I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 837: 837 One Shock After Another!

Thinking about that dome and site, that city that shouldnt exist and yet it did, made me more nervous. I always considered my second Earth as my escape place, my own safe haven away from all this sh*t going on here.

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I even started reading through lots of records and tales about that world, but I didnt get a clue. Everything pointed to an end, a long time before my time.

There wasnt a single thing referring to an ongoing civilization, or even to a way to hide cities and people underneath the ground.

They were advanced people, but they didnt deal right with the power they gained.

I thought lots of glorious moments turned into tragedies at the end that turned my mood to the worse.

I never felt that sad when I read through the records of my people in the apocalypse. What was it? Was it that I knew these people were gone and they failed that pained me?

Did I have hope when I read through the records? Hope for my humans? For Even myself?

Im here.

Just as I was lost in such deep thoughts, I finally heard the voice I waited all this time for. Why did you call me and let me fly all the way here?

She stood on her chariot, folding her arms, giving me such a long face.

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She was still mad at me. Something bad happened, I said before opening a portal and added, come, we have to speak about something important. But you have to see this first.

See What?!!! she just passed through the portal to end up at the other side. There she got her eyes wide opened, looking up at the dome and life brimming underneath before looking again at me.

And I was also having the same weird and shocked look over my face. That wasnt thanks to her shock or because of seeing this mysterious city.

It was because this place looked quite calm, eerie calm. Lily She wasnt there.

Dont tell me this is your first time seeing this City! Hilary felt something was off and couldnt help but ask.

Someone Someone was supposed to stay on guard here, I looked around with no sign of her before I opened a chat and sent a message over to her.

Yet again, I sent messages and got no response back.

And that meant only one thing

Who? Angelica? Hilary thought about the wrong person, well she wasnt way off the mark actually. Angelica was already trapped inside, and now Lily.

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Here is what I know I took a deep breath before briefing her about everything I knew about this site.

Are you telling me This is the cosmetic relic site?!!! she seemed to not recognise this place, and she got all the right to feel so.

This site was nothing like the one she saw before. And Angelica went there? And now Lily is also missing?!! she asked, and I didnt bring her here just to throw questions like this.

I I and Lily spoke about this and you have the key to solve this mystery, I looked at her eyes while she stood just a few inches away from me.

Me? How?! a look of doubt appeared over her face.

Lily got this theory I started to explain what Lily had in mind. And when I finished, the look of doubt deepened over her face.

This I


She seemed a bit hesitant and even lost when I expected a clear answer about this question.

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Dont tell me you dont remember who told you this place was a cosmetic relic site! I raised both eyebrows, and her face told me she didnt know anything about that.

Its I just feel fuzzy about that topic whenever I think about it her eyes even shook slightly, making me feel worse inside.

This This wasnt going to bode well, right?

Tell me what you remember Did the two of you come here together? Did you go down there and excavate the site? And why here? Or was it already showing its marks as a relic site?

I knew Angelica might not be aware of relic sites, but Hilary would. I always thought that the one to recognise this site first was Hilary, and then she told Angelica everything about it.

Well We werent together to begin with and she started talking by saying such shocking words, I was following our forces and pushing them around to clear trees. Then I felt Yes, I felt someone calling, like a distant echo from far.

And? I didnt jump to conclusions yet, but it seemed what Lily guessed was true.

Someone lured these two over to activate this site or something like this.

When I came here, it was already excavated, suddenly she started to act weird. Her eyes started to gaze at the distance, while her body moved all of sudden, jumping off my chariot to the ground.

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Hilary! I shouted at her but I was slightly late to stop her. Once I jumped down using my rope, crossing the distance of a few hundred metres off the ground, I saw that she was fine!

That was Slightly unexpected. Jumping off such a high distance and landing without any assistance was something dangerous, even for me.

But she She stood in the middle of a small hole on the ground, with dust all over her without even blinking.

I came here, found such marvellous light that led me to that spot over there

As if she was taken over by something, she started to move and speak like a machine! She moved towards the dome, and I hurried after her, intending to stop her even by force.

There! yet she didnt go directly to that dome, instead she went left and ended up at a rock.

I didnt notice it at all. It looked just like any normal rock scattered around here.

But when I got closer and stood by Hilarys side, I saw writings all over it.

It was in a language I didnt know.

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