I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 923: 923 The Grand Mine!

I can get you more continents, there was still the one with all the ores there, but there wont be the same traits or islands like here.

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I got it, we can send those who are already trained to these, she paused, we can use them like you just did. Make them lead fresh troops and work as a grand army instead of just killing beasts solo.


Dont worry, even a fresh man staying here for a couple of days will turn into a veteran, she laughed, but we have a single problem to solve.

How do you move them? Thats a piece of cake for me.

No, I meant the monsters, she shook her head, we scattered monsters here. And as you just said, we are going to fight Hescos so

We need ground dens, right? We got a few but

High grades will be risky, besides we need aerial monsters as well.

Arent Hescos experienced at ground fights?

Their mechanics They can fly, she sighed, and I got an instant scare.

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Dont tell me all of them I paused as she nodded.

They can fly, can fight in the water, and can fight in any terrain. They use deadly mass destruction weapons, lots of big guns that could be installed over their suits, and above all they had the ability to freely move away from any trap or danger.

This in my eyes, it was a versatile race. Mechanics How fierce would they be?

We need our boys to learn how to fight on all terrains, and we need to supply them with big cannons.

Hmm I was away for long enough, I thought about something when she said that. It seemed I had to go back to Earth before starting my long cultivation session.

Hescos used mechas, and Id use my own race weapons to respond to that. Let me see which one was stronger, theirs or my modified mine.

I left those scientists for a long time at the capital. It was time for them to bring me results.

I looked around and a thought flashed in my mind. I kept focusing here over training my forces, but neglected this important project.

They should all come here. Hopefully their tools and equipment could be moved here as well.

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By the way, as we got done from talking about business, I had to ask, where is Angelica?

Oh, about that and just as I asked, a wide grin appeared on Lilys face, when you left us, we scanned the entire grand mine region. We decided to call the grand mine by the way.

Go on, it was a useless remark. Dont tell me she was happy because they gave it a name!

After we got everything mapped, and its a damn huge place by the way, Angelica got this crazy thought.

What? my patience was growing thin here. I like her excitement, but I had to understand the reason behind it first.

She thought if the mountainous area is filled with such densely packed gems and precious ores, then what about the stretch of land around it?

This I suddenly got inspired by what she said, and? I grew excited, the same as her.

We dug at a far distance, almost twenty miles away. And guess what? After digging a hole for fifty metres, we found a thick vein underground! And thats not the only case! We found lots there, and that means

We got a huge reassuring trove, hahaha! I was damn excited about this, and she stayed back to manage it? I got why she was missing.

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Oh, about that she suddenly paused as if she recalled something she forgot amidst her excitement, we didnt have any way to move people there. So I had to leave back through the portal you left behind, and send lots of people there to help, before the portal got closed.

Damn! Why didnt you text me about it? I shouted before controlling myself. Who said rage was the only case which would make people lower their guards and act on their true selves? Excitement was also another deadly thing.

Alright, let me ask her then, I calmed myself down. Even if Lily forgot, why didnt Angelica message me?

I got that this girl loved all precious things, but did she possibly think by staying there alone she would gain everything?

[Ill send people over, how much do you need?]

[Hye Its huge! Damn huge! Ive dug at a circle of two hundred miles radius and guess what? There are still thick veins running under the surface! Damn! This isnt a mine, not a grand mine, this is an entire continent filled with ores and gems!]

This Wow! It was much better than I initially thought. An entire continent filled with ores and gems? Damn! This This was big.

[Also I got to test a few. Not all just used for show. There are many who had high concentration of energy, even few who exploded in such fierce way, endangering me and my people]

[Oh, these seem cool. Mark them down and start taking them off first. Ill open many portals as the spot I left you at]

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[No wait, working in the mountains is hard and tiring. It needs lots of preparations first. Why not come at me first?]

[This But I didnt know where you were!]

[Just head south east from the place we departed at] she took a few minutes to send me this.

[Ok, Im on my way then] I had to leave right away. This wasnt just something that would bring wealth to me, it was something that could be used in the upcoming wars.

Ores that could explode? If they were treated in a special way, then it would be possible to start making deadly grenades, right?

Im going back then, Lily waved her hand while laughing, say hi for me to Angelica. Ah, say hi as well to Hilary, she is alright, right?

She is, I recalled the locked girl in my room down below and couldnt help but grin.

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