I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 836: 836 Waiting For Hilary

But for this to be Real? This was the last thing Id hope for. As this would mean there were other places like this, and we had to rage wars and turn this heaven into a piece of hell, just like my Earth.

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We have to first gather intel, and then we will see what these will lead us to Lily looked down at the shield and the life beyond before her eyes shone, you are really full of surprises! Since I followed you, and I got to see things I never saw in my entire life.

And I didnt know if she was saying this in the form of gratitude or complaining.

We need her, she stressed over this again, we need her to tell us what happened.

Fine, as things reached this far, I had to go back and bring Hilary here.

Whats wrong? Lily noticed my hesitation and asked. Of course I was preparing myself for the storm of my chick.

Im just thinking where she might be right now, well I lied, yet that was also a point I had to take into consideration.

I spread them all over the Hector continent, asking them to control the entire land. And so I didnt know where she might be right now.

That meant Id have to wait for her to come to me.

Wasting a few hours isnt a problem, she turned her eyes towards the dome, seemingly buying my lie, Ill keep watching here. You go and come with her for answers.

Ok, I was about to open a portal before I thought about something, dont ever think about checking things there, got it?

Im not that crazy to do it, she firmly responded, making me heave a sigh of relief.

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[Where are you now?] Once I arrived back at Earth, I led my chariot back to the capital while sending Hilary a message.

[Busy handling the scared people here]

[Leave everything and come to the capital right away]

[What for? What happened? An enemy at the gates or what?]

[Its Much worse than that. How long before being there?]

[Ten At most fifteen hours]

That much! Fine! [Ok, start moving]

[Shall I bring my army?]

[No, just come alone]

I paused before I went to the jumper.

[Do you know where my Lucias and his boys are?]

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[He is your boy, not mine. And where is my boy?]

[He is busy dealing with stuff back there]

[Give me him and Ill tell you where your boy is]

[Screw you! Ill just summon him back]

[Do it and youll leave an area vacant and missed]

[Thats why I asked you, genius!]

[Why not ask your chick then?]

[She is busy handling something else]

[Yes, everyone around you is quite busy handling stuff for you and here you are, lazy to just look for your boy yourself]

[You know what The areas left by my boys absence will be covered by your boys]

[And who is going to force me to do such slavery work for you?]

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[Or else Forget about sniffing your boy. Ill assign him to my Hilary Or do you know what? Ill just keep him around me all the time]

[Damn you! Dont ever dream about taking him! I gave him advice and even helped him learn a few tricks in leading armies! He is mine! He will serve me, and be a general in my army]

[Then do your part so youll get a chance] I closed the chat while laughing. I didnt know why that jumper was so damn fixated over such a kid, but Legend was capable despite his young age.

Come back! As I dealt with such a problem, I waited for three hours before returning back to the capital.

Well, it was indeed worthy to be called a capital with all the improvements and development it showed right now.

All it lacked was millions, or even tens of millions to keep it bustling with life, just like the old times before the apocalypse.

As I reached there, I called for Lucias and all my soulers to come.

Lord Lucias bowed alongside his five elites once arrived. I just summoned these five, thought about giving them a head up warning about what yet to come.

At ease, I said before looking towards the distance, you do know that I got another world, right? I knew they did, there Is a little problem there that might need a big fight to get solved.

We can do whatever you want and kill any enemy you desire, Lucias said as if this was an easy fight. He didnt know what we were going to face, and even I didnt.

I want to ask, are the soulers we got enough?

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They are, and they got stronger thanks to the last war.

Thats good, but thats not what Im asking about, I paused before adding, I want to know if you need more.

Of my people? Of course I do. But can the Lord find more of us?

Ill Try my best, I knew it might be hard, but I already asked Silverlining before to find me any soulers and necromancers he could find.

I might just need to remind him again, to know how important this was.

Recalling my necromancers made me think about asking for their help. They were part of my forces, right?

However when I recalled how weak they were currently and their need to absorb death energy for a long time to get stronger, I decided to go into this adventure without them.

Go back now, I unsummoned all of the elites, leaving only Lucias by my side.

At first I was aware of his presence around, but soon I started to get used to it. He became invisible, only present whenever I needed him.

She is taking her time indeed, after the passage of fifteen hours, I couldnt help but feel bored.

I even took a nap for a few hours, but I was already in top shape so I didnt need that much sleep.

I did it as I got nothing much to do anyway.

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