That evening, both Merria and her family, who had been eating together, stopped eating at the words of the butler out of the blue.

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“That’s Frederick?”


“Oh! A message came that he would visit soon.”


“Wasn’t the Grand Duke on his way back from the war?”


Duke Themis Rackester couldn’t hide his dubious expression.


The Duke of Rackester, who remained neutral with Prince Frederick, the biggest supporter of the Crown Prince, had no political or personal relationship with the young Duke of Frederick.


Besides, Grand Duke Frederick wouldn’t even be in the capital right now, but he’s going to our Mansion visit all of a sudden.


I had no choice but to be embarrassed with the sudden announcement of his visit.


“In a few days, the Knights, including His Highness the Crown Prince and His Majesty the Grand Duke, will arrive in the capital, and they want to be invited at any time thereafter of their arrival.”


“Wasn’t there any word why they’re coming for a visit? Do they need something?”


“Yes, I did ask about their reason for the visit, but there was no answer from him, and I just conveyed that and went back.”




Themis seemed to be lost in thought and was no longer talking.


Merria, who returned to her room after the meal, refused to eat dessert, even sent Lexie out and jumped into her bed.


During the meal, words that she couldn’t get out of her mouth earlier poured out.


“Why the Grand Duke…”


Clearly, there was no connection between Rackester and Frederick in the original.

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The aristocratic families of the current Empire were divided into three main categories.


The Crown Prince, who supports Queen Christine’s Resuscitation of Altheon,


The Second Prince’s Supporters of Dominique of Queen Helena’s Resuscitation, 


and then Neutralists. 


Since Shannon’s father, Count Magner, was a supporter of the second prince, the conflict between the crown prince and the second prince was the main problem, in the original


The neutral Duke of Rackcaster was so small that it was all because of Merria.


(T/N: because Merria didn’t want to be involved in the original, the Rackester had little appearance/intervention in the Empire’s political state.)


However, to visit unexpectedly, there was no lightning bolt in the clear sky.


“No way… because Altheon asked you to?”


Meria closed her mouth because she didn’t want to believe what she had just said. 


No matter how hard she struggles, was she still destined to become Altheon’s fiance?


“I’ll have to run outside that day.’’


No matter how much he was a prince, he wouldn’t do anything ridiculous just to find an absent person.


Merria, who came up with the easiest way to escape, laid down on a wide bed and sighed.


* * *


She hadn’t decided on the design, but Miolo told her already that the fitting had already been completed.

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”I didn’t think it’s going to be this fast even if I just hang on my dress all day.”


I was grateful for Miolo’s enthusiasm but also half worried.


According to Lilith, it’s the most gorgeous thing Miolo ever made.


It was very disturbing to think that Lilith, who usually likes excessive decorations, was the one who said that.


“I hope they won’t give me a dress that looks like a peacock…”


As she was wondering if she could get rid of the decorations, Merria decided to visit the dress shop alone on the day Lilith had scheduled.


She took Lexie with her, Lexie gave a look of resentment for a short while, and she pretended not to see it.


The carriage departed, and soon arrived at the dressing shop.


Like last time, Miolo greeted Mary with a bright smile.


“Welcome, Merria. Come this way.”


Merria followed Miolo’s lead to her usual room.


As soon as Miolo tried to open the door and enter, the door in the other room opened.


“…Lady Merria Rackester?”


A charming, classical voice called to Merria.


The innermost room of the dressing shop was a place where only the guests directly served by Miolo could enter.


Then she must be a very high-ranking noble  or close to Miolo.


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‘Which was it. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen her before.’


Lilith, who frequently appears in every  social gathering in society, had some information that she obtained, but she picked it up in hand and had never spoken face to face.


At best, it was all the wives who briefly passed by at her mother’s tea party.


She seems to be a socially bright person in society enough to recognize Merria.


If I didn’t deal with it properly, there could be bad rumors circulating about me.


‘But anyway, rumors about me are already…’


There weren’t many good rumors about Merria.


Merria, who decided not to panic with the situation, slowly turned her gaze.


The first thing that caught her eye was the shiny brown hair.


A beautiful woman stood, with her gently flowing brown hair, deep and clear eyes, thick rosy lips, and her light brown eyes that reminded her of a sandy beach.


If Merria’s appearance was a fresh atmosphere, her opponent was a classic beauty with an elegant and antique atmosphere.


‘Karina Delphi.’


If Miolo was a beautiful brunette lady with a grand status and influence, Karina, who was called the flower of social circles, was the only one.


Merria’s eyes were wide open at the appearance of an unexpected figure.


Karina gently smiled and said to her.


“My name is Karina Delphi. It’s my first time to talk to you like this.”


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”Nice to meet you… I’m Merria Rackester.”


Under the law of the Empire, it was natural that Karina, the marquis daughter, greeted her first, but Merria felt embarrassed for no reason.






When the exchange of greetings ended, the conversation naturally ended.


She can enter her room as it was, but it took a while for Karina, who first spoke to her.


Merria asked her a question to bring out the most natural subject in this situation.


She said, 


“Are you here for the victorious banquet dress?”


“That’s right. Lady Merria came here for the same reason as me?”


“Yes, Then I’ll go first…”


Merria, who thought she had finished her greetings after exchanging a couple of chit-chat, awkwardly blurted the end of her words.


Before Merria took her steps, Karina hesitantly asked.


“Lady Merria, if you don’t mind, could you spare me a moment?’




“It’s so nice to meet you by chance like this… Actually, I always wanted to talk to Lady Merria.”


Karina came one more step closer towards Merria.

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