Francette: “……that’s what happened.”

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Francette explained to Roland about what happened after we had our dinner.

From now on, if something happened, information must be shared together. Therefore, this is a step that we must do.

Roland: “Why did you left me out!?”

Even though I know how angry Roland is…..


Kaoru: “That’s obvious, we can’t afford to let the royalty, Roland, be involved in a problem of a noble from another kingdom. If, in the unlikely event, Roland’s status got revealed or it becomes necessary to reveal your identity, it will become an international issue……”

Roland: “If you say it like that then, Francette, you are also a noble of our kingdom, right!? There’s no significant differences between you and me in terms of becoming an international issue!”


Ah~ as expected he would argue with that, huh…. well, If I were him, I would likely poke that side as well, maybe.

But, Francette remained calm.

Francette: “In that case, I will give up my viscount title and 『become a wandering swordsman who was exiled from her kingdom』. Then, Roland-sama will return back to his kingdom and annul our engagement…”

Roland: “Wha!? Fran! you, that’s too much…”

Roland was impressed by her resolve as she’s ready to abandon her kingdom, family, and even her fiancee, only to become an exile.

Francette: “And then, as the Goddess’ guardian knight, I will spend my days filled with excitement with Kaoru-sama, Riette, and Bell, fufu, fufufufu…”

Roland: “Wha!?! You bastard! So that’s what you’re aiming for, huh!?!”

Emile: “Why did you not include me!?!”

Roland raised his voice in anger and Emile raised a voice of protest to Francette who had told her wish with a sloven expression.

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Yeah, I already knew that it would turn out like this….

In the first place, is there any kingdom that would exile a great patriotic hero, 『Fierce God Fran』 who has received a divine sword as well as the Goddess’ affection and rejuvenated into her young-self?

Even if the kingdom declares a war to the neighboring kingdoms, it’s already decided that they will take Francette as well. They might prioritize her over Roland as well if they are careless about it.

No, really, I’m serious….




Butler: “It’s a messenger from the royal palace.”

Mariel: “Let him in.”

A messenger from the royal palace finally came….

Mathrius: “It’s fine, I have also sent a letter to His Majesty. Perhaps, it’s just a confirmation from him.”

Having said that, my father figure, Earl Mathrius, looked at me with a face saying 『you don’t have to worry about it』.

He’s someone who I respect and rely on for Reifell household even before my parents’ death. Today as well, he rushed out with a concerned look knowing that the messenger from the royal palace will come. As of now, he’s already like a father to me after both of my parents are now gone.


……A messenger from the royal palace.

Yes, it’s a visitation to confirm the letter which I had sent before to the king about the truth of my parents and brother’s death, and the crime of what my uncle, Aragon did as well as his execution.

Earl Mathrius had also sent an explanation letter, so this would only be nothing more than a formality for confirming the facts, yes….

And then, we welcomed the messenger in the reception room and explained the situation at once, however we don’t need to add more explanation as all of it had already been written in the letter.

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Messenger: “And, what happened to the divine horses as well as the angel crows and dogs who had brought the horse named Carlos?”

Mariel: “Eh, of course everyone went home, though?”

I didn’t expect that the messenger would be an Earl. I thought for sure that it would be an ordinary civil servant, or at most, a third or fourth son from a lower class noble.

However, he only questioned about the weird phenomena instead of my uncle-……no, Aragon’s criminal act… it’s a bit rude as he only focuses on things like 『Goddess’ Miracle』, yes?

It might be okay to think that he has no intention to say anything about Aragon’s disposal which I had done or even making a trouble for Reifell household. Though, there seem to be no reproach from him in the first place.


If he tries to meddle with the legitimate successor who has succeeded the lord title after the previous lord was attacked by a villain that is his relative, his family would join as well and will make the other nobles worried and thinking that his family is scheming something. Hence, there’s also a possibility that the  other nobles will join together and turn hostile towards the royalty. Therefore, I don’t think that the current royalty who has maintained a relatively good relationship with the powerful nobles, will act with that kind of stupidity. Moreover, against a small child and a small household who has no benefit whatsoever even if it is destroyed.

And if that were to happen, I don’t think that my father figure, Earl Mathrius, will keep being silent, and the people from the royal palace should have already known about it.

……In short, my Reifell Viscounty should be safe….


Messenger: “…And, have you recently met a girl with a sharp gaze and menacing look?”

Eh? What in the world is he talking about? That person has a kind and drooping eyes. Though, it felt somehow a bit unnatural, just like a stiffened face.

Mariel: “No, I don’t think she’s like that…”

Messenger: “I-I see, then, someone, l-like for example, a person who can do a 『Goddess’ Miracle』…?”

Mariel: “I have mentioned earlier that the strange event was only the crows, dogs, and horses’ conduct.”

Messenger: “I see…. Then, would you allow me to meet the horses?”

Mariel: “Eh? Ah, yes, I don’t mind…”

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When I guided him to the stable, Carlos and the other horses approached immediately.

Carlos already had a good relationship with the other horses, but since that day they have become increasingly close.

Messenger: “Carlos…is that what you are called? It seems that you have played a very active part in this. His Majesty was also impressed!”

Carlos: 『Buhin? Bufuu!』

Ah, Carlos turned gloomy and only replied with a nasal breathing at the human. He was overly-familiar with him even though this was their first meeting.

Messenger: “Uwaah!!”

Ah, there’s a bit of… Carlos’ snot….



After that, I was asked a lot of other things, but there were no words of blame from the messengers about me and Reifell Viscounty, and finally he delivered the king’s words, saying 『I am sorry to have given you trouble, keep protecting your house, territory and your people from now on, and devote yourself to the kingdom.』 and went straight home.


Mathrius: “That was a splendid attitude, Mariel! The fact that you have been told those words means that the legitimacy of your deed is fully recognized and His Majesty has acknowledged you as the legitimate successor of Reifell Viscounty. No, there was no decision left other than that in the first place. Even so, this is already good.

Now then, let’s give a half-day vacation and some pocket money to the servants for their hard work, and take your time to rest. You must be very tired both physically and mentally as you had been busy since that incident until now.

Managing one’s health is also a duty, a duty for an aristocrat. Go take a rest for a bit. ”

That being said, the Earl went home immediately as he thought that I can’t casually rest when he’s here.


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After the Earl went back home, as he recommended, I gave pocket money as a special payment to the servants and said that they could come back at tonight’s curfew. Thus, excluding the guards, everyone will leave with their half day vacation which I have given to.

I also gave the chefs a holiday, so there won’t be any dinner even if they stay here. Having said that, everyone started preparing to go out with a bitter smile. Of course, the amount of money that I gave can afford a somewhat luxurious dinner. No matter how 『small amount』 it is, there is no way it’s small. Even if it’s puny, this is still a noble residence, not a barony, but a viscounty, a Viscounty!

Now then, I have my hands free now, so should I go to the stable again and become Carlos’ talking partner?


Mariel: “Carlos! Thank you for everything. It’s all thanks to you! The divine horses took a liking to you and you were taken care of as well by the young lady. Also, because you introduced me to the Goddess who is Celestine’s friend, I could fulfill my revenge and brought back peace to Reifell Viscounty. Really, Thank you very much…”

Carlos: 『Bururu, Bururururu!』

Mariel: “…I’m sorry I refused the Goddess’ offer to use her magic medicine to make you speak human language, because I think that you don’t need it.”

Carlos: 『Buhihin, Buruburu.』

Mariel: “That’s why…”


Carlos: 『Hihin, Buhihi!』

Mariel: “Buhi! Buhihi, Buhihinhinbururubuhihin, hihihinhinbuhihi! (Yes! She gave me the ability to speak in animal language!)”

Mariel: “Because it’s more convenient as I can now talk to other horses and dogs, and I can also take care of those who were injured or ill, that is the crows and the stray do-… no, 『the dogs who are making their own living』. I can now talk to everyone and I will surely repay their kindness. It’s perfect!”

Carlos: 『Buhihi, Hihihinhin!』

Mariel: “Hi~n! Hihinbuhibuhi, Bururururu!”

Carlos & Mariel: “『Buhihihihi!』”

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