I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 847: 847 Like My Technique? No Way!!!

[No need, keep trying to guess it]

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[Oh, quite sure that I wont be able to guess it? Or Are you sure I wont be able to find it? Damn! Dont tell me Is it a singularity world?]

F*ck! That dude managed to guess it so damn fast! That was why dealing with such mighty figures was so hard!

[I now understand. If I got myself such a world, I wont tell anyone about its location. But Arent you supposed to be just starting your apocalypse?]

[Im just about to start my fifth quest]

[Damn lucky! So damn lucky! Getting such a world this early? And you are a human! Dammit! If just such news were known before that meeting, we might have bound you to share this secret with us! Or better, force you to share it with me in our little deal!]

[Its out of question]

[Then how about this I can pay the price agreed in the contract for sharing this world with you. What do you think?]

[Not a chance!]

[I can give you the dude youll find after helping me out. Like this, you can have your cursed time controller]

Nice try dude. But that was futile to fail. I was that person. Do you want to sell myself to me? What a joke!

[Just stop it! I wont share it no matter what!]

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[Tsk! A hard to deal with dude indeed. And you are a human, how come such a weak race gave birth to such a stubborn person?]


[You got tons of it! Im now more interested in knowing you better. Why wont you come to visit me sometimes?]

[Thanks, but Im quite busy just like you are. Can you release my boy now?]

[What about sharing that world with me in return for him being sent out safe and sound?]

[I got Ludan ready in the other message. One sec, Ill let him come and find you and get Silverlining back]

[Stop it! Ill release that one now. What a damn cold-hearted dude you are]

He was indeed afraid of Ludan. It was also a blessing of luck that Silverlining didnt tell the race higher ups about my singularity world.

Or else they might have caused trouble just like this dude here.

[Thanks for all you did for me]

Just after a few minutes, Silverlining came at last and sent me such a message.

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[Are you alright, old friend?]

[Im alive, and thats what matters. You just dont know how brutal that crazy dude is!]

As he started to curse freely this way, it meant he got away, far away from that sovereign.

[Sorry to cause you such trouble. But I needed to get the answers I wanted]

[I understand. I also heard what you two spoke about. Are you sure you want to get into such a scary pocket world?]

[I have to. Or else my people will be targeted all the time]

[I see. But cant you wait until Ill talk to the sovereigns on your side? They might know something or have a thing to help]

[Hmm Will this take long?]

[Im just near the capital. Give me few hours]

[Ok, I will wait]

I was about to close the chat before I recalled something, [Wait I want you to check on something for me with them]

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[The writings I got here] I moved my eyes around, thinking about how to move these writings over, [Can I record a video for you and send it over?]

[Sure, but youll need an item for that]

[I just bought one. Let me record few and send you the writings]

I went down there, opened my channel and used a recording of the last stones I watched. Of course my channel was in uproar for a long time already thanks to everything I was doing.

But I lost interest in it for a long time already. I got that the gods attending there werent high grades, and they wouldnt be of any help for me right now.

Perhaps before going to the golden quest or the betting worlds Id ask for their help. If they couldnt provide me with items I might need, they could always provide precious intel and share their experience about these two places.

I knew that Silverlining promised me a detailed report about the golden quest. But he still didnt prepare it for me. Once hed do, Id start studying it to get a better hold over such quests.

[I sent the recording over to you. I cant read it, please find me someone who can]

[Sure, let me check it first. I might be able to read these writings]

He went into silence for ten minutes before sending a new message over.

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[What the heck is that language? I cant get any head or tail from it! Im sure I never saw something like this before, and its not close to any known tongue in our current time!]

[Sigh! Then ask others about it. Sovereigns might be able to know it]

[Sure, let me meet with them first and Ill show them the recording]

I closed the chat with him and that sovereign, and finally got time to see the entire place around the dome.

For hours, my soulers kept working diligently. And yet they didnt excavate all of the stones. Every couple minutes, a new one would be found.

Looking at the general view of this place from my high vantage point, I got a weird feeling.

These stones They arent randomly allocated They are arranged in circles, triangles inside the circles This

For a second there, I got a familiar feeling. This image was weirdly like the techniques of mine. I also used to draw circles with my blood, and even stretched out lines to form triangles there.

This Looking at the entire scene down below with incomplete circles and triangles, I couldnt help but feel astonished.

This dome It worked as the centre of my technique, the place where I usually placed my bloodied hand at.

Was this A technique of someone? Could this be Possible?

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