Translator: Drop of Light

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Proofreader: Drop of Light

Now here ya go~~

Yurina was drinking her lemon tea as she listened to the conversation between Marquis Karthia and Dave.

“There are two methods to get admitted to the academy: First, you have to take the exam, and the second is to get recommendations from famous people and pass the screening process. In this case, you must know that there’s an interview to confirm his talent before entering the school.”  

The entrance ceremony to the Royal Academy of Crohn is held every spring. Yurina and Dave were planning to let Raynard enter next spring.

Marquis Carthia listened to Dave’s words. With a serious expression, he rubbed his chin and asked for a drink.

As Marquis Carthia was seriously listening to Dave, he rubbed his chin in thought and asked,

“Which would be easier?”

In fact, the admission is so difficult it’s not easy either way, but usually the former will certainly pass. The recommendation part has very low objectivity and the pride of the academy cannot be jeopardized.

The Marquis held his head even though he already knew about this.

“I heard that there was someone who entered the Royal Academy of Crohn by recommendation during the time you entered too and had no more talent than those who took the exam.”

“Yes, I heard about it during my school years. Maybe it’s been more difficult since then.”

“From what you can tell, does Raynard have a slim chance of passing the test?”

“He does, although the preparation period is indeed short. From now on, I’ll be his magic instructor and with his gift, he can catch up to the other students. However, he isn’t only taking a magic course, is he? Half a year is too short to prepare for the other subjects.”

“If so, won’t it be a bit difficult for him to enter next spring?”

Marquis furrowed his brows with concern.

Just as what Dave had said, even with the normal way of admission, it would be too difficult to prepare Raynard in just one and a half years instead of the usual 6 months.

Even though the Department of Magic was famous, the Royal Academy of Crohn was a public academy that represented the kingdom.

The Department of Magic might be renowned, still, the Royal Academy of Crohn is a public academy that represents the kingdom.

Although each department considers grades to be the most important, various subjects such as history, politics, and economics are included in the examination scope.

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That’s to be expected of a magic exam.

For Raynard who has yet to fully understand the theory of magic, to learn about it in just approximately half a year was close to impossible. Then, there could only be one way.

Yurina smiled as she held her half-empty teacup in her hands.

“There is no need to worry, Father. Raynard will be able to enter the school with just enough recommendations.”

As long as he can get a recommendation and be accepted for an interview, that would be enough.

No, he will definitely be able to pass without fail. That’s because, in contrast to the test that requires general knowledge, only magic potential will be evaluated.

However, there’s still an obstacle that needs to be overcome before the documents can be submitted.

“We are aware that Raynard indeed has enough aptitude in magic for Dave to want to take him in as a disciple. However Yurina, aren’t the chances too slim to pass by recommendation alone?”

“Mhm, Mhm,” Dave nodded to his reasonable question.

“Marquis, it’s a little bit embarrassing for me to say this, but I am rather influential when it comes to the field of magic and a simple mention of my name being his instructor, they will surely acknowledge him.” Dave continued.

‘Pardon me’ he added and contrary to his words, Dave wore a confident smile.

That’s just like Ray.

Yurina thought perhaps the both of them might be well-placed as a magician.

“If word gets out that the House of Carthia is supporting a common man, then it won’t be long for rumors to spread among the commoners that even people like them have the capability.”

There was nothing to worry about. In fact, she is confident that Raynard will be able to enter the academy next spring.

There was absolutely nothing to worry about. Truth is, Yurina was so confident that Raynard would be able to enter the academy next spring without any inconvenience.

Charrion got admitted.

To be honest, she couldn’t remember just how ‘Charrion’ got admitted to the school.

But no matter how gifted he was, ‘Charrion’ could not have passed the test in just a few months without receiving any education.

So how in the world did he get over the high wall of the Royal Academy of Crohn?

It’s because of the mage, De Flon.

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He was a pretty mediocre mage. He probably wrote a recommendation letter and saw to it that Charrion would enter the academy.

They would’ve invited him for an interview because of his involvement, but they would’ve to recognize his talent at a glance and grant him admission.

Although, it is a bit concerning that this time the letter of recommendation would be written by Dave instead of De Flon…

Still, she wasn’t as worried since Dave, who offered to write the recommendation letter, was far more brilliant as a mage than De Flon. Not to mention that he is an alumnus of the Royal Academy of Crohn.

Additionally, he was backed up by the Carthia family who are just as influential as De Flon.

These alone convinced Yurina that she would be able to watch Raynard’s talent flourish in the academy.

Dave, while looking at Yurina’s confident expression, made a far more imposing face than hers.

Dave had a far more imposing face than Yurina’s confident look.

“You don’t really have to worry too much. I’ve already requested certain people that are capable enough to write a letter of recommendation for him. After explaining to them thoroughly, they all offered to write letters of recommendation themselves.”

“Really? It must’ve been quite a hassle. When did you request for it?”

Dave laughed and patted Yurina on the head and she was genuinely surprised at his sudden gesture.

“Of course, I did it as soon as I can, since the Young Lady wants Mr. Raynard to enter the academy so much. And I, also, want Mr. Raynard to get admitted next spring.”

“That’s a little surprising. I thought Dave wanted to teach Raynard as much as possible and delay his admission to the academy.”

Yurina was prepared to insist on Raynard entering next spring no matter what Dave would have said. The basic study period for the academy was seven years.

As of today, there had been no person who had finished the academy earlier than the graduation date.

‘Charrion’ also spent seven years before coming back in spring, the time of Yurina and Lydia’s coming-of-age.

The reason why Yurina was so obsessed with that year was because it was when the novel begins.

During that spring, two women would have their debuts at the same time and they would begin to be regarded as candidates for the position as Crown Princess.

Of course, I’ll declare that I have no intention of being a Crown Princess. However, things will not go that way easily.

If Yurina doesn’t want to, she was sure that Marquis Carthia, who cares so much about her, will keep her as much as he can.

And the relationship between political interest will end quick.

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The noble faction supporting Marquis Carthia repeatedly tried to make Yurina the Crown Princess, and that alone gave Marquis De Flon enough reason to keep an eye on Yurina of the Carthia family.

“Of course, I’d like to teach Mr. Raynard a little longer, but if he’s going to enter the academy, it would be better for Mr. Raynard to get in as soon as possible. A child should have entered the academy as a student by the age of 12 and he is already behind.”

“He will be thirteen soon.”

“Is that so?”

“Ray will be thirteen years old this spring. He said his birthday was coming up soon.”

“If so, then we should work and prepare harder.”

Yurina lifted her head as he watched Dave enthusiastically pumping both his fist. Yurina stood up from her seat not soon after.

“Is it alright if I take my leave first since the conversation seems to be over? I was picking out Ray’s clothes, but I excused myself for a while.”


Yurina bowed towards her father and Dave. And as soon as she left the office, a pale looking maid hurriedly approached her.

“Young Lady, there’s trouble! I think you should see it quickly!”

Yurina and the maid later saw that the corridor in front of the dining room was cluttered when they arrived.

Yurina and the maid quickly left and as they were slowly, the cluttered corridor in front of the drawing room came into view.

When they arrived, the usual well-mannered servants of the Carthia’s were nowhere to be seen. The servants were restless and agitated. One of them was holding onto the doorknob. Moreover, Mrs. Lauren and Robert where nowhere to be found.

Yurina furrowed her brows as she looked at the tense situation.

“What in the world is going on here? Where’s Raynard?”

The maid in charge of Raynard hurriedly bowed in front of her.

“Raynard is inside.”

“Then why are you guys out here?”


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She wasn’t reprimanding them but genuinely asking a question.

However, the servants were uneasily looking at each other and no one answered.

Looks like Raynard chased them out.

It seemed like Raynard, who was extremely cautious to strangers, sent them all out as soon as Yurina left. This was nothing new to her since it has happened a few times before.

Yurina could imagine the scene where Raynard would have this agitated look on his face like a cat with their nails out and hissing towards the servants.

“Young Lady, you can’t go in!”


Yurina was about to turn the doorknob but halted as she heard the maid’s voice who was now reluctant to continue with her words. And instead of urging the maid to speak, she opened the door.

At that moment, Raynard raised his voice more than he had ever done before and it echoed through the hallways.

“Don’t come in! Get out! Get out of here!”

Something crashed and hit the door with a shattering noise. A small sharp shard brushed against Yurina’s cheek as she stood before the door.

The broken pieces of the vase fell with a crashing noise and rocked on the hallway.

“Young Lady!”

The maid who followed behind Yurina hastily closed the door and examined her wound.

The maid wiped off the blood on her cheek with her sleeve. Yurina then slowly glanced around. And every time they were caught in her gaze, they would tremble with their heads bowed.

“What in the world happened here?”

Even if Raynard didn’t have any manners and used crude harsh words, he had never used physical violence against others before.

Rather, his harsh words were more like a defense mechanism to survive alone in this cruel world. Like an angry puffer fish who puffs up and stops a thousand enemies from approaching.

When he said he didn’t like Mrs. Lauren, all he did was glare and stepped back to a corner.

Yurina hadn’t known Raynard as long, but somehow, she was certain of it.

“Betsy, tell me exactly what happened. Everything.”

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