I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 846: 846 What Are You Hiding?

After a few minutes, I couldnt help but move my eyes around. I used my time ability over this world here, used it over my flying castle, and also at the necromancers world.

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I was planning to keep using it, but damn! I never thought about such a curse at all!

[Its just misfortune. My friend says that this curse wasnt normal, it was done to them by another race. He has this theory about the intervention of the hostile universe in this. He even said the curse is all related to some dark shadow race there, known for their ability to do curses]

[Shadow race?!!!] Just as I felt like falling into the depths of an abyss of hell, when he said these words I felt like getting thrown high in the air, even touching the clouds.

Damn! Damn! Shadow race? Wasnt this the same power I got? What damn luck was that? Phew! I was Saved!

[Its a mysterious race at the other universe, very vicious, very deadly, and very hard to kill]

Yes, yes, rain me down with praise for my power, hahahaha!

[Its such a scary race! So your friend thinks they are behind that curse?] But even if I was celebrating what he said, I didnt show any of that.

[He is one hundred percent sure of that, but he lacked any evidence. He studied the other universe known races for so long, ending up pointing at them]

[So The one Im going to find for you will be cursed?]

[Thats given. Unless he was part of that race or got their help in cleansing the curse, he or she would be cursed]

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Well, that didnt apply to me. I was saved by my cultivation and my shadow power. Thanks gods of luck, you saved my neck just now.

[Anyway, once you found him, just let me know. Ill agree on a place to meet and receive that dude from you. In return for that, Ill prepare the stuff we agreed upon]

[Ok, now I need you to help me out with something Like you know I got a pocket time loop world here and I have to go in and clear it]

[What for? Its troublesome as you just heard! And without finding that dude with time or space power, you wont be able to get out!]

[It got two of my people] I paused, [And Im very protective to my people]

[Got it? Did your people go there to discover the place or what?]

[No, what happened here was like that]

Well, we two got a contract together, and he was obliged to help me in solving this problem. So the more he knew, the better. Besides, he said everything that a friend of his knew about pocket worlds he also knew.

[Damn! I never heard of something like this! Are you sure it was a soul who took control of your people and drove them inside?]

[Like I said, it tried to lure a third person and I stopped it!]

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[Using my soulers of course]

[Oh, thats a nice and effective way And you said your souler general said this world is filled with souls?]

[Why do I feel you are suspicious about this?]

[Its just If there are souls, then why the heck did the ones behind this pocket time loop world did it in the first place? Souls are dead, no matter how long one keeps them!]

[Thats Also the same doubt I have. But in terms of souls, I trust my general the most]

[Yes, soulers are one of the best races in the world in terms of souls. There also was once a mighty and terrifying race that was even better than them. They were called the Summoners, as they can control and summon souls to fight for them]

[Its extinct, or turned into warriors?] I asked as I hoped theyd be warriors. If so, then it would be a nice addition to my forces.

[Sigh! Its true that you love cursed races then No, they were cursed and went into extinction long time ago]

[Oh, what a loss]

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[Sorry about that. Anyway, the dude youll find is mine, then you can get whatever cursed time clan members as you want]

[What if it turned out to be a space clan member?]

[Then Its my loss for now. But the contract will still go on until you find me one and then Ill deliver things over to you]

[Ok Can you tell me now how to enter this pocket world? And how to get out?]

[To get in is simple. Each pocket world has a key, something like a hidden gate. It might be a weird ornament or ore, or even a phrase that you need to read]

Phrase that I needed to read? I moved my eyes around. [Dude, I got tons of writings here that I cant read! What can I do now?]

[Tons? How so?]

[Like this] I explained the presence of the many stones with writings. Even while speaking with him right now, my soulers were still discovering more of these stones.

[Weird This pocket world of yours is all weird. Why not invite me there and let me examine it?]

[Not a chance!]

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[Easy scaredy cat, we got a contract here to save your neck]

[Its also a big no!]

Who said it was just about saving my life? This world of mine was a singularity world, one that shouldnt be known to anyone. Letting the tiger in? That would be a great mistake indeed.

This world should remain hidden and secret, with no one able to find it.

[What are you hiding? Hmm Wait a minute Whats special about this world?]


[Dont bluff me! I know there is something special about it! Tell me and we can be good friends]

[Thanks, but Ill have to pass that down]

[Then it must be something far more important than the normally found special worlds I got a short list of five types in my mind. Why wont you save both of us the trouble and tell me?]

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