I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 983: 983 Unexpected Early Confrontatio

[This Well, I kind of did something like that to them. But you know I did it all for my own interest, right?]

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[Reasons differ from you to them, and in the end facts are all that matter. You are a legendary figure, a mighty lord that even those who are in the second generation desperately want to meet and speak with you. To them, this is the greatest honour theyll get in their entire lives!]

[I Dont know what to say, hahahaha!] Indeed I saved their parents and grandparents lives, and gave them a chance to start over.

But this All this happened without me doing anything about it actually. This world did everything, coupled with such a strike of luck when I missed this place out of my calculations and plans.

I didnt know how to deal with such praise and fame when I missed out on something. Shouldnt I get punished for missing such a little piece out of my plans for all this time? Why was I getting rewarded though?

But in the end, no one would say no to any praise or reward, even if they came at the cost of his mistakes and errors.

[You dont need to say anything, just be prepared to lots of shocking gazes and a sea of admirers]

[I wont get used to this, hahahaha!]

[Arrogant lord, hahahaha!]

I closed the chat with a big smile on my face.

Well Things started out in such a bad way at first, but gradually I started to get one good news after another.

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Yet this all didnt let me misjudge my current situation. I still needed to see these Hescos before deciding if any of this would matter at the end or not.

As Angelica left to do the task she got sudden interest in, and Lily had yet to bring her boys over here, I finally got time to think about the last black spot in all this.

[I want Hescos to be delivered in two hours, so get ready] I sent this to Silverlining, while evading opening anything related to what they did.

If I had to speak, then Id speak with one of the true powerhouses, one of the sovereigns, not just a middle man.

But before Id do that, I had to secure my biggest and most precious trophy. Who knew what that talk would end up at, a fight or what.

[Sure. Let me speak with the sovereigns and let them ready them for you]

[You didnt get them yet?]

[Well Something as precious as this cant be entrusted to me. Im not even the one to send these to you]

[Then Whom?]

[Thats what Im going to know exactly. Give me few minutes, Ill return back with the name of that sovereign]

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I recalled how he helped me by preparing this gift for me. To be fair, I never thought about having Hescos under my wing.

He thought about such a thing that didnt cross my mind. It was thanks to him that Id get these Hescos, and that was something that helped me forget about his past slip.

Of course he did wrong, but he also helped me in many ways before. As for that thing related to keeping all these secrets about Hescos off me wasnt his fault for sure.

Such info wasnt known to Lily, making me doubt they were even known for Silverlining.

Even if he knew, hed just get to know a few, not many. And if he kept silent about this, then it was all thanks to the big names in his race.

They must have spread an order to not speak about this with me.

He didnt lie, and in a few minutes I got a message from none but that crazy sovereign.

[I got what you need But we need to talk about something first]

[About what?] I was keeping my vigilance and utmost care to not speak with him about anything of what I was feeling.

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I had to wait for my Hescos to arrive before exploding with everything swelling inside my heart onto their faces.

[About Hescos There is something that you need to know before getting them]

Damn! Dont tell me Was he going to open this topic right now?!!! No way!!! He shouldnt have known anything about what I knew, right?


[Well I know that you got many things about Hescos from us, but to be fair and honest, we kept an information seal from you]

sh*t! He was going to speak about this matter I kept trying to not speak or say anything, yet when he said his next line, I failed to control my anger.

[We did this all for your sake]

[Screw you! You didnt tell me such a valuable piece of information that will make all the difference in the fight with them for my sake? Are you bullshitting me or what?!!]

[Oh Dont tell me]

If I spoke already, then there was no point in holding myself back anymore!

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[I know I know everything! I know how you kept covering up such a crucial piece of information away from me Not telling me that Hescos suits are invincible against any of my forces, invincible against any kind of attack except for cultivation based ones! Thanks for being too honest with me!!]

[Sigh! You got it all wrong! I dont know who told you about it, but I hope he did it late and not too soon]

[Indeed! Thats for your grand scheme to work, right? What did I do wrong with you to get such kind of treatment? Huh? I even hustled before about any of our deals!]

[You Can you shut the hell up and listen first before issuing judges like this?]

[Sure You got all the time you need. And believe me, trying to bullshit me isnt going to work! I know it all man! Know it all!]

[Sigh! Fine! Ill hear your opinion after Id say my words, alright?]


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