124 Siege Warfare 10

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[For the time being, please send out a messenger to the city. In order to collect the bandits and to receive the reward money and half of the sales profit from selling the criminal slaves.

……Don’t think about recklessly bringing them yourselves to the town. These bandits are sly old foxes, so they are bound to get hurt, they will use their hands, they will use their feet, they will even twist their if they have to so that they can kill the convoy and escape.

Even if they are amateurs, even with their bare hands, they can easily kill you by snapping your neck, poke your eyes with their fingers, crush your throat, and so on..] Kaoru



The villagers looked a little pale.

Ah, I see, you were thinking it’s already sweet from this point…


[For the escort, please ask an expert. Rather than hiring a hunter, it’s better to ask the guards to pick them up and it’s free, right? And, to prevent the reward money and the sales money from being robbed, let 3 or 4 strong people accompany you to the town! There is no doubt that there are some guards who would think of bad things like bagging a little pocket money.] Kaoru

「「「「「…………」」」」」 Villagers


Ara, was it a shocker that I’m doubting the guards?

However, half of the sales price of criminal slaves goes to the city, and some of them were <spilled> by the officer in charge…

No, it seems that it will be paid as a temporary bonus, so they will gladly receive the bandits and take them over. It’s possible to say so, but I can’t trust them that much because they were the kind of people who will abandon and left a village in crisis.

No, maybe it’s not an issue about an individual officer, but rather the policy from above, so it’s possible that he’s just obeying it…


Anyway, I got the food when they started to line up the finished products, and immediately withdrew!

After all, we are all strangers. We’re just foreigners visiting this village.

Yes, for the people of this village, we’re just a temporary irregularity that was not much different from those bandits.

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It was the villagers themselves who protected the village, and the wandering gods that appeared conveniently, the <mechanical god Deus Ex Machina> did not arbitrarily beat any bandit.

Well, let’s say that the advice fee and the usage fee of that hot spring was the meal. That’s it, <Today, we’re sorry about this!> Wait…, isn’t it a little different?



[Thank you, Francette-san!] Boi


Then, the boy who guided us from the hot spring came to us. As I see it, the hoe that still clasped in his hand has reddish-black blood on it.

……Was that the proof of the battle that he already participated in?

This child seems to think that the greatest one among us was Francette.

Well, it is obviously the two <astoundingly awesome> people are Roland and Francette who have god-like equipment, but Roland was more on the feminine side, just like me, so in terms of power, Francette was on the top of the food chain… or hierarchy.

There is no point in comparing nor asking who’s on the top though.

And above all, Francette was the most enthusiastic about training her sword, and it was clear that she’s stronger than Roland, so for this child, the highest-ranking among us was probably Francette.


[I will train more and buy a proper sword instead of this farm tool! And kill all the bandits!] Boi


Perhaps he thinks Francette will praise and encourage him to kill bandits with his own hands and that was his determination to protect the village.

But Francette shook her head.


[Then you will no longer be a peasant.] Francette

[Eh?……] Boi

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He doesn’t know what Francette is saying. With such a face, Francette continued to speak to the confused boy.


[You don’t learn martial arts to kill people, you learn it in order to elevate yourself and protect your precious things.

……For that reason, people may be killed as a result.

However, <I want to kill people, so I will learn martial arts> was more of a bandit’s ideals, it’s no longer of a knight or a peasant. It’s not for that reason that I and Roland taught you with the way of the sword.

This time, the people of this village fought courageously and successfully defeated the bandits. Everyone has no knowledge of martial arts. But it’s a victory brought to them by desperate thoughts and desperate actions to protect the people of the village, rather than just trying to kill the bandits. So, it’s not because of a desire for violent murder…

Protecting the village requires the cooperation and strong will of all the villagers. And there’s no need for murderers.] Francette


It may not be possible for him to understand everything that Francette says, but to some extent, he could somehow understand it. The surrounding adults who were listening to Francette would talk to the children later.

The younger adults, who were in a turmoil because of the sudden blood lust, quietly stood still, and the air was a little heavy, but this was what the old men should handle.

Immediately after that, the banquet has begun, the venue became lively, and everyone was excited.


The beverage honey mead, which was probably a treasured item, and the brewed beverage made from mixing fruits and grains. These people refrained from drinking alcoholic drinks.

Then, we quickly received the delicious food, greeted only the village chief and a few old men, and swiftly escaped from the banquet which was not over for the time being.

The old men gently sent us off along with the words of gratitude because we didn’t want to stay for too long.

……As I expected, they seemed to have a lot of experience in that area.

Oh, I tried to tell them to make sure that they get rid of the trap that they prepared, but I couldn’t. It’ll be terrible if the villagers get caught in a trap after forgetting to remove it.

It didn’t serve well its role this time, though it was a good experience to be able to prepare traps for future use, so it’s not a waste. If they learn from their failures and mistakes, it’ll be useful for the next time, it will never be useless.

There’s nothing useless in life. The battle with the rotten boss and the local bud was also useful because it helped improve the level of patience and thought ability.

Yeah, that must be it!

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[…………] Francette


Francette seems to be thinking about something while walking on the mountain path where the road splits on the beast path.


[Is there something bothering you?] Kaoru

[Ah, no… Just a bit, about that village…] Francette


I tried to talk to her, but she didn’t seem to be thinking so deeply. It’s still just in the level of <I’m curious>.

[Until now, even if they’re being exploited by the bandits, Komura Village has continued to survive by handing over their food, women, and money. But now that they have learned to rebel and fight, I wonder if the village will survive forever?] Francette

[…Yeah, …If they resist, they must destroy the enemies, otherwise, the village will be wiped out. And most of the time, it doesn’t always work the way you want it…] Kaoru


That’s not surprising. Their battle depends on chance, luck, and timing.


[Yeah, they might be wiped out soon.] Francette

[Well, that’s simple…] Kaoru


To my words, Francette opened her eyes wide, but it’s not a big deal.


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[It’s the freedom of the villager’s wether to fight or behave like they used to, depending on the size of the opponent. There will be times that they don’t have to fight. And it’s the freedom of the villagers no matter what path they choose and what will they end up with.

We just let them experience a free trial course <This time you can follow up even if you make a mistake, so it’s okay> and <I’ve added one more option to your choice>. Though I don’t know what will they do from now on, but we have no responsibility for that. And that’s just how it is.] Kaoru

[…………] Francette


Francette is a justice idiot and has a strong mind. Despite being over the age of thir……, oops!!

Yeah, I avoided the flying boomerang just now. It was dangerously fatal…

(TN: fun fact: Francette is over 30 y/o.)

Anyway, it’s all over. It can’t be helped now.



After that, we soak in the hot spring, so we’ll resume our journey tomorrow morning after fully enjoying the bath.

Yes, the purpose of this journey was <employee comfort trip> and <hot spring trip>. <The housekeeper saw! Female college student Yukemuri hot spring gourmet timetable murder case! !>

(『家政婦は見た!女子大生湯けむり温泉グルメ時刻表殺人事件』である!!) (TN: Detective Conan reference? dunno.)

Yeah, the most important thing is the hot spring! Other than that, it’s the <Goddess’s whim>.

I just wanted to help those who happen to be there.

Good luck comes only once.

I will never take responsibility for it for the rest of my life.

And that’s how it is.


Then, on the morning of the following day, we calmly soak in the hot springs once more, before going home with full of energy.

Francette’s concern was, the Lion Head’s <Healing and Recovery Effect> that was set a little stronger than the previous ones, I forgot to remove it or reduce its effectiveness, and left it as it is…

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