.

I didnt find much difference in their training tactics now. Lily copied the hellish way of training Legend used before, forcing the forces of mine to fight in small groups of tens over the scattered islands in this trait.

And that seemed a bit harsh, with lots of casualties, but I got it was a good thing in the long run.

After spending a few hours checking these military training camps on water, I got to check over something else.

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The monsters!

I brought a few monster dens and used a few of them here. I used all the aquatic dens I got, but that wasnt the issue.

I noticed that the size and numbers of these aquatic beasts showed a ground shaking change. I was quite sure I left the dens in the open ocean in the East.

But right now they came from East and West! It looked like dens that were more dense appeared in the East, and dens that shouldnt exist in the West appeared there.

Once I reached the eastern ocean, I braced myself and went directly underwater.

I got my shield and didnt fear anything. And once I reached there, a grand shaking scene appeared in front of my eyes.

They Mated together, evolved into new species Wow!

I never saw this coming. The beasts I saw were different from the ones I scattered here before.

And that had only one explanation to me, cross mating between the three species.

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