On hearing this provocation, Mr. Lu became a bit restless.

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Just when Lu Mingshi wanted to say something, Gu Yixin said:

“Gambling is only a personal hobby of mine and I have no right to decide to put the fate of my family on the gambling table. Mr. Gambling King, when you decide to throw out your entire wealth as chips, this decision will not only affect your personal properties, but also the future of these people behind you.”

The Gambling King’s gaze crossed An Luoyu’s face without the slightest fluctuation.

The Gambling King’s gaze passed across the face of his subordinate, and it calmed down quickly after some fluctuations.

Whether it was affection or love, it couldn’t match his pursuit of wealth and power.

The Gambling King sneered, “This is the courage that a Gambling King should have. You don’t dare to bet on all of it because you lack self-confidence and ambition!”

Lu Mingshi finally spoke up, “Mr. Gambling King.”

The moment he spoke, his hoarse and sexy voice attracted the attention of all those who were present.

Making his voice hoarse last night was very effective.

The Gambling King turned his gaze towards Lu Mingshi impatiently.


Lu Mingshi held a small crystal-clear key in his hand, and under everyone’s attention, he threw the key to the center of the table from a distance.

The cold and elegant voice of the tall cool girl echoed in the hall:

“There are many such keys in our family. Of course, we have to enjoy ourselves to the fullest when we play around. My husband is just too rational. So he has a lot less fun.”

“But it’s okay.” Lu Mingshi smiled, “I’ll pay for this sole proprietorship, and you can spend it as you like. Honey, can you help me win back some pocket money?”

Then he turned to the Gambling King.

“The account number of this one is xxxxxxx. You can call the Swiss bank to check the VIP level.”

The Gambling King lowered his head and his eyes got locked.

People exclaimed. Someone quickly recognized this key. The VIP level it represented was one level higher than that of the Gambling King!

Gu Yixin was deeply moved, and under the violent emotional impact, the bug energy level skyrocketed upwards.

After the commotion of the crowd,




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The cards were shown.

Gu Yixin’s card faced flush while the Gambling King stared at his own four quads. Critical hit, 1000000000000 points.

An Luoyu was stunned by this ending. His face turned pale. When the rich life fell from the sky, he felt it to be unreal. It turned out that he would eventually wake up from this beautiful dream.

This scene couldn’t be denied.

The referee reluctantly declared Mr. Rothschild’s victory, and put two safe keys and the diamond chip, which symbolized the title of the King of Gamblers, into Gu Yixin’s hands.

When Gu Yixin handed the small transparent key back to Lu Mingshi, he held his hand and was about to confess —

But a sudden change occurred.

The Gambling King waved his hand and he brought a team of SSSS-grade elite mercenaries who fired at the sky with a variety of heavy artillery. In an instant, the crowd wailed like ghosts and howled like wolves for their lives, and an empty area was cleared in the middle of the hall. The sounds of broken glasses crackled.

Gu Yixin pulled Lu Mingshi into his arms with one hand and looked at the Gambling King warily, “You want to renege? So you used this method to be the Gambling King for twenty years.”

Lu Mingshi buried his face in Gu Yixin’s chest and gave a tsk.

“This is how the Gambling King who has been in that position for the longest time ever came to be. I am really ashamed for you.”

The Gambling King laughed, “You two stupid lovebirds should go to hell to understand the principle of being the king and defeating the enemy! This is the international waters — the land of disorder and I am the king as long as I have the force!”

He pointed his finger at Gu Yixin and yelled, “Fire!!!”

Thirty mercenaries started the second round of frenzied strafing. But this time they did not aim at the sky, but at the only two people left alone in the middle of the hall!

Lu Mingshi wanted to lift his head from Gu Yixin’s chest and throw him to the ground. But Gu Yixin was simply not something he could shake.

The two people were soon about to become living targets and the unknown-th numbers of sacrifices on this gambling ship.

Before it was too late, Gu Yixin casually grabbed a handful of poker cards and threw them into the air with a clatter!

The Gambling King was stunned, and then burst out into loud laughter, “Are you going to use pieces of paper to deal with bullets?”

But before the words were finished, those flimsy pieces of paper collided head-on with the piercing bullets that came through the air at high speeds, and then the bullets were ejected back one after another!

Clatter, clatter, clatter. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. Qi Delong, Dongqiang1They are onomatopoeia for “clang” like sounds.!

The weak material of the pieces of paper instantly transformed into the skin structure of the Hulk, and instantly killed 30 mercenaries!

The Gambling King was dumbfounded, and he was so angered that his eyes seemed about to pop out.

Lu Mingshi got out of Gu Yixin’s arms and was also stunned.

“Husband.” Lu Mingshi blinked and asked, “How on earth did this happen?”

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Gu Yixin was a little embarrassed, “Uh, it’s a bit complicated to explain. Probably about five hundred years ago…… Hey, don’t run ah!”

Gu Yixin held the Gambling King by his back collar and tentatively gestured at his throat with a playing card.

“Wife, you said that Mr. Gambling King has really thick skin. Nothing will happen if a small piece of paper is accidentally scratched, right?”

The Gambling King screamed like a pig that was about to be killed, “Don’t ah hero. I will die if you accidentally scratch me. Wouldn’t the hero become a murderer and dirty Mr. Rothschild’s artistic hands!”

Lu Mingshi completely lacked any good opinions toward the Gambling King. But when he saw that he held murderous intent, he planned a thousand ways to send him to jail to be in utter misery.

“Kill him.” Lu Mingshi sneered coolly from the side, “Anyway, when killing people in a disorderly place like the international waters, whoever has force is the king, right?”

The Gambling King, “……”

Gu Yixin bundled up the Gambling King tightly and tied him to a large mahjong table. After that, he retreated further to admire the Gambling King’s horrified expression.

“Take your time to pay back your karma for the rest of your life.”

After saying that, Gu Yixin turned to An Luoyu and the crowd of subordinates who were shivering in a corner, and kindly asked, “Do you need re-employment after docking? I recommend moving bricks. For specific benefits, I can ask my entourage and bodyguards to come out and give an impromptu speech……”

The Gambling King was tied to the mahjong table and lifted to the bow of the boat to face the setting sun. The “Jincancan cruise” slowly returned northward to the point of departure in the afterglow of the setting sun, and docked at the deep-water port.

Mr. Rothschild generously distributed the revenue of this gambling ship to everyone who came to the voyage. He even took the lead in achieving the ** on a local scale, gaining the support and ecstatic dance of the entire people on the ship.

Only Chen Zhiang, who had been rescued after jumping into the sea and was not yet out of danger, did not get the gift. But he didn’t even know why he wanted to break his head.

The evening sun shone bright rays of golden light on the entire deep-water port. Killer B and Killer L sang on the high stage that working people are the most glorious, while the Gambling King was strapped to the mahjong table on the bow of the ship bare-chested and froth forming in his mouth in vain.

He also hoped that after he was penniless, one or two of his eighteen wives would leave behind to take care of him affectionately and support his return to the office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan2(idiom); fig. to make a comeback.

After disembarking, Gu Yixin called out to An Luoyu who was walking around while clutching his cell phone in a daze.

“I know that your father had married many wives. First of all, I condemn him for blatantly violating the law of monogamy, and secondly, I want to ask you to do one thing.”

Gu Yixin gave An Luoyu a card, “I will send you 10 billion after I go back. Please be in charge of reasonable distribution of these properties to your 18 stepmothers, and after it is all done, you will also receive a reasonable reward.”

An Luoyu’s eyes were red, “You. You are really a good person. You won’t make things difficult for me, right?”

Gu Yixin thought of that cup of purple sparkling wine that hadn’t been tested yet, “Uh, this is not necessarily true.” If you really ever considered poisoning me, I’m afraid Mr. Lu won’t let you go in the first place.……

After admiring the naked Gambling King who was still tied to the bow of the ship once again, Gu Yixin wrapped his arms around his wife to his heart’s content and went home to hold his baby.

Gu Yixin who was met with the confused expression of his own driver on pulling open the car door spat out the code word extremely flawlessly. The luxury car drove out of the parking space in the glow of the sun and drove nimbly all the way to the home from where they had been separated for three days.

“The problem is solved.” In the evening, after coaxing the baby to sleep, the two doting parents who were lying on both sides of the cradle with drunken faces communicated with each other.

Lu Mingshi said, “Except for one thing.”

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The next day, Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin found An Qiao with the baby in their arms and the sample of the purple bubble wine they had collected.

However, as soon as they arrived outside An Qiao’s office, the two of them were shocked.

They were surprised to see that the big black whirlwind Hei Che was trying to curl up his big body and was shivering against An Qiao’s arms.

“An An, I’m scared.”

“Don’t be scared, don’t be scared.” An Qiao stroked his hair whorl reassuringly, “We shouldn’t be scared, good boy. I’ll ask the female nurse to make the pain of the injection to be a bit lighter, okay?”

Hei Che trembled even more when he heard the word “injection” and he shook his head like a rattle, “It’s useless An An. The little sisters don’t like me.”

An Qiao patiently said, “But you have to get the injection to get better.”

Hei Che looked at him with teary eyes, and An Qiao’s heart softened.

“Ai.” An Qiao’s face was full of expression which said that he simply can’t do anything with him, but his eyes were indulgent, “I’ll give you the shot.”

Hei Che immediately wagged his tail brightly, “Mm-hmm!”

As a result, Hei Che obediently laid down on his desk and puckered up his ass.

An Qiao held up the syringe, pulled down Hei Che’s pants, and looked at the firm and dark ass.

Suddenly the door that couldn’t bear Gu Yixin’s weight anymore fell toward the ground with a loud bang.

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin immediately grabbed the precarious door frame with their quick eyes and hands.

An Qiao was shocked, and the syringe in his hand that was landing struck Hei Che’s buttocks with an uncontrollable strength.

In an instant, the only thing left in the whole building was the horrific screams of the patient in bed 66, Hei Che, and the aftershocks lingered for three days.

Even Wei Junshan, who had just stepped into the door wearing sunglasses and a mask, heard it. He looked up in amazement, and backed away, wondering if he should change to another hospital.

Hei Che’s painful howl as if he was giving birth to a child shocked Gu Yixin and Lu Mingshi. Although they were already shocked when they saw Hei Che’s dark bare buttocks, there will always be more shocking things happening in this shocking world, such as……

Hei Che who was still making blood-curdling screeches as if he was struggling at the life or death juncture just a moment ago suddenly stopped cackling and whispered while sobbing, “It doesn’t hurt, ying3Onomatoepia for crying.. It really doesn’t hurt, ying ying. It doesn’t hurt at all, ying ying ying. An An, you did it really lightly. You must love me so much!”

Lu Mingshi grasped the baby in his arms in a daze, confirming that he was still in reality.

Gu Yixin said uncertainly, “Young master Hei, he…… Dr. An, he……”

Lu Mingshi shook his hand, “An Qiao blushed. Did you see that? He’s actually blushing! I have known him for so long, and he has never blushed before!”

Gu Yixin carefully reached out to stabilize the cub in the arms of Lu Mingshi whose hands were shaking.

“Young Master Hei blushed. Did you see it? In such a dark red shade, such a dark red shade. Even when he first encountered An Luoyu, he had never been so red!”

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“The two of them……”

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin looked at each other and nodded heavily.

Inside the room, An Qiao finally peeled away the herbal-plaster-Hei4Stuck like this who had been sticking to him for his life and kindly persuaded him to go back to his own ward. He then watched Hei Che’s figure leave step by step and completely disappeared from his sight, before turning to face the Boss who had been absent for days.

“Boss.” An Qiao smiled and said, “Are you here to bring the young master for a check-up this time?”

Lu Mingshi thought to himself: You have a really good service attitude today.

“We brought Jiujin here for a check-up, and are looking for your lab test for this in passing.” Lu Mingshi handed the small bottle of dark purple sparkling wine to An Qiao.

“Okay, Boss. No problem Boss.” An Qiao smiled. He took the small bottle and went into the laboratory.

Ten minutes later.

An Qiao with the small bottle in his hand ran out while stumbling.

“Oh my! You guys surely won’t believe what this is!” An Qiao waved the lab slip in his hand vigorously, “It’s not an aphrodisiac! It’s not poison! It’s not a magic potion that can make men pregnant! This is an even more miraculous drug! Its effect is to boost the one ability that the person needs the most at that time, by a hundred times!”

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin looked at each other, very shocked.

“However, this kind of potion must be in sufficient doses to work. If you don’t drink 200 ml at a time, it is equivalent to drinking water.”

In other words, it is normal for An Luoyu to have no reaction after consuming it by mistake.

But why was his reaction so big at that time? Probably it was just a mistake……

An Qiao said excitedly, “Boss, can this sample be handed over to me for preservation for now? Maybe I can research a lot of super useful functions based on it, hehehe……”

Lu Mingshi took one look at him like that and knew what he was thinking. But it just so happened that he also had some other needs.

Gu Yixin took the baby to another department for examination, while Lu Mingshi and An Qiao had good communication on the possible functions that can be developed by this sample.

“I still want another baby.” Lu Mingshi said, “However, the chances of pregnancy are still too low. Jiujin is a big surprise for me from the heavens. It is impossible to always have such surprises……”

“I know Boss~” An Qiao pledged, “I promise to complete the task.”

Translator’s corner

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts about the chap or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~

1They are onomatopoeia for “clang” like sounds.2(idiom); fig. to make a comeback3Onomatoepia for crying.4Stuck like this

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