I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 834: 834 Angelica Is Missing!

That seemed to bring forth weaker species, which ended up as food for the tougher and mightier ones, helping them to reproduce and grow faster.

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If this continued Then the entire oceans here would be filled with many kinds I never knew or heard about before.

What was it? Was it the act of nature? How does nature behave to give balance to such a lack?

Would the same happen if I summoned ground and aerial monsters here? Well For a moment there I got both excited and worried about such a result.

Lets wait for my people to spread their dominance first before selecting a continent and let it be filled with monsters, I decided after returning back to the surface and flying in the air.

This world was huge! Trying to dominate it all was time consuming and not practical. I wouldnt just settle with the races purchased from outside.

The real power of any kingdom was in its people, and my people had to mate and give birth to new generations.

This was the true might of any kingdom. And that would take time.

So it wasnt practical to dream about colonising this entire word. In return, I had to secure places for my people to get meat from, and even train on killing ground and aerial enemies as well.

Who knew, a group might go fond of taming these beasts, ending up like what Hectors had of aquatic lesions with lots of water monsters.

After checking East, I went to West, trying to solve this mystery.

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There I found the same phenomenon, with much more surprising discoveries.

First new species were there, a mix between the three I left before.

But then I found totally new species, like they were a different kind of lifeform that appeared in response to the presence of all these monsters here.

Then I saw them!

I followed the track of large monsters moving and chasing after smaller ones till the very deep bottom of the ocean.

And there I found the lair of these small monsters.

It was like the dens I used before, but slightly different and with different colour and vibe.

It seemed like it was merging perfectly with the ocean bed, as if it popped up from there.

What the heck was that? Was this normal?

I watched the big fight and decided not to interfere. At some point, the big monsters retreated, not out of fear but satisfaction.

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They werent killing to exterminate, they were just eating and securing food.

Then I started to roam the ocean bed for hours! I took almost half a day here before coming back to the surface.

The ocean bed Its filled with dens! That was the shocking discovery that I found.

Naturally born dens and many different types of monsters were there. I couldnt help but admire this, feeling this world held secrets yet to be told.

Would that also happen if I used ground and aerial monster dens as well? Well, that was starting to get interesting.

[Where are you?] After taking such a long trip underwater, I returned back to the ground and started looking for Angelica.

Yet again she was nowhere to be found.

[Hey! Ignoring me wont help you!] I sent it again after a few minutes of not getting a response from her.

I checked and her name wasnt black or grey or something. That meant she was alive and well.

Was she sleeping? For over half a day straight?

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Hey, do you know where Angelica is? As I didnt get a response from her after sending a couple more messages, I went directly to her people working at organising the incoming races and asked them about her.

Lord The lady went to check something big back at the central part of the continent.

Yes lord, she said she might vanish for a few days and come later. She said to not panic or feel worried about her presence.

And lord She looked very happy and excited when she said that.

Oh! I now knew where she went.

But why wouldnt this idiot respond to my messages then?

I opened my staff and found the place I once saved there of that relic site. I once passed over it before when I was exploring the work of clearing woods back then.

Lets go and say hi then, this girl was lost in exploring that site and didnt even bother to respond! Id better go there and punish her properly for such bad manners.

And Id get to see what that site was all about. I got lots of heat about it, and it created tons of fights between the two girls.

[Ill go to check something, keep observing the work there until Ill return] I sent this to Lily. After all, Angelica left her men working alone and they got to have someone to supervise over them.

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I told her to not leave before preparing things there. And yet she was in such a hurry to leave in just the early days after our return.

Couldnt she just wait for a few weeks or even a month? Tsk, I underestimate the allure of that site for her.

What was all that about that cosmetic site? Well, I was about to figure this out soon.

I appeared just tens of miles away from it. I stored a place where my lands met with the forest, and that wasnt that far away from that site.

I recall It was in that direction, as the ground was open and there was nothing to use as a good mark, I moved by hunch.

After wasting a few hours of flying around and searching, I found the right direction and spotted the relic site at last.

The site in front of me was a big difference from what I saw before. I just passed over it once, and didnt pay much attention to it.

If I recall correctly, this site was partially dug, showing the tops of ancient buildings.

But the site in front of me was different!

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