The eunuch from the palace relayed this message to Xue Yuan's ears.

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Xue Yuan smiled gracefully and said, "I thank His Majesty for his grace."


After the eunuch left, he leisurely walked to the door of Xue Er's room and looked at Xue Er, whose face was pale and trembling all over. His gaze was profound. Xue Er felt a chill running through his body. He looked up at Xue Yuan and was instantly frightened by his eyes.


The imperial physician who was examining him stroked his beard and reassured, "Please, young Master Xue, try not to move recklessly."


Half an hour later, the imperial physician and the palace attendants had already left. Xue Yuan stepped into Xue Er's room, sat down, and glanced at the numerous medicinal herbs left behind by the attendants.


Xue Er felt fortunate and said, "If Big Brother wants them, feel free to take them."


Xue Yuan grinned and instructed the servant who was attending to Xue Er, "Take off the blanket, bring two buckets of ice water, and cool down Young Master Xue."


Even though Xue Er was already covered with two layers of blankets in the scorching summer, the servant, who seemed oblivious to the scene, pulled away Xue Er's blanket and brought two buckets of ice-cold water, dousing Xue Er from head to toe.


"Ah!" Xue Er let out a miserable scream.


Xue Yuan chuckled and sincerely said, "Younger brother, there is something I need you to do for me."


Xue Er's teeth chattered, and he looked at Xue Yuan in terror.


With a faint smile, Xue Yuan said, "Can you pretend to be sick until His Majesty departs for the summer retreat?"


Xue Er shivered and sneezed loudly.


"Someone, bring two more buckets of ice water for Young Master Xue," Xue Yuan abruptly stood up, walked quickly to the bedside, and cast a menacing shadow. "Younger brother, let me tell you something."


He lowered his voice, intimidatingly, "If you can get out of bed and have a meal before His Majesty's departure, I'll pull out your tongue and break your hands."


"But if you behave," Xue Yuan continued, "what about Marquis Anle’s son? If he insults you again, I'll personally chop off his fingers for you to play with."


Xue Er was so shocked that he could hardly speak coherently, "Tha-thank you, big brother."

Xue Yuan truly felt like he had become a good elder brother. He looked at Xue Er with satisfaction, only leaving the room after making sure that Xue Er was thoroughly intimidated.


Xue Er breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the two buckets of ice water brought to the bedside, gritted his teeth, and thought of the arrogant and mocking face of Prince Anle. Trembling, he said, "Pour the water... pour it on me."


Five days passed in the blink of an eye.


During this time, a minor incident occurred. While Prince Anle was out for a leisurely outing, he unfortunately got separated from his servants and was robbed by thieves. After robbing him, the thieves also chopped off Prince Anle's little finger.


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This incident happened outside the capital, within the jurisdiction of the Prefect of the Capital, but it was too far away for him to attend to. No one knew how Prince Anle ended up in such a distant place, but it was a remote area with few people passing through, making it difficult to investigate.


Even if Prince Anle threw a tantrum, everyone knew that the chances of catching those thieves were slim.


Gu Yuanbai also heard about this incident. His eyebrows furrowed, and he secretly dispatched people to strengthen patrols and enhance security in the areas the Prefect of the Capital couldn't oversee.


On the day of departure for the summer retreat, Xue Yuan appeared before Gu Yuanbai on time.


He was dressed in the uniform of the Duke, his face somewhat weary. "I pay my respects to Your Majesty."


Gu Yuanbai was casually dressed for the day, prioritizing comfort. He smiled ambiguously as he walked past Xue Yuan. "If Xue Qing is worried about your brother, you don't have to accompany Us."


Xue Yuan followed Gu Yuanbai, step by step, and smiled casually. "My younger brother is safe, but I, as a recipient of a salary, feel uneasy not being by Your Majesty's side."


Gu Yuanbai seemed indifferent to his words, neither looking at nor acknowledging Xue Yuan as he boarded the carriage. Xue Yuan stood alone by the carriage for a while before stepping back and mounting his horse. He rode beside the Emperor's carriage.


Once Gu Yuanbai entered the carriage and made the necessary preparations, a command was given, and a long procession started moving. Following the Emperor's carriage and the accompanying guards were the carriages of various princes, ministers, and imperial relatives, along with their attendants. The imperial guards surrounded the procession from all sides, slowly making their way to the summer retreat palace.


During the journey to the summer retreat palace, the Emperor and the ministers did not neglect their governmental duties. While there was no need for the morning court session, everyone had to handle state affairs within their respective carriages. The Emperor would occasionally summon some ministers into his carriage to discuss national affairs.


As a result, the efficiency of the ministers on the way to the summer retreat palace was even higher than in the government offices.


Gu Yuanbai was a good boss. He didn't excessively exploit his subordinates. Occasionally, when they came across beautiful scenery on the road, he allowed the procession to take a temporary break, letting the ministers and their families have a close encounter with the beautiful nature. When the mood struck, he would take everyone to climb mountains, play in the water, and explore the famous scenic spots of the area. With a relaxed and contented mindset, they returned from their outings.


Sometimes, when the carriage windows were opened, and the curtains lifted, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of grass would pass through the carriage, creating an exceptionally pleasant atmosphere.


The summer retreat palace was not far from the capital, so even though the Emperor's procession moved slowly and for a long time, they arrived at the summer retreat palace after seven days.


The palace was surrounded by numerous lakes and countless scenic features. Gu Yuanbai had been here two or three times before, but only this time did he find it particularly enjoyable. As the cool breeze from the lake blew, the perspiration on his body dried instantly.


Gu Yuanbai dismissed everyone and instructed them to go to their own residences and unpack their belongings. They would rest for the next two days before starting work on the third day as if they were in the capital.


After everyone dispersed, Gu Yuanbai had someone prepare water to wash away the thin layer of sweat on his body.


Meanwhile, Xue Yuan, who had remained silent throughout the journey, watched his figure and pondered deeply about how to make Gu Yuanbai keep him by his side.


During these seven days, Gu Yuanbai seemed completely oblivious to Xue Yuan's presence, never giving him a moment of attention.


He would get on and off the carriage, always calling for Zhang Xu, the captain of the guards. The fair skin of the Emperor's hand was often supported by the captain, who was unwaveringly loyal. As long as the Emperor didn't withdraw his hand, the captain didn't know when to let go.


But when it came to Zhang Xu, the Emperor didn't think it was crossing any boundaries. When it came to Xue Yuan, however, the Emperor didn't even spare him a glance.

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Gu Yuanbai must have noticed something.Xue Yuan was well aware of it. He knew that the only opportunity to make him stay by Gu Yuanbai's side was this summer retreat palace.


After Gu Yuanbai finished bathing and put on his inner clothes, he sat down to rest for a while. Once he caught his breath, he called someone in.


Tian Fusheng brought him warm tea, and Gu Yuanbai took a few sips, feeling somewhat comfortable. "The windows inside were closed too tightly, making Us feel suffocated."


"The palace attendants in the summer retreat palace can't compare to the palace servants in the capital," Tian Fusheng said. "They are a bit careless. I will instruct them today on how to do their work properly."


Gu Yuanbai drank another cup of tea, exhaling a hot breath. After his clothes were neatly arranged, he strode out of the palace.


Tian Fusheng thought for a moment, “Your Majesty, if you find the palace uncomfortable, there are open-air hot springs in the summer retreat palace. Soaking there should be more to your liking than staying in the palace.”


“Oh?” Gu Yuanbai's interest was piqued. “Next time, take Us there to have a look.”


When Gu Yuanbai had previously visited the summer retreat palace, he didn't have the mood to enjoy it due to the weight of his responsibilities. As a result, he wasn't familiar with the palace.


Later, Gu Yuanbai went to the residence of Consort Wan to pay his respects. After returning from Consort Wan's place, Gu Yuanbai finally had nothing urgent to attend to. He decided to take two days off for himself, except for emergency matters, which could be dealt with later.


Within the summer retreat palace, there was an island in the middle of a lake that resembled the appearance of the Taiye Lake in the Ming Palace.


The island was surrounded by a refreshing breeze from all sides, and even in summer, one could feel the coolness of autumn. After finishing lunch, Gu Yuanbai boarded a boat with some attendants and leisurely headed towards the island in the lake.


The summer retreat palace was built by the previous dynasty, and over time, the island in the middle of the lake gained its own fame. The founding Emperor renamed it Nanhu Island.


Nanhu Island was neatly arranged and spotlessly clean. However, Gu Yuanbai, exhausted from his recent activities, couldn't withstand fatigue. Before the boat reached the island, he had already fallen into a deep sleep, swaying along with the rocking motion of the wooden boat.


In order not to disturb the Emperor, the boat continued to circle around Nanhu Island. By the time Gu Yuanbai woke up, most of the attendants were showing signs of seasickness, their faces turning pale.


As Gu Yuanbai was still regaining his senses, feeling a bit dizzy, he rubbed his forehead. The boatman brought the boat to the shore, and Gu Yuanbai stood up, taking a few steps, almost losing his balance due to the swaying of the boat.


Unfazed, Xue Yuan supported him and helped him onto the shore. Xue Yuan's arm was surprisingly strong, and Gu Yuanbai hardly exerted any effort, firmly planting his feet on the ground.


His voice hoarse, Gu Yuanbai asked, “How long did I sleep?’


Xue Yuan replied, “A little over two hours.”


Gu Yuanbai was dazed, finding it hard to believe that he had slept this much  as he thought he slept for only half an hour. He shrugged off Xue Yuan's support, turned to look at Tian Fusheng, and saw that the old servant was completely seasick, unable to move.


Helplessly shaking his head, Gu Yuanbai said, 'Those who feel uncomfortable can go back and rest.'"


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Tian Fusheng struggled to hold back tears as he said, "But what about you—"


Xue Yuan smiled and replied, “Tian Fusheng, there are still people like me by His Majesty's side."


In the past, Tian Fusheng would have naturally appreciated Xue Yuan, knowing that as long as Xue Yuan stayed by the Emperor's side, he could rest assured. But now that he knew the Emperor intended to distance himself from Xue Yuan, he wasn't sure if he should let Xue Yuan continue to stay by the Emperor's side.


Tian Fusheng glanced at the Emperor, and Gu Yuanbai noticed his gaze. He casually said, "Go back."


Tian Fusheng respectfully replied, "Yes."


The group of people who couldn't hold on any longer were sent back by the boatman. The Commander of the Imperial Guards also felt uncomfortable, but he insisted on staying by Gu Yuanbai's side.


Gu Yuanbai led the group to a pavilion and sat down to rest for a while. When everyone's complexion improved, he continued to lead them forward.


Xue Yuan remained silent along the way, but when he bent down to brush away the willow branches from above Gu Yuanbai's head, he suddenly spoke, "Your Majesty."


Gu Yuanbai turned his head and glanced at him.


With a faint smile, Xue Yuan reached out to Gu Yuanbai, extending his hand. "The path ahead is steep. Please hold onto my hand."


Among the attendants, no one could match Xue Yuan's vigorous energy. While everyone felt weary from circling around on the water, Xue Yuan seemed as energetic as when they had just set off, even more spirited than Gu Yuanbai who had just awakened from a nap.


Gu Yuanbai withdrew his gaze as if casually remarking, "Xue Qing, I am a man."


Xue Yuan understood that Gu Yuanbai was reminding him. The Emperor was a man, and Xue Yuan shouldn't have such thoughts toward another man.


Even if the Emperor had a weak body or a handsome appearance, he was still the most respected man in the world.


He was the ruler of the nation, with desires and ambitious aspirations for power. From the bottom of his heart, he exuded dominance and charm. Xue Yuan couldn't help but understand that this was the reason why wild thoughts grew in the depths of his heart.


Xue Yuan smiled and withdrew his hand. "Then when Your Majesty needs it, I will assist you."


After passing through the steep terrain, they heard the sound of gurgling water. As the group approached, they saw a clear shallow lake flowing gently, ripples forming with the sudden breeze.


"Does Your Majesty want to cool off in the water to escape the summer heat?" Xue Yuan asked. "This place is nice. Look at the water flow; it should only reach chest height."


The group of people, drenched in sweat, all felt tempted and looked eagerly at the Emperor.


"How's the water temperature?" Gu Yuanbai asked.


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Xue Yuan approached and tested it. "It's still mild. Your Majesty should be able to tolerate it."


Gu Yuanbai's eyelid twitched, feeling a sense of familiarity in this scene. He personally crouched down, extended his hand, and dipped his fingertips into the water. He looked surprised as he turned to Xue Yuan. "It is indeed just right..."


After being exposed to the sun all day, the pool water was pleasantly warm, creating an exceptionally comfortable temperature for swimming.


In the past, even hot water poured on his hands would go unnoticed by Gu Yuanbai, but now he could clearly perceive the temperature of the water in this wild lake.


Unable to help himself, Gu Yuanbai looked at Xue Yuan's hand in the water.


Xue Yuan's fingers remained still, allowing the Emperor to see clearly.


He looked at the top of Gu Yuanbai's head, his black hair soft and fine. But no matter how soft his hair and gentle his face were, they couldn't block Gu Yuanbai's heartlessness.


Xue Yuan thought to himself, "My heart is almost cold."


He had been kicked, trampled, and even slapped in the face by Gu Yuanbai on previous occasions. He climbed onto the dragon bed, kissed his lips, and even touched him intimately.


Why, after knowing that Xue Yuan had feelings for him, did Gu Yuanbai want to distance himself?


Xue Yuan was also a person. Although he would never retreat, his mood really couldn't be improved in these repeated instances.


Gu Yuanbai snapped back to reality and let the guards cool off in the water while he followed the stream to find a quiet spot of suitable size.


He took off his middle garment and immersed himself in the water, swimming a few laps to satisfy his desires.


Leisurely leaning against the bank, Gu Yuanbai noticed several petals of summer yellow flowers had fallen onto the water's surface.




Gu Yuanbai opened his eyes and saw that Xue Yuan had already taken off his outer robe and entered the water. He was swimming deeper. Gu Yuanbai watched him for a while before closing his eyes.


After a while, Gu Yuanbai suddenly felt the water beside him moving. He raised his gaze and saw that Xue Yuan had approached, waves splashing one after another. When the waves reached Gu Yuanbai's side, Xue Yuan stopped in front of him.


Xue Yuan reached out and picked up a yellow petal from Gu Yuanbai's neck, raising it to his mouth.


This petal had stuck to the Emperor's neck for quite some time, and Xue Yuan had also been looking at it for a while. Now, he finally tasted its flavor, narrowing his eyes. It was truly sweet.





Translator’s note: Xue Yuan is officially crazy. Poor brother…

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