As the staff drew the curtains, I could see Miolo and Karina, both of them looked nervous.

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Merria smiled awkwardly and fiddled with her fingers.


“I’d like to see a mirror.”


“Ah, yes.”


A quick-behaved employee immediately grabbed the ends of Merria’s dress and lifted it.




As she walked with the sound of her cloth passing through, she stood in front of a large full-length mirror in the side of her room.


“Wait a minute, I’ll arrange it again.”


The hem of her dress, which the staff was holding so as not to be dragged on the floor, was spread out neatly.


Merria looked through her mirror and admired it in her heart.


The white-purple halter neck and many layers of rich lace were wrapped from the waist down, and the veil that wrapped one layer around the outside sparkled whenever it received light as if it had been sprinkled with jewelry powder.


The waistline, finished with a white lace ribbon, fits Merria’s slender waist, making her line stand out more.

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Simple on the top and rich decorations on the bottom created a harmonious beauty.


When Miolo’s white, pale purple embroidered tosh gloves and pale yellow-colored shoes were worn, Merria looked like a person blooming from the petals.


Merria, who was looking in the mirror while touching her neck, smiled with satisfaction.


She said in hear head,


‘It’s pretty, but I think it’s too gorgeous for me to wear…”


The basic design was neat, but the veil sparkled every time I moved my body.


Merria, who had been agonizing over several layers of laces, belatedly noticed that Karina had come right behind her.


As Karina stood behind her spoke,


“Lady Merria… It’s so, it’s really beautiful.”


Karina’s eyes were filled with enthusiasm.


Merria, who smiled awkwardly at Karina, who looked very happy, called Miolo.

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“Miolo, if you take out a few of these laces here.”


“No, Merria.”




Karina and Miolo severely cut off the words before Merria’s words were finished.


When Karina, who was not Miolo, was strongly opposed, Merria stared at the two with startled faces.


Karina, looking at Merria with her pretty resolute face, suddenly placed her hand lightly on her shoulder.


At her unexpected contact, Merria shrugs her shoulder.


“Lady Delphi…?”


“Would you please call me Karina?”


“Yes? Oh, then I’m also Merria…”


Without questioning the sudden exchange of titles, Karina began to speak.


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“Merria. It’s my lifelong request. Could I participate a little about your dress modification?”


Karina’s eyes, speaking urgently, were serious without any playfulness.


‘I knew Karina liked dresses, but I didn’t expect it to be this much…It’s worse than Lilith.’


Pressed by her aggressive momentum, Merria nodded slowly.


As Karina, whose face brightened like the sun, added and removed some of Merria’s dress decorations, she had a heated discussion with Miolo.


In the end, the dress was changed to a top style with the neck part removed, and a thin lace on the upper part of the chest which was simple, and then yellow embroidery was added to the light purple area.


Among the dresses that Merria had ever worn, the most gorgeous and matching dresses were being made.


Shortly thereafter, Miolo, who burned her passion, left to revise the design they had discussed.


Karina and Merria moved to a nearby cafe to talk as promised.


Inside the quiet shop, there was only an intelligent looking employee waiting.


As soon as the staff saw Karina, they guided her into the room familiarly.


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When they finished preparing tea and refreshments the staff went out, only Karina and Merria were left  in the room.


“It’s my favorite tea, and I hope you like it.”


Karina smiled and lifted the teacup.


Merria followed her and took a sip of tea.


With the petals floating, it was a tea with a fragrant and neat taste.


Merria said that the scent was very good, and she said that it was her first time having such a fragrant tea.


“Karina has a better eye than the rumors. When it’s finished, it would be a very beautiful dress.”


“Well, thank you for telling me that. Earlier, I was so excited that I was worried that I might have gone too far. “


“It was fun. It’s been a while since I spent time with a noble lady my age like this.”


In fact, it was almost the first time I had been with anyone except Lilith.


However, I think it would be better not to tell the embarrassing truth.


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