Gu Yixin took Jiujin for a complete medical check-up and was about to leave the department.

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Suddenly, the sound of a violent argument in the room caught his attention.

“You’re kidding me!”

This familiar roar clearly came from Wei Junshan.

Gu Yixin stopped in his tracks and quickly slammed the door to stop Wei Junsuan who was strangling the doctor.

“President Wei, what’s the matter?”

Wei Junsun’s face turned red with anger and the whole person was like huffing and puffing bull with a head injury. Gu Yixin almost couldn’t stop him with one hand.

After pacifying the situation, the doctor pointed to the test results fearlessly in front of Young Master Wei who had been brought under control, “I understand that you can’t accept it at the moment. But in fact, the proposition of male pregnancy will definitely be known to the public over time……”

“What a load of nonsense!” Wei Junsan flew into a rage and hopped up from his chair. But unfortunately, he was held back by Gu Yixin, so he couldn’t jump up, “I don’t have this function!”

His voice was really loud that comrade Lu Jiujin in Gu Yixin’s arms was so frightened that he cried out with a “wa”.

Gu Yixin hurriedly withdrew his hands to coax the baby, and he rocked the little baby in his arms.

Lu Jiujin was hugged in his arms and hiccupped uncomfortably with his little head shrunk back.

Wei Junshan got out of the shackles and stood up immediately. Now facing Mr. Wei’s chilling eyes, the doctor who had been calm just then, immediately fled while hugging his head.

Wei Junshan picked up the checklist that was thrown on the table and tore it into pieces without looking at it.

“Mr. Wei.” Gu Yixin called out to Wei Junsun who was about to storm off in a huff, “Do you want to go with me to see a more prestigious doctor?”

Just as Wei Junshan was about to say something, Lu Jiujin tilted his head to look at Wei Junshan and began to cry again.


While comforting the child, Gu Yixin directly dragged Wei Junshan to An Qiao’s office.

Just as An Qiao and Lu Mingshi agreed on the development of drugs, Gu Yixin rushed in with Wei Junshan.

As you know, Lu Mingshi had always regarded Wei Junshan as his number-one love rival. So once he saw the two of them in the same frame, he had problems.

Gu Yixin looked into Lu Mingshi’s eyes and immediately pushed Wei Junshan towards An Qiao.

“Doctor, he is looking for you.”

An Qiao received the patient in a daze. Although Wei Junsuan had torn up the test results, those data were archived in the hospital’s system. And An Qiao transferred it over and looked at it carefully for five minutes.

“There are no mistakes.” An Qiao’s expression was a mixture of both excitement and curiosity, “Congratulations, Mr. Wei. You are expecting!

The corners of Wei Junshan’s mouth twitched, stupefied, “He He.”

He pinched his own thigh and it did hurt.

“I’m in a dream.” Wei Junsuan said to himself. He stood up by propping himself up on the table, took a few steps mechanically, and bumped into another table with his hands and feet.

Lu Mingshi quickly helped him up.

Lu Mingshi was also a little confused for a while regarding the situation announced by An Qiao. He scratched his head, and got up to make a cup of tea for Wei Junshan.

Lu Mingshi served Wei Junshan for the first time, and Wei Junshan also thanked him for the first time.

President Wei bowed his head in a trance. His hand holding the paper cup trembled slightly and all the tea spilled out.

He looked at Lu Mingshi, and then at Lu Jiujin.

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A month ago, at Comrade Lu Jiujin’s full moon banquet, Lu Mingshi himself had said that Lu Jiujin was not birthed by not anyone else, but by himself. Personally.

With Lu Mingshi’s boring personality and barren imagination, he wouldn’t be able to make such a joke, right?

Therefore, when hearing the doctor announce that he was pregnant, Wei Junshan’s first reaction was not “How can a man get pregnant?”, but “WTF. How the hell can I get pregnant?”

Is there a difference?

Of course, there is.

In the past thirty years, he had never had ooxx with anyone.

Had technology advanced to the point that even intracranial orgasms could lead to the birth of offspring?

This is not a CEO novel. This is science fiction.

An Qiao felt that he had to shoulder the burden of explaining the condition to a hard-hit patient. So he took out a PowerPoint with great patience and conveyed the connotation of his scientific paper to Wei Junsun.

Wei Junsuan listened as if lost in a thick fog, feeling so ignorant for the first time.

“Stop!” Wei Junshan stopped An Qiao from proceeding with his non-stop babbling. After all, in Mr. Wei’s world, only he could talk non-stop.

An Qiao’s face showed an expression that said ‘I’d like to hear the details’.

It was a look that belonged exclusively to angels in white1laudatory term for a nurse, and if Hei Che had seen it, he would have wished that the pregnant person was himself.

Wei Junshan said, “You don’t need to explain any other principles. I just want to ask a question.”

An Qiao was solemn, “Tell me.”

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin cast eager glances one after another.

Wei Junshan stood up to check the doors and windows vigilantly, and carefully checked if there were cameras. After making sure that there were no problems, he finally told the biggest secret of his life.

“I’m still a virgin.”

When he said this, his expression was very serious, and his eyes revealed deep tiredness.

With these words, the other three people in the room fell silent.

Lu Mingshi thought to himself: Damn, he has been single longer than me. How did he achieve that?

Gu Yixin thought to himself: What the hell. The author is so cruel. Even if he is rich and beautiful until he is thirty, the good gong has to guard his body like jade.

An Qiao thought to himself: WTF.

“WTF.” An Qiao couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Wei, I have to say that your appearance will probably be the biggest turning point in my life.”

An Qiao paced back and forth in the large office with a clear window and a clean table2fig. bright and clean. And the faces of countless medical sages appeared in his mind in a chaotic manner.

“I should call my mentor……” An Qiao said in confusion, “I may have to make a drastic change in the direction of my thesis…… ”

“No way!” Wei Junsuan chopped the nail and sliced the iron3fig. resolute and decisive / unhesitating / categorical, “This is my **. This matter is not allowed to be publicized.”

After the discussion, An Qiao decided to start moving in a new direction by himself.

“Asexual reproduction? Mitosis? Self-attacking4Topping and self-receiving5Bottoming?”

An Qiao grabbed a pen and wrote haphazardly on the paper.

Wei Junsuan sat stiffly on the sofa, facing the equally confused eyes of the husband and wife duo.

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“President Wei, you……”

“I don’t know.” Wei Junshan listlessly looked at the electronic version of the test results on the screen, and it was like as if the bright red ”six weeks pregnant” stamp had hit him on the head, making him unable to sleep anymore.

“Six weeks.” Lu Mingshi read the result, “It’s counted exactly from the day of Jiujin’s full moon party? Mr. Wei, I remember we had a little argument between us on that day and then we parted on bad terms……”

Gu Yixin thought to himself: When have you guys parted on good terms?

The day of the full moon party.

“How am I better than you?” Lu Mingshi smiled and said, “I can give birth. Can you?”

Wei Junsuan finally rambled, “You…… You wait.”

An Qiao’s office.

An Qiao, “Mr. Wei, think about it again. Have you really never had s**?”

Wei Junsuan said with a black face, “No.”

An Qiao, “Not even when getting drunk?”

Wei Junsuan, “I don’t drink.”

An Qiao, “Then, during these weeks, have you been suffering from nauseousness and vomiting from time to time; and feeling a lack of energy?”

Wei Junsuan shook his head affirmatively, “Not at all. I just came to the hospital to take out the fishbone that was stuck6They were like: I think I saw a baby from up here while checking your throat.! Then I was asked by your doctors to do a full body checkup! And then you told me I was pregnant! Can you please ask your hospital to tell me first……”

Wei Junsuan turned to Lu Mingshi and stared at him before saying, “Why would you arrange a pregnancy test for a male patient???”

This, of course, is because of the existence of the pioneer that is our Boss ….. But An Qiao did not dare to say this point and he said placatingly.

“Mr. Wei, in fact, if it is really self-attacking and self-receiving. Then it is a very good situation. Think about it. An average person’s offspring can only inherit at most fifty percent of their genes. While yours can inherit one hundred percent. What an exciting result this is7Take a breath before giving him more surprises. Or else you won’t be left to take any more.!”

Wei Junsuan, “……”

An Qiao continued to say, “Moreover when a male gets pregnant, he needs to be accompanied by the other father. You can always ask Mr. Lu to gain a lot of experience in this regard…… But self-attacking and self-receiving don’t need it ah. So Mr. Wei, your pregnancy process, will certainly be more relaxed and pleasant than any other pregnant husband!”

Lu Mingshi, “……”

For some reason, An Qiao listed many benefits. But no one present was happy.

Lu Jiujin wrinkled his white and handsome baby face as Gu Yixin took out a diaper, put the baby on the sofa, and changed his diapers skillfully.

“In any case, I will study your issue carefully.”

An Qiao cordially sent away Wei Junshan who was in a bad mood. Too many new ideas made him not even have time to take into account that he had a Boss standing next to him who was hard to deal with. He quickly took out his laptop to record calculations, as if he was back in college.

It was said that when Wei Junshan returned to his home, dozens of workers from top to bottom in his home were worried about the state of the Boss.

But Wei Junshan just weakly refused their concern and locked himself in his room without coming out.

Day 1.

He was hungry all day and couldn’t accept the terrible thought of being pregnant.

Day 2.

He was dizzy and began to vomit. Wei Junshan thought about the portrayal of the early stage of pregnancy in TV series. And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Could it be that he really was pregnant?

On the third day, he was so hungry and began to eat like crazy. While eating, he hugged his stomach and imagined the unborn life, hating and fearing at the same time, and feeling a pang of vague guilt.

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On the fourth day, he started searching the Internet for things to note when pregnant and watched childbirth videos.

Then he threw up his dinner in a pale pallor.

On the fifth day, he proceeded to buy five boxes of baby supplies — So much so that after the things arrived one by one, the housekeepers tentatively inquired whether they had to prepare to welcome a Mrs. Wei right away.

It only took Lu Mingshi one afternoon to accept the fact that he was pregnant, but Wei Junshan took five days. From this point of view, Wei Junshan could be said to be a very conservative president.

On the sixth day, Wei Junshan was frowning and trying to listen to the mother and baby channel when a phone call came.

“Mr. Wei? It’s An Qiao.”

For some reason, the young doctor’s tone was full of uneasiness and shame.

Wei Junshan’s nerve strings tensed.

An Qiao’s voice even sounded deeply apologetic, “There’s something that I have to break out to you. Actually ……”

Actually what?

“In fact, you are not pregnant at all8Aish, even I had prepared supplies~.”

An Qiao closed his eyes and said it in one breath. While on the other side, Hei Che was desperately trying to smoothen his breath.

“Mr. Wei aaah, sorry our test results got mixed up. That was not your test report!”

Wei Junsuan’s hands were slightly trembling.

“What. Did you say?”

An Qiao took a deep breath and said while trembling, “We are willing to provide you with compensation. The Boss doesn’t know about this yet. I want to ask for your forgiveness first, and then I will go to the Boss to plead guilty……!”

Wei Junsuan made a long sound of sucking air between his teeth.

That represented the liberation of oneself from worldly worries, and some other things that were unclear.

“Pay attention next time. This situation is very serious.” Wei Junshan coldly said, “But if you often make such mistakes, I will also be very happy — As your Boss and I are competitors.”

After taunting An Qiao for a while, Wei Junshan breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed.

After he came back to his senses, he looked at the mountain of baby supplies on the floor in amazement and asked in confusion, “Who the hell brought these things that take up the space here?”

The housekeeper stood aside, not daring to answer, nor daring not to answer.

After a while, he choked out a sentence:

“It was the young man from SF9Express service, Boss.”

Wei Junsuan became impatient, “What little boy, little guy? Tell him to move it out quickly.”

So the SF guy came in the morning and then again in the afternoon.

During this period of time, Wei Junshan continued to be the president. Gu Yixin threw all the money he won to his wife. And continued to happily move bricks and watch his baby while Lu Mingshi took the opportunity to leap to become the richest man in the country at any age level.

After solving the company’s financial crisis, the unlucky Chen Zhiang had also gone home to sell sweet potatoes. The lives of the Lu and Gu could be described as peaceful.

Apart from company matters and raising a baby, Lu Mingshi only cared about one thing.

Because of this matter, some minor misunderstandings had also been created.

One day Gu Yixin got off work and came home, but he didn’t see his baby and Lu Mingshi.

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Where are my wife and child?

In ordinary families, perhaps you would have to worry that the wife got into a disagreement and took the children back to the wife’s parent’s house.

But there was no such situation here. Because they already lived in the wife’s parent’s house.

Gu Yixin asked Chen Ma and she said that the Young Master had taken the little master to Dr. An.

Ah, this was normal.

Physical examination.

Not right.

Under the big chandelier in the dining room, Gu Yixin was holding a bowl and eating his meal alone.

“Chen Ma, don’t you feel like Mr. Lu has been going to see Dr. An a lot lately?”

Mother Chen picked a piece of pickled radish and thought about it carefully, “It seems to be a little bit.”

It’s been two weeks in a row, right?

Almost every day, he reported to the hospital and came back more and more late.

Chen Ma suggested, “Or make a phone call.”

Gu Yixin refused, “I never keep watch because I firmly believe that Mr. Lu is always a good boy.”

Then he put down the bowl, picked up the receiver, and dialled Lu Mingshi’s number.

“Beep beep beep…… The user you have dialled is busy, please……”

Fifteen minutes after dialling it every five minutes, Gu Yixin called the hospital’s duty room instead.

Gu Yixin’s voice was quickly recognized by the lady on duty at the line.

The young lady replied, beaming, “Yes, yes, yes. Dr. An has gone home. Yes, that’s right. Mr. Lu went back with him. Yes, Mr. Lu has often gone home with Dr. An in the past two weeks……”

Gu Yixin put aside the receiver and fell into deep thought.

He walked around the living room, carrying the baby’s cradle from the living room to the third floor, and then from the third floor to the living room.

Then such operations were carried out with the diaper table, desk, shoe cabinet, television set, and refrigerator through and through in an attempt to expend energy.

Finally, Gu Yixin picked up the five-people-tall stone statue in the garden of the Lu family and performed circular simple harmonic movements around the Lu house, spending three hours like this.

He finally saw the car pull up at the door.

The driver pulled open the door, and Lu Mingshi came down humming while holding the baby and looking very happy.

Lu Mingshi coaxed the baby, “Mmmmm, we’ll see your daddy soon. I simply can’t do anything with you. You cry when you don’t see daddy. I’m also your daddy. Why can’t I hold you? Do you have to be held by him?”

Lu Mingshi looked up and saw a huge black shadow erected in front of the house. At first glance, he thought it was an alien invasion. But on closer inspection, he found that it was his husband who was taking a walk after having food, while carrying the rockery in the yard.

Translator’s corner

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts about the chap or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~

1laudatory term for a nurse2fig. bright and clean3fig. resolute and decisive / unhesitating / categorical4Topping5Bottoming6They were like: I think I saw a baby from up here while checking your throat.7Take a breath before giving him more surprises. Or else you won’t be left to take any more.8Aish, even I had prepared supplies~9Express service

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