123 Siege Warfare 9

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[Mercenaries! But what will change with just two more!…… Well, you guys brought something extra into the village, haven’t you? Damn it, this village doesn’t matter anymore! Kill them all!

Then let the next villagers hear the story to shut them up! Let them see the way the village is annihilated because of their foolish act, so they can regret it!] Bandit Leader


Seeing half of his minions getting killed, his anger clouded his mind so he no longer intended to exploit the village anymore. It seemed like he was going to kill all the villagers and take everything they can, then move on to another village for them to parasitize.

……Honestly, can he really force his men when half of them came from this village to kill their fellow villagers?

This seems to be the danger of being a parasite. You’ll never know when you’ll get stabbed in your sleep.


Once the villagers realized that bandits could be easily killed, they wouldn’t put up with unreasonable demands any longer. Moreover, the villagers were able to kill half of the bandits while receiving no damage…

Then the sound of weapon clashing reverberated~!

Well, because the other side was not using a sword, there shouldn’t be a sound of a metal clashing.


The thieves wielding their swords with the fence behind them, and the villagers holding their bamboo spears with their hips dropped.

The bandits were in an unorganized and uncontrolled position, but the villagers were tightly spaced while surrounding the bandits in a semicircle.

Was that a Phalanx Shift? (ファランクス・シフト)

They didn’t have a shield though.


The Phalanx Shift, which its weaknesses may get exposed when it suddenly got attacked from the side, from the rear, or got attacked by cavalry.

But it’s now an invincible formation with no weaknesses, as there was no possibility of getting ambushed.


Even if the bandits had reserve troops, they would only appear on the other side of the fence and the villagers would not be surprised.

And, since they’re using a sword that wasn’t properly tempered, just like a cheap dull-edged sword that wasn’t well maintained, they wouldn’t be able to easily cut the bamboo completely.

It was too late when the bandits realized that the hunters were now being hunted by their prey. Their fellow bandits, who were trapped in the narrow space of the fence behind them were unable to escape through the densely packed thorns and spikes and were forced to be hunted in front by the protruding bamboo spears.

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[Damn it all~ ~ ~!!] Bandit


One of the bandits who tried to attack the villagers by flipping up the bamboo spear with a sword was pierced by the bamboo spears sticking out from left and right.

Even the person who tried to get through the bamboo spear was successfully pierced on the head by a three-pronged hoe that was swung down by a man next to the villager with the bamboo spear.

Behind those who have bamboo spears, were those who have farming tools to swing down against the approaching bandits. They’re sticking close and waiting for a chance.

These farm tools have a longer reach than the swords, so the bandits cannot attack them with swords even if they stretched their arms.

They have to get closer. Much closer.

On the other hand, the hoe can be swung down with its extended shaft.


A few impatient bandits looked back and tried to break through the fence to escape, but the villagers who had already walked out from the gate lined up with bamboo spears from the outside of the fence.

There were women and children mixed in, but it’s easy to just point the clenched bamboo spear towards the opponent who cannot avoid the attack nor swing their swords while trying to force through the narrow fence gap.

It’ll work, so there’s no problem.



……They’re trapped.

However, it seems that the bandit leader couldn’t stand the fact that his famous bandit group <The Beast of Calamity>, which had nearly 30 minions, was destroyed by the villagers who didn’t sustain any casualty.

It looked like he released a strange shout of anger and tried to break through the line of bamboo spears, but he got attacked by the villagers who correctly recognized that this was the point of the game.

He was penetrated by many bamboo spears, and upon receiving many hoe strikes on his body, he sank into the ground with a moaning grudge.

And after several bandits followed him, the remaining bandits threw their weapons on the ground and surrendered.


In this region where the crime of death was relatively small, even bandits often become life-long slaves, except for those who were so vicious that they would even kill all those who surrendered.

They may not live long in harsh conditions as mining slaves, but it is better than being killed here. But if they were lucky, they may be placed in a more comfortable and safer workplace as a model prisoner. And if they do, they may live with a healthy diet, until they expire their average life expectancy. It seems that they could even live longer there.

The bandits were rather vicious, but since the leader, the deputies, and the executive staffs who were in charge of planning for the bandit group were probably dead. Then, for the remaining small fries, the probability of escaping capture, will be very low.

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After capturing and binding all the bandits who surrendered, the villagers stood still and was stunned for a while.

However, their expressions gradually returned to their faces, and their voices began to rise. The voices of delight…


In the midst of laughter and sorrow, I continued to work steadily, with the help of Francette and Emile.

Yes, while they still have a sense of defeat, I’m letting the bandits who were still alive to drink potions and heal them to some extent. If they cannot drink it or do not try to drink it because they suspect that it’s poisonous, then we’ll splash it on their wounds.

Whether we win or lose, it’s unnecessary to increase the number of dead bodies.

It’s not like I’m going to show them a sweet face. I’ll hand them over the city guards to receive their punishment for their crimes. It’s a matter of [life and death] to capture a bandit. But if you lived and captured them alive, you can hand them over alive.

The guards won’t bother taking them if you hand them over after killing them.

……And, if they’re dead, the corpses will spoil, and maggots will spring out, which makes it even more troublesome.


But what worries me the most is that next time, in the future, the villagers will try and kill all those who’ve surrendered as well as the heavily wounded.

There was no possibility that villagers would take such action several times in the past, and that’s how it was going so far.

But it would be awful when the villagers becomes ruthless and underhanded people who will kill the bandits according to their sense of justice. I won’t blame them if it’s for self-defense, however, I don’t want them to become cold-blooded killers.

In order to make them understand such moderation, we needed to show it to them now.

And, more importantly.

If you hand over the bandits alive to the guards, you’ll get half of the money when they’re sold as a criminal slave, not just the bounty!


Oh, the story got a little derailed, you say?


……And so, the younger people in the village panicked and rushed to the older people in the village, when they saw that the bandits who were bound were still alive, and the healing potion was sprinkled on the wound of the person who seemed to be dangerous.


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[Stop! Stop it, or we will…!] Villagers





[……So, you don’t have to take it easy during the fight, but if you can catch them alive, just hand them over to the guards!

Otherwise, if you kill the ones who surrendered then no one will surrender, they will fight to the last man. Then, the damages will be irreversible, so you’ll only gain extra dead bodies and people with serious injuries. You won’t be able to sell them as criminal slaves.] Kaoru


Yes, when I explained it that way, they seem to understand it. But still, it seems that not all of them were temporarily-high of being bloodthirsty, they were farmers after all. Good grief!……

In the end, only a few people were captured alive, excluding those who surrendered at the end.


If you hit them using a blunt sword on the parts with no armor, they may suffer some fatal injuries such as broken bones or ruptured internal organs.

……No, even if it was a fatal injury, it doesn’t mean that it will be immediate death. So yeah.

However, it seems that most people died without holding on for less than a minute when many bamboo spears were stabbing them.

Also, there should be no bandit wearing full plate armor……

Oh, well, it can’t be helped.

Chest armor…… Shut up! (アーマーだけに)


[Thank you very much! We will never forget this kindness!] Village Chief


……Yes, the village chief doesn’t seem to have a long time to stay as the <Village Chief>…



In the end, Francette, Roland, and Emile were so anxious while watching the battle, gripping the handle of their swords tightly, so that they could always save the villagers at a moment’s notice.

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Though fortunately their turn never came.

Originally, the villagers planned to somehow do it by themselves, so they didn’t give them a turn. Of course, if they do, it means that <the villagers cannot handle the bandits on their own>.

If that happens, I’ll give it up and let Francette go wild.

But the old people and the rest of the villagers somehow did it.


However, next time… If there is a next time, there will be no convenient <Tekkon>. How well can they handle it without backups?

And do they really have the motivation to do it by themselves?

If they fail, it’s our responsibility to put out the fire…

…I don’t know anything about that!


This time, I was asked, so I helped. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t make me take responsibility for the future!

So then, do your best by yourself!

I’ll watch enthusiastically from afar.

……I won’t get involved.

Can I even protect all rural villages, mountain villages, and fishing villages all over the world?!



All right, the villagers started preparing for the banquet. Let’s eat up and fill our bellies.

Mōsōchiku, its shoot tastes good when stir-fried by itself, or toss it with Kikurage, this delicious dish was the specialty of this village…


Francette, who didn’t get a turn, wasn’t particularly grumpy. This time, she really understood that if she gets her turn, the situation was really bad. Of course, Emile too. Needless to say, Roland.


Well, then, let’s get Riette-chan and Belle……

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