I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 994: 994 Taking Them In A Tour

Then what do you need? I felt a little puzzled. I used fame, power, and proof of my ability to gain their trust. Yet nothing of this managed to change their thoughts.

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Prove it

Prove What exactly?

Prove that you got what it takes to face my people and win!

Oh Thats going to be easy then, after a few seconds of silence, I broke out in laughter, will the bunch of you be enough or shall we take all of you out on a wide tour in my world?

You seem quite confident! that Oglak laughed, then the few of us here will do. What will you show us? Your human armies? Or more of these warriors?

You are curious Thats good as a start, I laughed before taking out my staff and thought for a long moment. I got many places here to demonstrate my power.

Fearing they might leak out my secrets? It was easy.

First You are forbidden from speaking with anyone outside me and my trusted generals and leaders, or else youll die. This is an order, got it?

I gave it as an order to ensure not a single word would leak outside. And I also said this using my horn, speaking to all of them and not just a single group.

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You dont need to do that, we got an honour to protect.

You should care more about your lives, I said while sizing up and down this Oglak.

He Was indeed an old sly fox. Expecting me to believe and trust the words of traitors? Not a chance!

After settling this matter, I started to think about the first place Id take them towards.

I got my two training grounds, the densely packed cities and towns in between the mountain paths and beyond. I got that marvellous piece of heaven, that nasty almost empty pocket world, and the continent of research department.

I got my little Qi playing with other monsters, making them evolve. I also got the continent for the residence of the ten old races of the other universe, plus the place where my ten ancient race folks stay.

There were too many to show, too many dazzling surprises that would shock them.

If they wouldnt get satisfied by any, theyd get shocked to see the extinct old ten fierce races of our universe living in front of their eyes.

Yes I came from the weak and powerless human race, yes I was dealing with the fiercest race in my universe, but that didnt mean I was without confidence in convincing them.

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Lets go, and at first I decided to go and take them on a grand tour at the first training ground.

A portal appeared and I let them all pass through before following. I left instructions for Lucas to lead things here.

If anyone has a funny thought, they have the order to fire without showing mercy. As for my own safety, I got my chariot and fallen gods Not to mention I got the power of the system on my side.

If any of them tried anything, Id smash his life without having second thoughts.


What the heck is this? Is this part of the apocalypse?

All these monsters And those Arent these armies of different races?

Look, they expand to the other side as well!

Once I passed through the portal, I found all of them flying high in the air, dispersing over a limited space while checking the current situation down below.

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And for my good luck, they appeared just when a monster outbreak was going on.

This is part of my forces, I said, moving my glaive to north and south, this training ground extends for hundreds of miles in both directions, and its also the same on the other side. In between mountains, youll find cities and towns with lots of races living inside.

This is impressive, Oglak said but from his tone I got that this didnt really impress him, but this isnt good enough.

Its just the beginning, I grinned, do you want to see more of this place or shall we move to the other site?

Lets move, I felt like I was acting as their local tour guide or something. I opened a portal, and this time it led directly towards where the ten ancient races lived.

They werent living far off, just in the depths of the second continent opposite to where we appeared first. When we arrived, the place here looked quite different than when I left.

Tons of towns and cities extended towards the horizon. I could see lots of different races interacting with each other. After all, they lived together for thousands of years before. They werent like the races I recently bought over alongside my humans.

And when we appeared there, the first impression I got was utter and heavy silence.

Whats the meaning of this? one of the red suited Hescos near Oglak spoke in a deep tone, do you think illusions can work on us?

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Illusions? Sorry, I didnt get what you mean, of course I did, but it was better to fake ignorance.

This All this is an illusion! And done on such a pathetic level of skill as well! that dude pointed towards the direction of the ground, pointing at all the races down there.

These races went extinct! Only a few remained and they are considered just poor and cursed warriors! another spoke, and at this point I couldnt hold my laughs back.

Go, go down there and speak with them. See if they are real or Fake! Hahahahaha!

Hearing their comments made me regret not being able to see their faces. They should be all shocked, and it would be a sight to see!

Go, what are you standing here for? Just go down there and speak with them, I waved my hand at them while holding my horn, here is your lord. Im going to send a few of my new forces to speak and get to ask you a few questions. Feel free to answer if you are asked nicely. If you feel insulted, dont hesitate to kill.

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