I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 982: 982 You Are A Legend Here!

Im Going to survive this, she said, while walking to the edge of my chariot before her eyes went all wide.

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This Isnt this the first place we inhabited here?!! she turned to me and pointed out, but Did you bring people over from other places or what?

Come Let me tell you a story, one that will blow up your mind, hahahaha! and just as she got distracted by what was going on here, I also closed my eyes over the bitter experience she just passed through and started to keep distracting her by what was going on here.

The more I spoke, the more shocked she became. Gradually all the bitterness vanished and was instead replaced with utmost joy and excitement.

This This she couldnt control herself when she got to know what was going on here.

I know, hahahaha! I laughed, we have to spread such an experiment over, let all of our people get a good taste of it.

We Humans can cultivate? Through love? Thats interesting indeed! she laughed, and when she did I knew she finally got over what I caused her.

Deep down my heart, I still felt pain for all the pain I caused her.

But this was what life was all about, tons of hiccups and painful experiences, with few shining spots of hope and happiness that we gathered with much difficulty from it.

I watched her shining bright eyes and couldnt help but remain silent. I kept moving my chariot around to let her take a better look of the place here. And I even took her down to speak with people and confirm what I said earlier.

The more she spoke, the better she looked, and the more excited she became.

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Great! Just great! Please let me handle this matter, please after walking around for a few hours, she finally believed what I said and got to ask such a thing from me.

Damn girl! Even if you asked for me personally at this moment, Id gladly accept to make up for everything I did for you.

Then go and start working then, I waved my hands, Im going to handle other things and leave such an important task over to you.

Leave it to me, I intentionally avoided speaking about any of my next plans, and only kept her eyes, mind, heart, and soul fixed over this task.

She should lose herself in work, doing what she loved and make her have such a sweet smile over her face, instead of burdening her with old and unhealed wounds.

I stood on my chariot and watched her leave, and I kept standing in my place for long minutes before I got a message from Lily.

[Im ready Ive arranged them into groups so we can use them easier and faster]

[Thanks Come to the first place we appeared at and bring them in your chariot]

[Bring who? Do you think they are just hundreds like before? Hahahaha! They grew their numbers into a terrifying tens of thousands!]

[This] and knowing this gave me another shock!

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This place It was really a piece of heaven for me, hahahaha!

[Im going to take hours to come to you!]

[No problem. I got nothing else to do but to wait]

[I heard that Angelica got better Is that true?]

My face dropped slightly when I read her words. [She woke up and got all pumped out of what happened here. So]

[Letting her go and do this is a good thing indeed. Sigh! Its just In such situations, words wont do anything but add more harm, you know that, right?]

[Thats why I let her do what she liked]

[I know Ah, I got that many asked to join the army!]

[For real?]

[I dont know the exact number, but so far over a million admitted and want to go to one of the training grounds and start training]

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[Thats good] I knew that one million might seem a lot, but compared to all the people here it wasnt.

[Its a good start, and I dont know how many exactly stepped forward]

[I know its a good sign Lets hope more will step forward and join our forces]

[What about them? Are we going to throw them at the training grounds directly? You do know that most of them got born and lived all their entire lives in such peace and tranquillity. So]

[Its easy We can just let them stay for days and even weeks at the first training ground, and watch the ongoing fights. If they got second thoughts, they can come back and continue living in peace]


[We cant take advantage of ones naive intent and excitement] I said in warning, [Or else well get ourselves weak hearts and shaking lege, eager to run away more than to fight]

[Sigh! I got your point. Its unfortunate though Letting them see all these brutal scenes might scare most away]

[We Have to accept such results. You said it yourself, they lived their entire lives in peace and didnt hear about wars except in bed time stories]

[Ok, lets do it your way then. Hopefully well end up with one tenth of them at the end]

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[Hopefully even more] I paused, [Start moving out right away. And Ill also fly towards you]

[We need one hour or two to bring all the great things they did here Just wait, I bet youll get your mind blown when seeing what these kids invented]

[Really? Dont make me come to you right away, hahaha!]

[Dont spoil it! They need time to gather everything up and ready themselves to meet their legendary lord]

[Their what?]

[Oh, you dont know about that You got a fame here, a legendary reputation actually]

[For real? Why? I have never met most of them before!]

[You didnt, but their parents and grandparents made sure to tell legendary stories about you. In their eyes, you are the mighty person who freed all of their relatives from tyranny and enslavement, gave them a chance for such new and prosperous life]

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