(None of the horses, dogs nor crows are talking and no one knows the real truth.

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However, Mariel had 『created』 the truth by herself using only her previous words. Thus, there can’t be anyone who won’t believe in Mariel’s words and will actually listens to what Aragon has to say…)

Earl Mathrius was surprised by Mariel’s great performance.

She’s certainly a smart girl, but by the end of the day, it was only within the scope of 『a daughter from an ordinary noble』, and the Earl did not think that the horses……, not the 『soldiers who are riding the horse』 but instead the 『horses themselves』……would be connected to the Goddess.

Or rather, this matter won’t come into one’s mind normally, nor does it seem to be possible in the first place.

If there is someone who can foresee such a thing, then he/she is not a normal person. Even if his/her prediction is on point, that is.


(Mariel has always been better than what I have thought…no, no, no, no!)

Earl Mathrius shakes his head in panic.

No matter how smart the person is, connecting with the Goddess is not something that a normal person can do and that said person could even command the horses as well… then that means…


(No! You can’t lose your common sense! You can’t…)

And there lies the Earl hanging his head dejectedly while looking at the horses, dogs, and flying crows who seems to have surrounded them.


In actuality, the Earl himself did not believe that much in Mariel’s words. However, there is no doubt that this is an event which is beyond human knowledge.

And that 『irregular who does something beyond human knowledge』 is clearly on Mariel’s side, and such existence can not be anyone else other than Goddess Celestine. That is what the Earl along with the people here judged.

The crowd’s enthusiasm was surging like a big wave in the face of an extremely huge event, whether it was a miracle or merely the girl’s vengeance.

When the Earl saw it, he thought,

(There’s nothing I can do except going along with this Big Wave!)


Mathrius: “Aragon, just accept it…”

However, Aragon was bad at knowing when to give up.

No, it’s not as if he will be let off if he admits his sins. It’s only natural for him to struggle until the end due to the fact that he can’t escape from the incoming capital punishment as it’s not a matter where he can be just deprived of his noble title.

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Aragon: “W-what, what do you mean by accepting it? The one we must after is this little girl who has become the Goddess’ enemy and a terrible sinner as she has joined hands with the devil, committing a terrible sin of killing her own parents, and trying to rub that sin on her uncle by using the devil’s follower…”

The Earl had a 『Yikes, that will hurt…』 face when he heard it.


Mathrius: “Aragon, you…, are you misunderstanding something?”

Aragon: “Huh?”

Earl Mathrius continued talking to Aragon after he cut off his words prematurely.

Mathrius: “Despite being a father figure, I cannot selfishly do anything to other nobles unless I’m directly harmed. Hence, there won’t be any meaning to try to explain or persuade me, you know?

Even His Majesty can not punish nobles without proof. If he does that, there would be an uprising from the nobles!”

Aragon: “Oh! then-”

Aragon showed a joyful look when he knew that Earl Mathrius’ goal is not trying to condemn him. However, the Earl hasn’t finished what he wants to say.

Mathrius: “Only the head of a noble family can punish his/her nobles freely whether there’s an evidence or not.”

Aragon: “…………eh?”

Aragon turned his neck in a movement as if it made a screeching noise, and looked towards Mariel.

And what reflected on his eyes was Mariel who had been showing her broad smile at him.

Mariel originally thought that she, as a child, won’t be taken seriously by the other party when she tries to complain. That is because the family’s heir was her elder brother in the first place. Hence, Mariel did not receive the education of becoming a feudal lord and instead she received the lady’s education which doesn’t include on how to become the lord’s shadow, that is, the authority to dispose of one’s family members freely.

But now, Mariel had studied and learned everything of what she could do since she has decided to get a revenge on him.


Mathrius: “Mariel doesn’t need any evidence nor witnesses to punish you. 『Opposing the head』 and 『Bringing shame to her noble family which she considers it as a public humiliation』. Those arbitrary verdicts is enough for you to be stripped of from your nobility, staying in prison for a lifetime, or even… a capital punishment.

That is to say, Mariel purposely went through all of this to raise Reifell Viscounty’s honor by showing the evidence of her parents’ real murderer so that she can tell the crowds that her parents weren’t killed by mere bandits.

If the little girl who is the successor of her family and is supported by the Goddess can overcome the crisis of becoming a fallen noble, her family would be safe under the protection of Goddess Celestine as long as the kingdom is in peace.

……who wants to meddle with her? With a noble household where 『That lady』, yes, 『That lady』, Goddess Celestine has lent her hand to? If by chance, there happens to be such an idiot, I would like to see him by all means.”

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Ignoring Aragon who had fallen to the ground, Earl Mathrius asked Mariel.

Mathrius: “What are you going to do with him? Won’t it be painful for you to keep him alive and always look at his face? If you’re not good at handling him, how about I give a punishment for him right here instead?”

However, Mariel shook his head.

Mariel: “Thank you for your kindness, however it would make more sense for me as the family head to settle my family’s dishonor with my own hand. It’s already sufficient when the Goddess has lent her hand.”

Mathrius: “I see…. Yeah, that is certainly true…”


It might be more effective when the rumor flows among the nobles and ends up inside the royal palace. That is, a sudden rumor that tells how a Viscountess severely and gallantly dealt with her parents and brother’s enemy until the end and is favored by the Goddess herself….

The Earl was only nodding many times when he thought so.




Kaoru: “…Well then, I will now do a final confirmation about the contents of the contract.”

The event ended safely without us tearing down our facade.

After that, the servants tied up Mariel-san’s uncle, Aragon and took him to the dungeon… expected, there’s one after all, huh…?

Mariel then returned after talking with her father figure, that is to say, the Earl for a while as it is up to the client to confirm the completion of the work that has been done.

Ah, Ed and the others were taken back home by Emile and Bell, while the crows and dogs dispersed immediately. All of them looked disappointed as they deemed that this was a profitable job for them. Even though I have said to them that “I will call you again next time”, I don’t think there will be another vengeance work like this again.

Well, this is only me slightly considering the possibility of it.

Oh, of course, Carlos went directly to this place’s stable without the mask on as I have received some money from Mariel with the same amount as when I bought him.

……Because I’m not doing charity, you see. The expenses have to be paid exactly, excluding the retaining fee.


Kaoru: “I have received the retaining fee and the necessary expenses. What’s left would be the remuneration for the extras…

As I have mentioned before, the crows and dogs who have cooperated for this case, will be permitted to ask this house for help once when they don’t have any other way for treating their injuries or illness. If a weak dog or crow comes into the premises of this house, protect it and take care of the treatment and diet. In addition, keep a record of those patients so that you can drive away those who come back for the second time. The same treatment will apply to the ones who only pleading for food.”

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Mariel & Butler: “”………””

Arya~ such a doubtful face you are making now, Mariel-san and Butler-san….

Well, they can freely give the service for the ones who come for the second time, though… That is because at the end of the day, the contents of the contract say that you only have to do it once.


Mariel: “….excluding the dogs, crows are indistinguishable, you know? No matter how many pictures there are, it would still…”


The butler also nodded in agreement due to Mariel’s sharp intuition.


Kaoru: “T-that kind of thing can be done if you earnestly do it…”

When a crow is injured, most of them will likely die on the spot to begin with. I don’t think that there will be so many of them who can reach here. Okay, let’s leave all the decision-making to the people from this residence! Yes, leave it all to them!


Alright, case closed. The first request, 『Animal Doctor』, the additional request, 『Interpreting the horses』, and the final request, 『Helping their vengeance』….

The case about revenge is a request from Carlos, but since there were various additional requests, I have concluded a new 『contract of additional items』 for Mariel as well.

…If I don’t do that, the crows and dogs’ food expenses will be mine to pay instead of Carlos, right?

Kaoru: “Well then, we will be leaving now…”

Mariel: “Please wait!”

I was stopped by Mariel-san when I was about to leave with Francette following me from behind.

Kaoru: “…is there something else?”

When I stopped and asked, Mariel and the butler stood from their chair and kneeled on the floor with the servants behind them while lowering their head as well.

Mariel: “I would like to give my utmost gratitude for your help, and if possible, I would like return this favor to you if there’s a chance in the future…”

Ah~ there’s no need for that as it will be troublesome, though…

But, it would be bad if I say something like that to Mariel-san, huh?

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…sigh, can’t be helped…

Kaoru: “Alright, if there’s a chance…”


If I say such empty promise and try to withdraw this time, then I can-…..hmm? One of the servant girl is making a worried face.

Kaoru: “What’s wrong?”

Servant Girl: “N-n-n-n-no! There’s no problem at all!”

Well, they would always answer it like that, right…?

Kaoru: “Speak!”

Servant Girl: “HIIIIIIIIIHH!”

No, you don’t have to be that frightened…wait! My eyes!? Was it because of my eyes!?

No no, my eyes should be drooping eyes that are forced like so with adhesive  and is currently disguised with makeup…

……then, what is it!?!

Kaoru: “Say it quickly!”

Servant Girl: “Y-y-y-y-y-yess! U-umm, I wonder if was it alright to call the crows and dogs who help us are Goddess’ angels…? Angering Celestine-sama this time surely would be…”


Ahh, it’s about that, huh? It’s natural for her to be that worried when she sees 『a girl who were merely blessed with an ability to speak in animal language』 and think that she’s using the Goddess’ name without permission……the reason being is that, it’s because it’s Celes, you see…

Kaoru: “It’s fine. Celes won’t get mad from this, and she won’t even complain about what I’m doing as well. It’s because…”

Servant Girl: “Because?”

Kaoru: “It’s because I’m Celes’ friend!”


Yeah, there were some other servants who seemed a little uneasy about it, so I can say this much to reassure them. That is because all of the servants were told nothing about me from the start and were fiercely ordered by Mariel-san to go along with it.

And so, I withdrew from Reifell Viscounty’s residence leaving behind the dumbfounded servants and Mariel as well as the butler, who had lowered their heads without showing their perplexed expression whether they had it in the first place or not.

Alongside Francette who was dissatisfied at first with how I merely went along with Mariel-san at the last event and is now smiling brightly as her mood had been fixed when she saw me being worshipped by them.

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