I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 922: 922 We Got Nineteen More Worlds T

This These three arent the strongest at all! Loran shared my old theory about the reason behind targeting the fierce ten races before by those behind the shadows.

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My race is superior to all races in the universe right now! and Lily didnt like the obvious remark of Loran.

And so I had to step in.

Considering the ten races that went extinct, the ten we got here, then yes They are much better and far superior to any of the three races.


Thats why they were targeted first by our enemies, removed from the chess board of our universe, I kept speaking, ignoring her useless argument.

Just a single fight between her fiercest race fighter and any of the ten mediocre ones would prove my point without doubt.

She was just feeling little pride in her races current rank. Not to mention, their race ranked third in that list as there was no other better option.

Lord Has a point, Loran said in a way that made me feel he was feeling more bitter than pride.

And one of those races is in my world, Earth, I pointed at Lily before adding, and another is a friend of mine. That leaves one

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Hescos? Lily suddenly asked, Is that the one famed for going for many worlds at a single apocalypse trial to secure more worlds and rule over the apocalypse?

It is, I firmly nodded.

Ah, I got it We are going to target them then? she got what I wanted to do, but it seemed Loran didnt.

So I had to explain all about my plan, my enemies plan, and how if I waited at my Earth Id end up at a major disadvantage in the end.

I see Loran finally got the entire picture, lord is right. Sitting tight and waiting for such an inevitable fate isnt wise. I got what lord is trying to do here. And I have nothing to argue against.

Great, I patted his arm, as this was the highest place I could reach, make sure to train many of your people. Teach them how to wake up those in deep slumber, ok?

I got it.

What does that mean? But Lily saw a lot of information here. I waved for Loran to leave after I warned him about my first trial attempt first to see if his way was going to work or not.

Then I started to fill Lily in. I told her all what she missed, making her eyes go wider the more I spoke.

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Are you saying that These nasty zombies are a race?!! and she was shocked, not lesser than what I was when I got to hear about this for the first time.

Not a race, but slaves who worked for a race, I motioned towards the place where Loran was standing at before, just like our Loran here. Their race was the one to create and keep those under leash.

But Why would the higher ups do such a thing? Releasing such plaques all over the world here isnt a good thing Right?

She shared my vision about this mess. To be honest, I believed the ones who did this were those agents for our big enemy.

Lets not talk about things we dont know anything about, I tried to sound sceptical about it, yet I didnt get a single clue as well, we have to get ready for long and big battles at those nineteen worlds.

A single world We did a lot to just secure one world. And now we have nineteen more

I got what she was thinking about. And I couldnt say I didnt understand her point and doubts.

But this had to be done. I was forced to do it here.

I could wait for the fifth quest to be over. However after that quest, forces in each world would be determined for good.

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At the fourth quest, all paragons regained most of their sealed powers. And that meant my enemies were going to be much fiercer than ever.

Trying to fight them like before wouldnt work. Giving them time to control their regions wasnt wise.

I had to strike them when they were at their weakest point. The fifth quest was a nightmare to all of us, and it came just at such a time when all forces werent yet ready to welcome a new player.

So after considering all the odds, I decided to go for it. Not to mention, Id get lots of support from Toranks. And I was really getting lots of support already.

It was up to me and my forces here to make the difference. I thought about going to these worlds myself, but that fifth quest was something that was a headache to me on Earth.

Not to mention the golden quest as well. I didnt know when this one would start, or how long Id stay there.

Besides I might need lots of my forces to secure this golden quest.

In brief, it was a grand challenge for my kingdom and armies. Either we would do a great job everywhere, or we would end up losing at all fronts.

If not for the dead end, if I waited for the Hescos scheme to come to fruit, then Id not rather take such a risk at all.

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Or at least I should consider expanding slowly to other worlds.

We got a lot of time to prepare luckily, I waved towards this world and she got what I meant.

How long?

A month at Earth, I paused for a moment, and that meant twenty months here.

Thats indeed a lot of time But staying here limits the efficiency of training.

They are just hanging by a threat.

Thats in times of great monster outbreaks. And most generals and leaders arent fighting during the last couple of outbreaks.

I got what others got what I realised late. So I looked at her in questions and she added:

We need to repeat this place at two other places at least, she thought for a second, we need two more continents. We got this one opposite to us so it doesnt count.

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