I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 964: 964 You Are A Dead Man!

[Nothing? You just dont know how great your bones are! No way! Let me speak with others or else Ill become public enemy number one if you decide to change the price list later on.

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[I said Ill sign a contract!]

[As if Ill buy the words of such a sly young fox! No, let me return to others. This decision Its not up to me to take]

I gritted my teeth. How frustrating it was to have something precious that everyone knew about and you didnt!

It was damn frustrating!!

[At least tell me how this will affect my next operation] I sent, [I dont want to get surprised by something nasty by my enemies]

[Dont worry, this knowledge wont affect you. All theyll get will be news about how fierce your bones are]

[And? Thats it? Nothing about the way I fight and such things?]

[Well I heard they even sent for those enemies in the other universe to get knowledge about you So I cant guarantee such thing]

[They did even that?!!!] I was shocked by what he said.

[Kiddo, its not just you. They got that we got your back, so You can guess how frantic they became about you]


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[Its the price of dealing with big forces. You are going to get collateral damage in this quest of yours. So get ready as they are preparing big for you]

[Sigh! Why has things reached such a dangerous level?!!]

[Its because One of us leaked the news over to a huge betting impact. And you know These people are slaves for money and wealth. They did their task and spread the news all over the place]

[Damn! Who did it?]

[Well Your middle man did, hahahaha!]


This came as a big surprise for me. I never expected Silverlining to make such a grave mistake.

Going to betting impact and do something like this? What did this moron expect? Damn! Im going to kill him!

[Dont get surprised. This jerk changed since getting out of prison. He got suddenly wealthy and had overconfidence I dont know why!]

[Its thanks to the bone I gave him, sigh!] I shook my head in regret. If I knew giving him such a reward for his trouble would bring me disaster, then I wouldnt have done it!

But there was no point in regretting what I did.

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[Anyway, prepare for the worst. I heard they even bought one of those world addition unique tickets in an extravagant price in the past couple days]

[What ticket?] I didnt get what he meant.

[You know that in each apocalypse trial, only one world is allowed to take part in, right? But using this ticket, they can add one more world as well]

[You mean to add the twenty-first planet?]

[Yes. And you have to know such tickets are rare, but in each big race, few do exist. So it might not be only a single world coming at your direction]

[Dammit! Why did things get this complicated!!!]

[It has turned into a battle of face between us and them. And you, my poor kiddo, is just the one who has to take it all]

[Then I may need extra help]

[This You are already getting tons of help from us]

[Im paying back for everything I got!]

[And yet you wont find anywhere else to provide you with such a large number of forces and weapons in such a short time! What did you think? Silverlinings pathetic impact can do it all? If not for our help, you wont even get one tenth of what you are!]

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[!!!] I was surprised by what it said. It seemed they did their part and provided me with help. [Then I need eyes over them. At least help me with intel]

[Then what do you think Im doing here? Wasting my time and having a chat with you?]


[Solid information takes time and holds great risks Especially when the enemy is dealing with this matter in such a fierce way. Not to mention, I heard that your apocalypse trial is going to be a hot piece at the broadcasting agencies]


[Tons of eyes will be over you, over the fight between you and them. In the eyes of many, you are our man. So make sure you wont fail]

[Failure means death to me, so I wont] I didnt need to promise him this, [But if you got anything else If anyone else got any news]

[Dont worry, Im heading towards the big ones here. This thing turned into such a hot topic and Im the first to know, and you are the second]

[Thanks for letting me know first] I got that he came looking for me once he got the news.

[Never mind. Prepare well. I dont know what else I can do for you except for adding little more in our little deal]

[Thanks for that] he increased the delivery, and that was something I had to thank him for.

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I closed the chat with him and then opened another.

[Im going to kill you!]

[What? What for?!!]

[You dont know? Just wait and listen to the news! Im going to kill you, do you hear me?] I was on the edge here, on the verge of exploding on his face.

[But Wait I didnt do anything wrong!]

[Well see Ill send a message out for your race. Youll get locked up until Im done with the sh*t you caused for me]

[This Can you at least explain?]

[Youll hear about it soon enough. You are a dead man, got it?]

I closed the chat with him and didnt respond to any of what he sent to me. This jerk Goddammit!

I tried to reward him and this was what I got! Damn! Why the heck did he even think about doing this? What went in his goddamn mind before spreading such news over?

Getting extra wealth? Getting more relations? Damn! He just screwed up! And I had to deal with a much deadlier situation and a much more prepared enemy.

Now What should I do then? I thought, and I got nothing in my power to do.

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