I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 986: 986 Meeting Genius Minds

[Send them to my location when I tell you Silverlining will send them?]

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[No, Ill do it. Such an important task cant be left to such talkative and rash dudes. Ill get an item to locate your place and send them over. Or, do you want me to come and deliver them to you?]

[No thanks] my world here must remain hidden, [just be prepared. Ill ask for them in five hours at most]

[I got them, once you are ready just hit me with a message]


I closed the chat with him and waited for a few hours before Lily appeared with a large group of people.

[We are here!] she didnt need to send me this message. The number of people coming from far with her chariot on top was eye-catching.

[Come here then, we have to start organising things]

I waited for a few minutes before she arrived at my site. She drove her chariot faster than before, leaving everyone behind.

Wont you say hi to them? They are dying to get to know you!

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Tsk, lets say hi then, I acted as if I wasnt waiting for them to arrive and say hi, but before this I want to see their creations.

Their toys? Hahaha! Youll love these Especially with things related to cultivation and stuff.

Oh, they have weapons working on spiritual power? Thats interesting! my eyes shone and I couldnt control my excitement when I heard that.

They got weapons working on spiritual powers! That meant we could use weapons and show much might of our forces.

Well I only heard explanations and nothing else, she shrugged, lets just test them first and see if they are as if they claim.

Alright Lets say hi then I took out my horn, and thought about speaking with the ones down below, Hi, I Hye, your lord. I hope you have many surprises for me.

Damn! Cant you just get to know them first? Saying hi and asking for what they did is kind of rude! from the side, I could see her rolling her eyes and sighing.

What was wrong in what I said?

Lord! Lord! Lord!

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And just as she said it, an earth shattering cheer came from down below that made me laugh uncontrollably.

See? They love me, hahahaha! I pointed at them while Lily showed a gloomy fake look on her face.

Lord, lord, can you check out what I made?

Lord, here, over here I got this cool new weapon that can launch pulse waves towards a far away enemy!]

Lord, I made an interesting ammo that can turn any energy from the user into a deadly grenade!

More and more shouts came, making me feel at loss. They all said cool stuff that sounded like music in my ears. But These were all just allegations from their side.

I had to test and see by my own eyes how these things work.

Calm down Calm down I kept holding my horn as I spoke over to all of them, Ill take you now to a secluded continent where many like you live and work. You can show your weapons over to me out there, get a chance to explain everything. If I like any of your creations, Ill give you authority to mass produce them. After all, a great war is looming ahead of us and I need all of the help you can provide.

Of course I wasnt lying or bluffing. What was needed to make out weapons? Great minds and practical ideas were the main problem indeed.

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After that, it was all down to a large number of workers, blacksmiths, and even alchemists. Not to mention tons of resources that I could provide with a snap of my fingers.

Are you sure about that? Before leaving for the research continent, I asked Lily to go around and recruit workers. I wasnt that sure of what they said, but I got confidence that Id find many gems in them.

Just add this recruitment for anyone who wants to help We need workers, people who can craft things. We also need tons of wood. And as you can see, we live in a world filled with these.

What about other materials?

Ores will be supplied from here, I turned my eyes to the horizon, as if seeing through the vague end of my eyesight, seeing directly that grand mine continent, as for other things, Ill buy them over.

Ok I wanted to see these weapons work! Sigh!

Well Ill leave this portal open for you. Just deliver the news around and come, I laughed. She wasnt less excited than me about this.

Follow me! as I dropped her off, I led my chariot over to the other continent using my staff portal.

And from behind, tens of thousands followed.

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They werent all related to the weapon industry, but many were. As Lily said, the further generations born and raised here got special talents, and many of them walked the path of weapon manufacturing.

Out of these tens of thousands, I asked for those who invented weapons to get on one side. At the same time, I sent a message for old Gan to come to me.

I was at the place where I last met him. But he wasnt anywhere to be seen for almost an hour. During which, the group down below got divided into two parts, one smaller than the other.

The small one was in the hundreds. Of course this might seem few, but these were the ones who got new things invented.

That didnt mean the others werent useful in making weapons. Blacksmiths were a key player in such industry. And so I asked for those to come and gather up in one different direction.

A third group was formed, almost made of twenty thousand. The remaining folks were those who knew alchemy only, or the ones who selected alchemy over blacksmithing.

These were almost thirty thousand in number, making me smile. I needed alchemists to make my potions.

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