Gu Yuanbai had a headache.

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"Xue Qing," he couldn't be bothered with hints anymore, "do you have any interest in men?"


"I don't like men," Xue Yuan frowned, showing little hesitation, "what's there to like about men?"


The Emperor's gaze carried a clear scrutiny and suspicion, but Xue Yuan smiled faintly.


"Your Majesty," he openly picked up a petal of yellow flower from Gu Yuanbai's hair, "I only have a loyal heart for you."


“He was probably treating me like a fool,” Gu Yuanbai thought.  But Gu Yuanbai didn't insist on making Xue Yuan admit his feelings.


Rubbing his temples, Gu Yuanbai felt exhausted. "I don't feel like dealing with you."


Xue Yuan took the initiative and massaged his temples, his voice low and soothing, almost lulling Gu Yuanbai to sleep. "Your Majesty, you needn't worry about me."


Being pampered by him, Gu Yuanbai felt so comfortable that he wanted to collapse into the water. His voice even carried a slight drowsy nasal tone. "Xue Qing, you shouldn't have rejected the promotion I offered you."


"It's currently mid-July," the Emperor said, "you should know that your father is about to go to the Northern Frontier?"


Xue Yuan replied, "I'm aware."


In recent days, General Xue had made all the necessary preparations. At this stage of his life, being appointed by the Emperor brought him immense excitement. He was spirited day and night, while Madam Xue often complained that the General's excessive enthusiasm kept her awake at night.


The household had already packed their belongings, and with the national treasury abundant and supplies plentiful, no one in the court had dared to oppose the Emperor's decision. Although they felt that there had been an increase in military activities recently, the high-ranking officials of the Six Ministries did not object. What the hell would they object to?


It was precisely because of this that Gu Yuanbai couldn't understand.


"General Xue is embarking on an expedition, leaving only you and your younger brother at home," Gu Yuanbai said, "as the backbone of the family, you should have some ambition."


Having such great power but liking someone? To the extent of rejecting a promotion and appointment.


Gu Yuanbai couldn't quite comprehend it.


"My younger brother at home is sick," Xue Yuan replied calmly, "has Your Majesty forgotten?"


Gu Yuanbai lost the desire to chat and responded with a deep "Mmm" before falling silent.


After a while, Xue Yuan whispered, "Your Majesty?"


Gu Yuanbai's breathing became shallow, as if he had fallen asleep.


Xue Yuan gradually stopped his movements and stood up straight, looking at Gu Yuanbai. He watched for a while before bending down to lift him, step by step, out of the water.


Gu Yuanbai's eyelids twitched imperceptibly, lazily saying, "Don't touch me."


Xue Yuan stopped his hands and feet, while Gu Yuanbai's body rested against the water surface. The sensation of complete weightlessness wasn't very comfortable. He opened his eyes, only to be blinded and closed them again by the sun shining from above.


"Don't bother me," his voice carried a hint of annoyance, "put me back."


The Emperor couldn't be bothered to lift a finger. Xue Yuan held him, resembling someone carrying a lifeless corpse. Apart from the anger in his voice, there was no trace of liveliness. Xue Yuan didn't like this feeling. He gently nudged Gu Yuanbai and teased, "Your Majesty, you're as light as a child."


Gu Yuanbai retorted, "Get lost."


"Where should I go?" Xue Yuan laughed and couldn't contain his words, "Go to the... dragon bed?"


He swallowed the last few words.


Xue Yuan shifted his position, comfortably holding Gu Yuanbai in his arms, while his other hand played with his fingers. "Your Majesty, you can't sleep in the water."


Gu Yuanbai sighed, "I'm tired."


Xue Yuan's heart softened.


He seemed to chuckle softly, his chest feeling stuffy, and Gu Yuanbai could even hear the sound of his heartbeat. It was beating too fast, causing Gu Yuanbai to furrow his brows in annoyance.


"Your Majesty, when I accompanied you here, I saw a cluster of lotus leaves not far away," Xue Yuan whispered, lulling Gu Yuanbai to sleep as if hypnotizing him. "The lotus flowers have withered, but the seed pods are ripe. I noticed a few of them, and they look very sweet."


"In the past, when I was stationed at the border, I went crazy craving lotus seeds," Xue Yuan said, "Shall I take Your Majesty to pick a handful and taste them?"

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Gu Yuanbai remained silent. Xue Yuan patted his back gently, and when he finally carried Gu Yuanbai to the side of the lotus leaf pond, Gu Yuanbai had already fallen asleep.


Xue Yuan picked a lotus seed pod with one hand and tasted the sweet lotus seeds inside. They were indeed delicious, but strangely, he couldn't summon any desire to appreciate their taste. He even found it difficult to comprehend his previous obsession with eating them.




Xue Yuan turned his head and looked at the Emperor, who had already fallen asleep in his embrace.


There was a deep sense of bitterness in his eyes.


When Gu Yuanbai woke up, he was back in his palace.


After a palace servant wiped his face, Gu Yuanbai gradually regained his senses. He took the handkerchief and wiped himself, then asked, "How long did I sleep?"


While speaking, he looked around and noticed that Xue Yuan was not present. Gu Yuanbai furrowed his brow, vaguely remembering that he had fallen asleep beside Xue Yuan.


How embarrassing.


The sound of water trickled, and Tian Fusheng tidied the Emperor's clothes while smiling. "Your Majesty has been asleep for about an hour."


Gu Yuanbai perked up, "Prepare a meal. I feel a bit hungry."


The order for the meal was given, marking the Emperor's first meal since arriving at the summer retreat palace. The chefs went all out, presenting various exquisite dishes one after another. Fortunately, Tian Fusheng knew that the Emperor disliked waste and specifically instructed to reduce the portions.


As soon as Gu Yuanbai stepped out, the aroma made him feel a bit hungry. He sat down at the table and, when he was halfway through his meal, Tian Fusheng said, "Your Majesty, when you were asleep, Marquis Anle came to pay his respects to you."


"Marquis Anle?" Gu Yuanbai pondered for a moment. "I remember that a few days ago, the Marquis's eldest son had a finger cut off by an assailant?"


"Exactly," Tian Fusheng nodded. "When Marquis Anle came to pay his respects, he also brought his son along. The Marquis had an indignant expression, so he must have had something to discuss."


Gu Yuanbai raised an eyebrow. "Go and invite Marquis Anle. I want to see what they have come to discuss with me."


Tian Fusheng agreed and instructed someone to bring Marquis Anle and his son to the Emperor.


However, before Marquis Anle arrived, Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan arrived together to pay their respects to Gu Yuanbai.


The two of them submitted reports from officials of the Imperial Censorate from various regions and also brought tomorrow's "Da Heng Gazette." They happened to encounter each other not far away, so they came together.


Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan paid their respects to the Emperor, and palace attendants approached them to receive the items they brought.


The Emperor reached out to take the items but suddenly covered his sleeve and coughed softly.


"Your Majesty!" Tian Fusheng hurriedly handed over a handkerchief.


Others wanted to approach, but Gu Yuanbai waved them off. After a while, the choking sensation eased, and he continued to accept the memorials and newspapers, slowly reading through them.


Chu Wei frowned when he heard the coughing. He glanced up and saw the modest amount of food on the table.


The Emperor's hand, placed beside the memorials, sparkled like a jewel.


Chu Wei unconsciously made a mental note of the dishes, glancing over them at a glance.


In the present circumstances, extravagance was discouraged, so even the ingredients used in the dishes were common and readily available. Chu Wei felt a momentary lapse as he couldn't help but recall the words he said to his classmates while observing the Emperor's boisterous behavior during an outing.


At that time, he had criticized the Emperor's noise and remarked, "When the higher-ups have a liking for something, the subordinates will inevitably follow." Now he realized how wrong it was to hold such shallow prejudice against a person.


Chu Wei closed his eyes, and his ears turned slightly red. However, the meaning of this embarrassed blush appeared different in the eyes of others.


The commander of the guards became extremely vigilant. Seeing Chu Wei's ears turning red, he immediately spoke to Xue Yuan with a serious tone, "Master Xue, thank you for reminding me to pay more attention to Mr. Chu."


Xue Yuan replied with a deep voice but kept his eyes fixed on Gu Yuanbai. Was he choked by water, or was he feeling unwell?


Gu Yuanbai had only read halfway through the materials when hurried footsteps echoed in the hall. He looked up and saw Marquis Anle and his son.


As soon as they entered the palace hall but before reaching Gu Yuanbai, they knelt down on the ground and choked out, "We beg Your Majesty to arbitrate for us."


Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan stepped aside.

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Gu Yuanbai said in a deep voice, "Rise."


Palace attendants brought chairs for Marquis Anle and his son. After they took their seats, Marquis Anle raised his tear-filled eyes, scanned the hall, and finally fixed his gaze on Xue Yuan. He choked with emotion, "Your Majesty, this matter of mine is related to the Duke of Du."


Gu Yuanbai was surprised and turned his head to look at Xue Yuan.


Xue Yuan's eyebrows slightly raised, he stepped forward and respectfully said, "Please enlighten me, Marquis."


Marquis Anle questioned, "Did you cut off my son's finger?"


Upon hearing this, Xue Yuan grinned and glanced at Marquis Anle's son, who was hiding.


Marquis Anle's son trembled and lowered his head abruptly.


Chang Yuyan, afraid that Xue Yuan's temper would act up at this moment, took a step forward and humbly asked, "May I ask why Marquis Anle is making such an accusation?"


Marquis Anle's expression turned grim. "My son went on an outing to the outskirts of the capital and had one of his fingers chopped off by an assailant. I searched everywhere but couldn't find the culprit. I had given up hope, but it was thanks to Young Master Xue's intervention that I finally found the perpetrator."


There was a hint of disdain in Marquis Anle's expression. Despite being angry with Xue Yuan, he also despised Xue Yuan's act of using others to achieve his goals, which was utterly repulsive.


Gu Yuanbai wondered, was Xue Yuan really caught in the trap set by that idiot this time?


Marquis Anle stared at Xue Yuan, refusing to let go. "Young Master Xue sent me the severed finger and a letter, confessing that you were the one who cut off my son's finger. And that severed finger indeed belongs to my son. Xue Yuan, do you admit or deny it?"


Chang Yuyan, who was most familiar with the situation in the Xue residence, had a change in his complexion. It was evident that he had believed Marquis Anle's words. He looked at Xue Yuan, silently urging him to say something quickly.


Xue Yuan, however, kept a calm face and said, "I plead guilty."


Gu Yuanbai's eyelid twitched again, and he swiftly turned his gaze towards Xue Yuan, his eyes sharp.


Xue Yuan's clean and swift admission of guilt caught everyone present off guard. Marquis Anle was already full of rage, continuously beseeching the Emperor to take his side. Some people believed that there might be a misunderstanding and tried to persuade Marquis Anle to calm down.


The noise in the hall grew chaotic, causing a throbbing pain in Gu Yuanbai's head.


Gu Yuanbai's face turned cold, and he picked up his jade chopsticks and dropped them on the white porcelain plate. The crisp sound made all the palace attendants kneel down on the ground, instantly silencing the commotion.


The Emperor's voice was ambiguous, expressing both joy and anger, but he was the first to confront Xue Yuan, "Xue Yuan, how many things have you done that I am unaware of?"


Xue Yuan remained silent for a moment and simply said, "I leave it to Your Majesty's judgment."


This time, Gu Yuanbai's expression completely turned cold. His eyes were icy as he spat out, "Investigate the truth of what Marquis Anle has said."


People in the hall immediately stood up and left. Gu Yuanbai's face was as cold as ice, making anyone who faced him feel like they were falling into an icy abyss, sending shivers down their spines.


"Marquis Anle, rest assured," Gu Yuanbai said in a calm voice. "I will handle this matter for you."


Marquis Anle should have been happy, but now he felt a sense of fear. He forced a smile and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."


During the two-hour period when the palace attendants went out to investigate, there was no sound in the palace. Gu Yuanbai didn't touch his food and after a while, Xue Yuan's voice suddenly sounded, abrupt and loud, "Your Majesty, please eat something."


Gu Yuanbai seemed to ignore him, not even bothering to lift his eyelids.


"Your Majesty," Xue Yuan called again.


A cup of tea smashed beside Xue Yuan, the porcelain shards cracked, and the tea leaves scattered. Gu Yuanbai's eyes turned fierce. "Shut up!"


Xue Yuan's eyes drifted and he obediently closed his mouth. Even though there might be a trick later, even if he was orchestrating the whole thing, being treated like this by Gu Yuanbai was suffocating Xue Yuan.


Soon, the palace attendants returned and explained the whole situation clearly with their heads bowed. "Marquis Anle's son is arrogant and oppressive. Not only does he abuse his power to bully others, but he also frequently insults Young Master Xue, calling him a cripple and even pushing him to commit suicide by jumping into the lake. Young Master Xue couldn't bear it and therefore pleaded with Mr. Xue to teach Marquis Anle's son a lesson."


As soon as the reason was revealed, the gaze of others towards Xue Yuan changed, full of strangeness.


Is this still a good elder brother?


A good elder brother who was betrayed and plotted against by his own younger brother?


Marquis Anle's expression also suddenly changed due to the first half of the palace attendant's words.


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Gu Yuanbai sneered, not believing that the "Mr. Xue" in this story referred to Xue Yuan.


After going through such a big round, what was Xue Yuan trying to achieve?


Gu Yuanbai calmed down and turned to Marquis Anle. "Marquis Anle, how do you wish to handle Xue Yuan?"


Marquis Anle's expression was somewhat complicated, a mix of shame and burning anger. If he were to let Xue Yuan go just because his son had behaved improperly, he couldn't bear such humiliation. "I only know that whoever cut off my son's finger should offer their own finger in return."


Gu Yuanbai narrowed his eyes and lightly tapped the table with his fingers.


Marquis Anle suddenly remembered that Xue Yuan's father was General Xue, a loyal and influential figure. Moreover, this loyal figure had recently been entrusted with an important task by the emperor.


If the master of the Xue residence served the emperor faithfully, the emperor would have to take care of the Xue residence as well. Cold sweat ran down Marquis Anle's forehead.


The three generations of loyal figures must be more favored by the emperor than this group of sycophants who relied on the royal family for their livelihood, right?


Just at that moment, Marquis Anle's son stood up abruptly, as if he had been frightened halfway. He tremblingly grabbed Marquis Anle's arm and shouted, "I don't want his finger! I want to give him fifty lashes and strip him of his military achievements!"


Marquis Anle's eyes lit up.


Marquis Anle's son dared not look at Xue Yuan, because whenever he saw Xue Yuan, he would tremble all over and recall that horrifying night.


On that dark night, the knife gleamed coldly under the moonlight. Xue Yuan's voice was low, accompanied by a sinister smile. "If I can't get demoted, young master, it'll be your fault."


"I have to find you. And as long as you can't kill me," the dagger tapped against his face, the person across the table threatened with a calm demeanor, "then I'll have to kill you."


Marquis Anle's son was on the verge of tears. "Your Majesty, stripping him of his military achievements should be enough."


After contemplating for a moment, Marquis Anle also thought that it would be satisfying enough. He stiffly echoed, "Your Majesty, I was reckless before. My son is right. In that case, I dare to ask Mr. Xue, can you endure these fifty lashes?"


Xue Yuan bowed and replied, "I will obey Your Majesty's command."


After a long silence, Gu Yuanbai finally said, "Very well, as Marquis Anle suggested."


Xue Yuan was then taken away, and to appease Marquis Anle, he was given fifty lashes right in front of the palace gates. The sound of the heavy wooden board hitting his body was muffled as it transmitted into the hall. Xue Yuan didn't utter a sound, only occasionally emitting a muffled groan.


Gu Yuanbai remained silent for a while, then suddenly picked up his chopsticks and continued to eat expressionlessly.


Tian Fusheng cautiously suggested, "Your Majesty, should I have the kitchen bring you a fresh round of food?"


Gu Yuanbai replied, "Withdraw."


Tian Fusheng didn't dare to say anything further and quietly left.


The sound of the white jade chopsticks tapping on the porcelain plate created crisp sounds, each one resonating between the muffled thuds from outside. With every sound, the complexion of Marquis Anle's son grew paler, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.


Inside the hall, not a single sound could be heard, which made the outside noises even more distinct.


Dull and heavy, the sounds reached their ears.


For someone with a weak physique, even thirty lashes could kill a person. As time passed slowly, when the sounds finally ceased outside, fine beads of sweat dripped involuntarily from Marquis Anle's forehead.


Gu Yuanbai set down his chopsticks and said indifferently, "Xue Yuan captured dozens of important rebel party members and over ten thousand local soldiers in Southern Jing. The esteemed finger of Marquis Anle's son is so precious that it can even erase such military achievements."


Marquis Anle's heart trembled, and he and his son hurriedly knelt down on the ground. "We are terrified, we spoke out of turn..."


"Southern Jing and the hundreds of thousands of people in Jiangnan, their lives saved from war and slaughter, are worth less than a single finger of the Marquis's son," Gu Yuanbai continued, "Arrogant and unreasonable, Marquis Anle's son is truly remarkable, and his finger is also valuable."


Marquis Anle and his son began to tremble in fear.


After a long while, Gu Yuanbai said, "Withdraw."


Marquis Anle dared not mention the matter of military achievements again. He and his son struggled to rise, bowed hastily to Gu Yuanbai, and quickly left the palace.


The guards who carried out the execution entered and reported, "Your Majesty, the fifty lashes have been carried out."


Chu Wei and Chang Yuyan, who were standing by and heard the report, had complex emotions.


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Gu Yuanbai glanced at them on the side and ordered them to leave. As Chu Wei walked out of the palace, he saw the water stains and the smell of blood on the ground.


He frowned, suppressing countless thoughts in his heart.


Gu Yuanbai lifted the cup of tea to his lips and drank half of it. Suddenly, he stood up, his brows furrowed. "Take me to see him."


The imperial physician had already treated Xue Yuan, so when Gu Yuanbai arrived, apart from the dampness and the smell of blood, there was also the scent of medicinal herbs mixed in.


The room was small and oppressive. Gu Yuanbai didn't know if it was his imagination, but he even felt that the room was extremely dim, making it difficult for him to breathe.


With a steady pace, the emperor walked to the bedside of Xue Yuan, lowered his eyelids, and looked down at the injured Xue Yuan.


Xue Yuan managed to maintain consciousness. His complexion was grim, sweat dampened his temples and collar. Upon hearing the voice, he followed the sound and, with cracked lips, forced a tired smile he had never shown before towards Gu Yuanbai.


"Your Majesty."


Gu Yuanbai said, "You endured this punishment on behalf of your brother. Though your conduct is commendable, I hope you understand that such actions are against the law."


Xue Yuan smiled, unable to move his body, only able to lie prone. The smell of blood on his body mixed with the medicinal scent and assailed Gu Yuanbai. He obediently replied, "I understand."


"As for the matter of depriving you of his military achievements," Gu Yuanbai's tone suddenly turned cold, "I did not agree."


The smile at the corner of Xue Yuan's mouth froze.


He slowly raised his head, his gaze sinister and terrifying. The pretense of docility faded away, replaced by an air of hostility and menace. His fist clenched suddenly, injecting strength into his previously weak body. His spine straightened, as if ready to burst forth at any moment.


Gu Yuanbai sneered coldly, intending to turn and leave. However, as he took just two steps, his robe was grabbed by a hand. When Gu Yuanbai lowered his head to look, he saw Xue Yuan's eyes through that hand.


Xue Yuan's eyes were deep and profound. He sighed and whispered, "Your Majesty, you have a ruthless heart."


Gu Yuanbai said, "Let go."


Xue Yuan, covered in blood, held onto Gu Yuanbai, preventing him from leaving. With his other hand, he supported himself on the bed, raising his upper body. The bloodstains on his clothes also caught Gu Yuanbai's eye.


"Your Majesty, you clearly know that I endured these fifty lashes, that I severed Marquis Anle's son's finger, and even my younger brother's condition deteriorated," Xue Yuan spoke slowly, reaching out and pulling Gu Yuanbai's hand towards him. His hand still bore the bloodstains from when he had painfully clenched his palm, staining Gu Yuanbai's hand red. "You clearly know that I went through all this trouble just to stay by your side."


"But you insist on not granting my wish."


Xue Yuan smiled and pressed Gu Yuanbai's hand against his sweaty face. "Your Majesty, if you make me leave again, I will go insane."


"I don't even know if I would do something even more outrageous."


Gu Yuanbai gazed quietly into Xue Yuan's eyes. "Xue Qing."


Xue Yuan, your intentions towards me are extraordinary.


But Gu Yuanbai didn't want to ask that question.


Even if he were to ask, what would it matter? Regardless of Xue Yuan's answer, Gu Yuanbai's response would remain the same.


He disliked men, he disliked same-sex relationships, and he especially disliked the idea of leaving behind numerous scandalous tales in history, stories of an emperor and a certain courtier's illicit affair.


Furthermore, Gu Yuanbai's body was not suitable for romantic involvement.


He didn't want to hold back young women, but that didn't mean he was willing to hold back men.


Gu Yuanbai coldly attempted to withdraw his hand, and Xue Yuan sensed his intentions. He tightened his grip on Gu Yuanbai's hand, as if holding a precious jade, and lowered his head, placing a gentle kiss on Gu Yuanbai's hand.


An open and unrestrained kiss that couldn't be suppressed any longer.


Xue Yuan didn't want to see the expression on Gu Yuanbai's face.


He only wanted to see Gu Yuanbai's pleasant expression, his smile.


"Give me a smile," Xue Yuan whispered softly, "Just one smile, and I'll give my all for you."


Military achievements, a finger, and this heart that thumped with anticipation.


Gu Yuanbai could have whatever he wanted, as long as he smiled. Everything would be possible.

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