Merria analyzed Karina’s words, recalling her old social conversation skills.

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It would be nice to meet you, and it would be nice to talk to you.


‘It’s amazing to see the Princess Rackester, whom I heard only through rumors. What was she like?’


For Karina, who was the center of society, it was only natural to wonder about the ‘dark princess’ Merria.


Merria was also unfamiliar with her when she faced Karina, who had taken over the social world instead of her.


In the original, Karina didn’t even appear at all.


I heard from Lilith that she wasn’t so blinded by love and that she wasn’t the type to do anything stupid…


‘Because you don’t know about people.’


If Karina later walked in the villain’s path, Merria was obliged to stop her from doing evil stuff.


Merria was confident that Karina, who should probably have lived in peace, was involved in the Imperial family, and made an unlikely relationship with Shannon.


‘It’s better to make friends like this than to approach them out of the blue later on, right?’


Merria nodded her head and smiled broadly.


“Okay. Could you wait a minute? It’ll be over. I just need to check the fitting of the dress.”


“Oh. Are you already finished with the fitting?”

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When I brought up the dress story, Karina’s eyes, which were originally big, became more rounded.


Looking at her reaction, it seemed that she was very curious about my dress.


However, it was common to show her dress in close proximity, but Karina, who she had never met before, seemed to be disappointed that she could not ask her to show it recklessly.


“Would you like to join me if you don’t mind?”


“…With me?”


As soon as Merria spoke to her, a smile broke out on Karina’s face.


It was very beautiful to see her smiling with her eyes folded.


Karina, who had walked with me sideways, once again expressed her gratitude.


She said, 


“Thank you very much for allowing me even if it’s our first time meeting each other.”


“It’s not a difficult thing to do.”


“I know best that young ladies are sensitive to dresses. There weren’t a couple of young ladies trying to steal the design of the dress I was going to wear.”


Karina laughed with a smirk on the corner of her mouth.

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Merria couldn’t understand why she was doing such a meaningless thing even if she  wore the same clothes anyway, she would only be compared to Karina.


Karina nodded her head as her thoughts about Merria were revealed with her expression.


“I don’t understand either. I don’t think the clothes that were made for me would go well with them anyway. Why do they have to do that? Oh, I was just saying that I’m not that cowardly person.”’


Merria went into the room side by side with Karina, who smiled brightly after their brief conversation.


Karina did not head to the sofa, but continued to talk beside Merria.


She said, 


“Because Miolo told me that she was working hard on a Lady’s dress with great care. Seeing that she was very elaborate, I was so curious that I couldn’t stop following you. I’m very interested in this dress she made.’’


“I think it’s nice to be able to hear Lady Karina’s opinion. You’re the one who leads the social world.”


Meria said, offering Karina a seat first.


Even Lilith, who was stingy with her compliments in this regard, gave a generous appreciation of Karina’s dress.


Merria thought it was just a good opportunity to listen to Karina.


Miolo, who was listening to the conversation between the two, said, laughing embarrassingly.


“I was so excited to talk about this and that because Lady Karina and I have the same taste… I’m sorry, Merria.”


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Miolo looked embarrassed because the two of them were caught talking about Merria.


‘Why was she embarrassed about it, wouldn’t that be about the dress?’


Merria, who was tired of thinking, shrugged.


“Rather, I started to look forward to it. Could you try it on right away?”


“Of course, I’ll show you around.“


Miolo called an employee who was waiting next to her.


The conversation between the three never ceased while Merria changed her dress with the help of an employee.


“You two have known each other for a long time, haven’t you?”


Merria asked Miolo and Karina, who talked intimately.


“It’s been  quite a while. About four or five years ago?”


“When I first met Karina, I was worried if I had done anything wrong.”


Miolo nodded and shook at Karina’s answer.


Looking at  Miolo, Karina burst into laughter.


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“Yes, okay. It’s my fault for not being able to measure Miolo’s passion as much as her nails who used to make dresses in the dressing room without customers.”


A few years ago, Karina, who was making a name for herself in the society, was fed up with her cliché-designed dresses, and increasingly began to pay attention to the creation of her own dresses.


She then met with Miolo, who runs a small dressing room.


“Already famous designers have high pride and they hate others touching their work. However, it seems decent to conciliate with money. So I went all the way to Miolo, who was behind the line of designers.”


Karina looked for a designer to realize her ideal, and Miolo needed the opportunity to make her name known to the nobility.


”The reason that my relationship with Lady Karina has continued to this day was due to our good match of taste. Everytime Lady Karina said what she wanted, I could think of many ideas and design new dresses for her.”


Realizing that they exactly needed each other, the two of them immediately joined hands.


Karina wore a dress made by Miolo to a social gathering, and the dress garnered so much attention, allowing Miolo to become a prominent designer in the capital.


“It’s all done.”


The staff told Merria that her ‘try-on dress’ was finished.


“It’s the first time you’ll be seen wearing it? It’s an honor for me.”


Karina, who heard that Merria’s try-on was over, spoke in a reminiscent voice.


Standing still in the hidden curtains, Merria felt like an aspiring model for no reason.


Miolo was also a bit nervous and held both of her hands tightly.

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