I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 963: 963 Your Bones Is The Reason

The journey towards this continent was kind of boring. But just after a few days, I started to receive interesting messages.

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[I have all the Hescos you need. Do you want them now?] The first message came from Silverlining.

[Not now. Just wait for me to tell you when and where] I paused as I got that I also needed to prepare that continent over for Hescos.

It was so damn far to the north east from the way I was heading. For a second I thought I turned into such a traveller, jumping over from one place to another without having time to rest or train.

It all started with that journey to the pocket world, one that ended by getting two universe races. Then It went hectic from there.

I didnt get a chance to go to my shadow world. And I had to. I wanted to train, elevate and strengthen my spiritual energy which was stagnant for a long time at pale blue grade one.

I also wanted to raise my cultivation base a little more. And I wanted to start exploring the world beyond my shadow world limits.

Something told me that the world wasnt simple at all. I got the feeling that tons of adventures and interesting stuff were waiting for me out there.

But first I had to sort out everything here. Hescos were a chance Id deeply regret if missed. Also adding the second training ground with different monsters there was a good chance as well.

And just after five more days of flying over the open ocean without any piece of land there, I got another message.

This one was quite interesting.

[I got the things we agreed upon] It came from the crazy sovereign. And I first thought this was everything hed say to me.

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[Send the warriors over to me, and the forces and gears to Silverlining. Hell know what to do]

[Ok. But I have a little piece of news that youll be interested in]

[News? What news?]

[Its about your soon to be enemies]

He paused and as he expected, he managed to pique my interest almost at the moment he sent this message over to me.

[What about them?] I got that he was speaking about Hescos.

[Somehow they got the whim of what you are going to do]

[This] I felt sudden danger from his words. If this news wasnt grave, he wouldnt be interested in sharing them with me.

[Sorry about that. But as we got eyes inside their different families and worlds, they also got many]

[I see] Of course this wasnt my fault, but the nature of this universe. There was nothing called a one hundred percent loyal people, no matter how strong or successful these people were.

In every community, a bunch of bad weeds would be present. I didnt pick at him or at his race for such failure. But I was more interested in the aftermath of such a thing.

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[Tell me more] I demanded, and he was ready to share everything with me from the start.

[They are now making an all out investigation about you all over the universe]

[Thats not bad I got no such reputation] I shrugged. If they planned to do it this way, then they were deemed to fail.

[You got no reputation? Are you kidding me or what?]

[This] I was surprised by what he said.

[You have a name for yourself. Sigh! I never thought you would know such a thing! You got some fame under your name. Yes its not that huge of reputation, but its quite enough]

[But why?] I was surprised indeed. I never thought in the entire vast universe Id have a name or even a reputation.

[Your bones of course]

Oh, so it was my bones [Whats special about my bones to cause such a mess anyway?] As I got such a reputation for my bones, my old curiosity about the uses of my bones got revived.

[You are selling something you dont know its uses?!!! Damn! Then how come you set the price?!!!]

Well, as it might seem pathetic, but it was the bitter truth indeed. [Dude, Im just from a weak race with no such vast knowledge or backing at all] this was indeed the reason behind this.

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[And yet Sigh! Alright, let me tell you something about your bones They were called the new trend in the entire universe. Will this help in telling you how much your bones are worth?]

[Wont tell me more?] It wasnt enough, not even barely enough.

[If Silverlining didnt tell you all this time then it must be for a good reason. Sorry kiddo, but you have to figure this on your own]

[Damn! How about I pay something for you? A diamond grade bone perhaps?]

[Well I have to say Im intrigued to accept your offer, but I cant]

[Why? Want a higher bone then?]

[Damn! Do you have a bottomless pit of such bones or what?!!]

[I just got lucky sometimes] I wasnt in the mood to laugh at his response.

[Hmm Let me first speak with Silverlining. I got to see why he didnt tell you about this despite its a known knowledge at big forces]

[Common knowledge? Fine! Ill issue a grand quest at the universe so Ill get my answers]

[Try, and youll fail, hahahaha! Only those high up in the big race know how to properly unlock the true might inside your bones. Do you think you can get such knowledge easily? No way! Hahahaha!]

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[Then tell me and Ill give you a higher grade bone]

[No thanks. The more I thought about it the more unsettled I became. Who knows, you might grow greedy and raise the price over my people]

[I wont]

[I dont buy any of what you say]

[I can make an oath]

[Not buying it]

[Fine! I will sign a contract then!]

[Hmm Let me talk with others before giving you my answer]

[Come on! No need to make a scene out of nothing]

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