I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 845: 845 The Time Curse!!!

[But time looped pocket worlds wont allow for the same person to enter them twice! That was a measure to stop anyone from breaking them or doing anything inside. If a person got the power to get out once, then he would be a threat in the eyes of those damn lunatics!]

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Then he started to speak briefly about what he did next. He shifted his full attention towards finding anyone in the entire universe able to give him answers and solve this disaster for him.

And that was when he met with his old crazy friend.

[He Was already much older than me, around a couple thousand years old. I didnt know how someone not belonging to a big race or kingdom could survive on his own for such a long time, without even creating a name for himself]

That was how he described his friend. Well, even he said his friend was weird and crazy. So how damn crazy this dude was?

[After getting into lots of trouble, I finally managed to befriend him. He started teaching me lots of stuff about pocket worlds and their kinds. And I got to know that there are two general pocket worlds in the entire universe One is called the vengeful worlds, which are like the one that took my girl away from me. And the other is called the struggling worlds, as they were made as a struggle to let the remaining survivors of a race survive!]

I read that and couldnt help but think that the world created by angels belonged to the second type. It was the last war cry done by their higher ups in an attempt to save their race from extinction.

As for the one I got here, it belonged to the first type for sure.

[The second type will be void of any traps but getting inside it is the problem. As for the first type, its easier to get in, but harder to get out. Besides, your life will be endangered if you entered any of the two, with the second type holding the highest odds of dying in between the two]

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I never expected that! And I couldnt help but ask: [Why is that? Shouldnt the first type be more dangerous thanks to the traps?]

[The traps are deadly indeed, but they are avoidable and can be done with if you got their pattern. But the second world The people who did them will be forced to do it just at the last few moments of their race]

[What does this mean?]

[It means the pocket world will seal a very huge battlefield, one that would be enough to exterminate an entire race till the last person. Do you think you can do a thing if you were thrown into one of these? I, even in my level of power, cant ensure my safety in entering one of these. Besides, the only way to get out from there is by changing the final outcome of this battle]

[You mean Help a few of these races to survive?]

[No, I mean by winning the war and crushing the enemies!]

Damn! Was that what I had to do then to help the old mans people? Even such a mighty sovereign, a formidable figure in such a prestigious race who lived for over one thousand years didnt have any confidence in doing it!

I Never thought such a task would be this impossible!

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[Anyway I need someone with a different power to help me enter that damn pocket world again and save my girl]

[But Didnt you say it was forbidden for you to enter there?]

[I have a way from my friend, a method that can mask myself from the sensors and traps of that pocket world. But I cant use any space power to enter there. Or else my friend would have helped me since hundreds of years ago]

I paused, read all his messages and got to understand him better. He Was a really bitter man indeed.

I thought that my jumper who spent his last decades jumping from one world to another was a miserable person.

But That wasnt true! The true bitter person here was this sovereign.

I knew what he said was all true thanks to the power of the contract supervising over our chat.

Should I help him?

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[Didnt you find anyone with such powers during all these years? I hardly believe you didnt!]

[I did, but all of them were cursed!]

[Cursed? How?]

[Anyone with time ability will have a short life span]

What the f*ck?!!! [You are kidding, right?!!] I was scared, instantly scared when he said that.

[Thats normal. After all, even my friend didnt know what caused the demise of all the time clans back in the ancient times. All he knows is that something triggered a backlash against them. So anyone of their descendants will have to face this curse]

[Which is?]

[Why are you interested in this curse?]

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[I just love cursed races] I gave such a lie almost without blinking, [I love necromancers, soulers, and even fallen gods! I got heaps of them right now, and working on to get more as you can see]

[Damn! You even got yourself such a cursed race, the fallen gods? You are much crazier than me back in my early years!]

[Im not, I just like the feeling of having such powerful and scary dudes next to me]

[Fine! But dont dream about getting time cursed folks before handing one over to me. If you were lucky to find more than one!]

[I will, but first tell me more about this curse]

[Its not a big thing actually. As they get the power to affect time, their life span will decrease accordingly. The more they use their powers, the shorter the years theyll live. Thats their curse, simple and scary, right?]

[I Cant find the right words to describe this] I was shaken from the inside, not knowing what I should say or even think about.

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