Betsy is Yurina’s maid who is also in charge of tending to Raynard. She took a deep breath and began to recount what had transpired after Yurina left the drawing room.

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“After the young lady left, Raynard became wary of us and Mrs. Lauren. Even though there was absolutely nothing to worry about. Mrs. Lauren picked out a color that would match his skin and even commented that the designs that were trendy.”

It seems that everything was normal until then. The problem happened right after that.

“Then while Mrs. Lauren was looking through the hat designs for his outfit…”

“Why are you stopping? What did Mrs. Lauren say?”

Betsy waved her hand as if she had made a mistake.

“She said that Raynard’s eyes looked ominous and that he’d better hide them if he were to go outside.”

At that moment, Yurina thought that she must’ve heard Betsy wrong, so she sharply asked again, “What?”

Betsy clasped her skirt tightly after hearing the reprimanding voice, “I’ve given Robert explicit orders that if anyone were to mention Raynard’s eyes in that regard, they would be severely punished.”

She didn’t expect this to happen. In Yurina’s perspective, Raynard’s eyes felt like they were her hope but it seems that others don’t think the same. Just as people feel vague fear when encountering something unfamiliar, when faced with red eyes for the first time in their lives, it would definitely make them afraid. It’s for this reason that they think that red eyes are cursed in the Empire since they regard red as a sign of a bad omen.

The day Yurina brought Raynard to the mansion, she had ordered Robert in advance to inform all the servants that they must be extremely cautious. Thanks to that, there hasn’t been any trouble so far.

I don’t think Robert would neglect his duties even if Raynard was someone brought in from the outside.

Yurina asked why Robert had left Mrs. Lauren to say those things, but Betsy shook her head in response.

“The butler warned her beforehand. When she said that, he had quickly tried to stop Mrs. Lauren but she refused to listen.”

According to Betsy, Mrs. Lauren continued to point out Raynard’s eyes while ignoring Robert’s warnings. Mrs. Lauren even mentioned that ‘You must always be grateful to the family of Carthia since they decided to sponsor such an ominous child afterall’ and ‘The young lady is really kind.’

At first, Raynard shouted, ‘Shut up’, with a red face to which she responded with, ‘I wouldn’t have made your clothes if it weren’t for the Carthia family.’ He finally lost his temper and ran at her. Robert and the maids immediately pulled them off of each other but Mrs. Lauren already had a scratch on the back of her hand.

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Betsy continued to recount what happened. While Robert was escorting Mrs. Lauren to get checked out by the doctor, she stubbornly stated that she was only saying it on behalf of the Carthia family. Even though it’s only been a couple of days since Raynard arrived, he had already called Mrs. Lauren a ‘wicked fox’ and told her to shut her up.

“After that, Raynard was in a fit of rage and kicked everyone out into the hall.”

Betsy didn’t know what was going on inside, so she knew she had to go in and check. But every time she tried to open the door, he would scream and throw stuff at her which made her unable to enter.

After understanding the situation, Yurina felt like she was personally insulted and tightly clenched her fists. She trembled in anger and she can feel her blood rising to her head. If Mrs. Lauren had done that in front of her, Yurina would’ve slapped her ugly face instantly.

Did she think that by doing that, she would make a good impression on me?

They despised those who were weaker than them while they bow down so easily and wag their tails like dogs in front of the strong. Mrs. Lauren’s obvious intentions disgusted her. When Yurina heard of the situation, her heart felt both miserable and angry. How much worse did Raynard feel as one who had heard such malicious words directly?

She felt so ashamed that she didn’t have the confidence to look him in the eye. Yurina breathed a few times to keep her emotions in check and then shook her head.

“As soon as Mrs. Lauren’s treatment is over, bring her to me.”

She reached for the doorknob again. The maid tried to stop her in fright but Yurina ignored her and knocked on the door.

“Ray, it’s me. I’m coming in, ” Yurina declared with a louder voice and opened the door. 

She wasn’t sure whether she should expect a voice or a cry not to come at this time. Yurina signaled her hands towards the maid who attempted to go in as well and shut the door behind her.

The living room is currently a disaster. The burgundy carpet was soaking wet with broken pieces of vases and withered petals on top of that. She briefly glanced at the mess on the floor then slowly approached Raynard who was sitting on the couch.

Raynard had his arms wrapped around his knees and buried his face in it. He curled up even more. He was already small to begin with, and now he shrank even more.

I’d rather you be angry.

If he shouted a barrage of abuse at Yurina like usual, ‘She insulted me!’ she would have accepted his anger and would say ‘I’ll make sure she pays the price for insulting you.’

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‘I asked you not to leave me alone,’ If he had blamed Yurina, she would’ve apologized to him.

But seeing him shivering like this, she couldn’t find the right words to say.


Yurina decided to say something after thinking it through, then approached him and took the seat next to him. Raynard buried his head further but he didn’t shout for her to get out.

“I’m sorry I’m late.”


“I’ll make Mrs. Lauren pay a great price for insulting you. So Ray……”

With both of her hands, she carefully lifted his head and the sight shocked her.

“Why did you do this?”

Raynard’s eyes had several wounds around it which he obviously scratched with his fingernails. On top of his clear eyelids, his temples, and even his cheekbones were covered with scabs and red swellings. Looking at the swollen red wounds that stood out from his white skin, Yurina frowned.

“Don’t look.” (Ray)

Raynard covered his eyes with one hand and pushed Yurina with the other.

“Don’t look. I don’t like it.”

Hearing his trembling voice, she felt like she swallowed hot stones. She could feel her throat burning up and tightening and hugged Raynard’s body on impulse. If you look at him objectively, he is similar to her physically, but right now, his body felt smaller her arms.

Yurina hugged his trembling body a little tighter and stroked his back gently. Raynard stammered and put his arms around her neck. His crying voice came to her ears vividly.

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“You— You lied to me. Saying that these eyes are a blessing from the Goddess… That I’m gifted. You’re the only one who thinks so,” he muttered resentfully as he clung desperately to Yurina. 

She had a lot of reasons for why she said he was blessed by the Goddess. Those red eyes are the very symbol, and Dave was able to prove to him that he was indeed gifted. So she was able to say those things confidently. Every single word she said was true.

However, even if those words were true, what good does it do? Just like he said, Yurina is the only one who believes in it. It’s her fault since she thought it was okay to tell him the truth because it would be revealed one day in the end. 

No matter how hard the servants stopped the bad remarks from reaching Raynard’s ears, there was no way they could change the person’s mind. Even if you wrapped bandages around a wound to hide it, it won’t heal. Someday it would just bleed itself out.

For Raynard, his red eyes were such a scarred wound. Something like this would’ve happened sooner or later.


In the end, that was all she could say. An apology.

Yurina continued to hold Raynard’s trembling body.

“I told you that I didn’t like that woman. I told you she looked at me weird.”

“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.”

“That’s why I……. I told you not to go.”

Yurina could feel something wet form on her shoulders and she shut her eyes tightly to hold back her own tears.

I didn’t think it would be this painful for you.

She already knew that he had a rough life. That’s what it is like to be different from others. How could he have lived a comfortable life when he grew up with such criticisms even though he hadn’t done anything. It all happened simply because he possessed red eyes.

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Not only that, he also had no one to protect his heart and body from the harsh waves of the world. He was in such despair that had reached out to hold Yurina’s hand for the first time, thinking she is the only one there for him. She had thought that she just needed to get him on her side and win his heart, she hadn’t felt any compassion for him back then because she was busy trying to get used to this strange place, she had neither the time nor the heart to spare for someone else.

Perhaps Raynard wouldn’t have gotten this hurt as much if she had done more for him. However, when she saw him sobbing like a child of their age, she realized it was too late. She must take a little more care of him.

In this world, at least, since she’s here.

“Sorry.” (Yurina)

Eventually, she slid her face buried it in his neck and shuddered as she cried.

“I’m really sorry, Ray.”

People might laugh at her for being a hypocrite, they might dismiss it as being the same as pity. In fact, Yurina might not even have the right to criticize Mrs. Lauren. It was purely for her own self gain that she brought Raynard here. She only treated him well because she wanted to gain his favor so he that could protect her in the future.

If they’re talking about being pure, she could say that Marquis De Flon, in the original novel, had a purer heart since he decided to recognize Raynard’s talent and sponsor for him. Even if he was purchased in the beginning, even if it had not been out of goodwill but a deal, the Marquis’ intentions were sincere.

Since she is essentially using Raynard to live, to be upset at Mrs. Lauren for her behaviour would make Yurina a hypocrite.


Even if someone pointed out that she is a hypocrite, she still wants to protect not only his tattered body, but also his wounded heart.

“Ray, ignore that foolish woman. I don’t know where she is but I’m going to make her pay greatly. Come to think of it, I didn’t like any of the designs she had. Next time, I’ll bring someone more capable.”


“And if anyone disrespects you… Right from the beginning, tell them honestly ‘The person who brought me is Yurina Carthia. If you disrespect me, you are disrespecting Yurina. To disregard Yurina is to disregard the family of Carthia. Would you be willing to risk it?’ and also…”

Yurina softly whispered into his ear, “I do believe your eyes are really pretty.”

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