I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 995: 995 Getting Them Shocked

I said these words while gazing up at the nine eyes on that plain looking head of Oglaks suit.

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He was their leader, and this was a simple warning for them to behave quite nicely or else My people down below would tear them to shreds.

And these werent just normal races! They were the mightiest ten races who vanished a long time ago from our universe. And they were in such great numbers to scare even those arrogant Hescos.

You heard him, lets go and check if this is an illusion or not! the one who spoke first shouted and Oglak couldnt help but nod.

Yet he didnt leave.

Arent you going to check things out? I raised one eyebrow while asking.

They are more than enough, yet he refused to move an inch.

Arent you worried my illusion skill is very mighty to trick them? I said and when I heard my words, I couldnt help but laugh.

It was a real joke indeed.

The way you say it, and such look on your face makes me want to recall them back before anyone does anything stupid and regrets on it later.

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Hahahaha! No, let them have their fun. After all this is all for your sake to get convinced, I laughed, before my face turned all vicious and serious, but the moment this little play is over, youll all pay with blood and sweat for all this.

Well see about that, this jerk didnt admit he was already cornered. If seeing vast armies of mine wasnt enough, then seeing these ancient races was enough indeed.

But I knew he wouldnt give his full approval before seeing everything. And hey, my magician hat still had many tricks inside.

I turned my attention towards those who went down there. I saw them do weird stuff, even many tried to touch my people down below, before freezing in place out of their shock.

Of course they went down there while holding the thought of the ridiculous illusion thing in their minds.

So when they figured out that all this wasnt fake and was real, they couldnt help but get shocked beyond their imagination.

I watched all this in content and satisfaction. The only regret I got was that their faces were all covered, making me wonder how they looked right now.

I still couldnt get how they looked. Once this little play was over, theyd all get to show me their bodies.

I was curious about what I heard about them. They were weak, all weak and powerless like my human race. But in the end they got to get extra help and gain such formidable power and terrifying fame all over the universe.

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Putting aside the source of their strength, they still did remarkably great by taking up such chances.

They were organised, very well organised. And that might be the real reason behind their current status.

One day My human race would reach such a stage one day.

It seems you werent lying, Oglak waited for almost an hour before all of his people gathered around. They spoke with each other in a low voice, and a weird tongue that I didnt recognise.

And? I was leaning over my glaive, watching him over in such interest and confidence.

Thats Indeed something thats quite remarkable

Dont tell me its not enough, I rolled my eyes and didnt give him any room to say anything as I hurriedly added, I wont listen to your words for now. Lets continue, there are lots of things you need to see before Ill hear your final decision.

All I got back was deep silence. It seemed they thought after showing such a big thing, Id ask for their approval to follow me.

But who said this was everything I got to show? Lets go, I opened another portal, and this one led to the research department.

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From the side, old Gan was all silent. He was watching in vigilance such little play and praying inside for sure for my win.

Go, bring those who invented cool wide range stuff to come and show the might of their weapons again.

Of course I was going to ask for a brutal shocking show this time. During the next few hours, many came and showed the might of their weapons.

One massive and deadly explosion after another rumbled and shocked the world. I took them towards the direction of the ocean and let them see with their own eyes the devastation caused by my genius minds inventions.

What do you think? I laughed, before raising a hand to prevent anyone from saying anything, lets go There are few other interesting places for us to explore and have fun at. Lets go

I opened a portal and this time I led them towards the location where the ancient ten races of the hostile universe were.


They arent from our universe!

Damn! I have never seen such races before!

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Before anyone would jump and shout like an idiot that all this is an illusion, go down there and check things by yourselves, I said while laughing.

This was an intended insult, one that was backed with everything I showed them so far.

As I did with the ten races of my universe, I also held my horn and asked these folks to cooperate and kill if they felt the need to.

This time Oglak sent only a few of his one thousand people. A small group of twenty went down there, and they didnt stay too much before returning in less than ten minutes.

This Who the heck are you?!!! and when they came and explained to Oglak and others in a whispering voice what they learnt about down below, Oglak couldnt prevent himself from asking in such shock.

Im a weak human, right? Hahahaha! it was fun, really fun and amusing to get looked down upon when you were such a mighty and formidable figure.

Tsk! If only for their plain masks covering up their faces, Id have more fun enjoying the look over their faces right now.

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