I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 985: 985 Getting Everything Sorted Out

[Kiddo, let me tell you this Facing Hescos isnt a simple matter or joke! We even anticipated them to aim for the scorching ground once theyd know about your presence and threat. So we didnt just grant you access to ten worlds like you asked before, but got you access to all the worlds taking part in the apocalypse! Why do you think we did that in your opinion? Come on genius, give me that rude speech again and Ill come personally and teach you a f*cking lesson!!]

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[Ahem I have to admit I was wrong]

[Indeed you are! We didnt just get you and throw you to wolves without properly arming you with everything that would help! You have to just know the entire story, hearing all sides before judging like this!]

[Sorry, it was my fault] well I had to admit I was in the wrong here. When I recalled all the harsh and rude words I sent over to him, I felt regretful.

I was a bit rash when I got to know all these secrets about Hescos. I jumped into conclusions without asking them about their reasons.

And unlike what I thought, they did care! And they tried to help me succeed, not what I just misunderstood before.

[Learn your lessons, kiddo. The universe isnt a nice place to live in! And as you grow stronger, youll face many of these twisted and complicated situations. And you are riding a rocket on your journey to the top! So learn and dont commit such mistakes again. Luckily I got to understand your reasons, or else if another one, any impatient dude over there got to hear what you just said, then youd be in deep trouble]

[Thanks, Ill learn from my mistakes for sure] I got to get over his storm of rage. He got all the right to be mad, and hopefully this wouldnt snowball into something I wouldnt control.

[Fine! As you got to know everything, I have to say you have a harsh foe to deal with. Dont lean towards security, never get satisfied with whatever you got. No matter how you think you are ready, your enemy will always surprise you]

[I got it. Im doing everything in my power to prepare for them]

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[Dont waste time then start training. It wont help if your forces are numerous and mighty. If their king is weak and gets himself into a desperate situation, all of this will crumble down!]

[Im not weak! And Im not slacking!]

[Good to hear. Then let me tell you one final piece That mistake that made the Hescos know about your existence was our faults indeed, but we pushed it forward and started to spread false rumours about you]


[We emphasised over the fact that you came from the human race, a race that didnt have any known potential at cultivation. We also spread news that you have a crazy thing towards getting humans from all sources, only humans and nothing else]


[We are trying to make the enemy fall deeper in this trap. If they got that you only have humans and they got no cultivation bases, then it would be only logic for them to keep coming at you without getting prepared enough]

[I see] I said while realising that they cared even about such a small thing.

[Its not that big, so dont depend on it too much. It might just help you at first, but your enemy They are meticulous and pretty damn focused about details. So, even if we managed to fool them, once your forces finished fighting them for couple of battles, theyll get to know what trap they fell in]

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[I see So this will only work at first, right?]

[Only at the beginning, then expect things to go worse from there on]

[Hmm Let me think about this then]

[What do you have in your little dirty mind? Come on, I told you everything, so you shouldnt keep anything off me]

[Im just having a thought A mere thought]

[Spill it out then! Dont leave me hanged like this]

[I dont have anything for real, but Im thinking What, and Im just saying what if, I managed to find another way to harm them. Wont it help?]

[Another way? Do you think we didnt try such things before? We did, and we failed!]

[Im saying what if I succeeded, then I can just open the fight using these weapons without the need to use any cultivation based forces, right?]

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[Of course if such crazy scenarios succeed, then you can do it. But Im telling you it wont!]

[Well Lets pray it will]

[If it did, then you have to share such things with us]

[Hahahaha, of course, of course Ill share these with my allies. But it will come at a huge price]

[Dont dream about getting your bones back]

[Im not! Im thinking about knowing at last what was special about my bones]


[Hahahaha! This will be the price, or part of what Ill ask for. So get ready]

[First you have to make it happen]

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[I will] I thought about old Gan and his passion towards knowing the secrets about Hescos suits.

If he was half the man I took him for, then hed be able to make such a groundbreaking discovery.

And the main problem about mass producing such things would be solved in a few hours.

We lacked lots of great minds to work on such things, but that was over. Right now Lily was coming towards me with tens of thousands of such great minds.

And that wasnt all! If my calculations were right, then in the remaining five months from the fifth quest, I could buy them enough time to have one more generation born and raised enough to help them in their work.

Great! Things turned out to be so great! Everything that looked like a mess at the start ended up to be like this.

Well Everything I got against the Toranks got solved in such an unexpected way. They did their part, in secret and kept me in the dark, yes, but they still did their part.

[Good spirit and foolish hopes of kids Anyway, when do you want your Hescos to be delivered? And where?]

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