The ‘Miolo Dressing Room’ has been the most coveted place for young aristocrats in the capital recently.

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It was not a place where you could order just because you had money, and the process was complicated and took a long time from booking to receiving the goods.


Rather, this system had the effect of igniting the envy for Miolo’s dresses.


A noble Lady, who didn’t get the chance, even made a big bet to buy Miolo’s dress.


Therefore, Miolo, the owner and chief designer of the dressing room, would choose the person who meets her.


It might have worked for Merria to be a Lady from a Duke family, but it was more due to the close relationship between Lilith and Miolo.


Lilith and Miolo, who happened to meet at the party, had the same aesthetic taste.


When she heard that Miolo was running a small dressing room, Lilith became her regular customer, and Merria naturally came with Lilith.


‘At that time, I didn’t know that Miolo would become such a famous designer.’


Merria as she walked down the corridor admired Miolo’s growth.


“Please sit down and wait.”


Miolo, who guided Lilith and Merria to the sofa, constantly instructed the man who seemed to be her assistant.


After a while, fabrics of various colors and textures were placed in front of the two.


“Are you both going to match the dress you’re going to wear for the victory party?”


“Yes, Let’s start with Merria.”

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When Lilith winked, Miolo, who confirmed today’s goal, began to explain.


Miolo’s eyes shimmered as she showed the samples and poured out explanations.


She was in the midst of unleashing her creative desire that had been defeated by Merria’s rejection.


“Speaking of this fabric, freshly brought into the Empire…”


“In this season, the pink color harmonizes well with Merria’s red eyes…”


“The blue series also feels contrary to the atmosphere of Lady Merria, so if you add a lace to it…


Miolo continued without a trace of exhaustion for that long time.


At first, even Lexie and Lilith, who had been aggressive at first, were exhausted and sat down before deciding on the design.


Merria, who had fallen out of place, unconditionally agreed to the opinions of the three.


She was forced to smile and responded satisfactorily before she could exit the dressing room.


In a short time, Miolo, who opened her fists together with darkened eyes, said resolutely.


“I’ll do the fitting as soon as possible, so please come back again soon. I’ll prepare the shoes and gloves perfectly.”


Lilith responded, nodding satisfactorily.


“Even if she comes alone and changes the design, she… No, you know what I mean right?”

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“No, I’m just saying I’m going to dress well this time…”


No one listened to Merria.


“I’ll make this dress in my honor.”


Miolo nodded, saying that she would not disappoint her expectations.


Merria, who had already lost her energy, only wanted to go to bed quickly.


* * *


Merria, who finally got out of the dressing room, headed for the wagon stationed with a weak step.


Then Lilith, who had been walking earlier, suddenly spoke.


“Today’s the day of ‘Cake of the Month’, right? Do you want to eat before you return?”


“…I like it.”


Merria enjoyed eating dessert very much.


Merria had a small hobby, and she was eating a limited edition ‘Cake of the Month’ from ‘Eriene’, a dessert shop that always ranks first in the capital.


Eriene presented a limited edition cake made with seasonal fruits and hidden recipes every month.


It was only sold for three days, so it was important to keep the time well.


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Thinking about going and eating there after a long time, I suddenly felt energized.


The three went back and headed for Eriene.


When I entered the store and looked around, many people were already eating ‘Cake of the Month.’


This month, a limited number of signature cheesecakes topped with cherries appeared.


The two quickly found an empty seat and sat down, and Lexie quickly left to order.




After a while, Lexie returned with some man.


The man with clean silver hair and darker silver-red eyes than Merria was a handsome young man.


Lexie, who looks somewhat awkward, and the restless man’s expression raised questions about the situation.


It was Lexie who brought it up first.


“I said no, but he was so clingy that I had no choice but to put up with him. I’m sorry Miss.”


“I followed it with excuses. I will apologize first. Lady”


Lexie, who opened her eyes wide to the man in an irritated shape, explained the situation to Merria, showing that he was annoying.


Lexie was lucky enough to order just three remaining ‘Cakes of the Month’.


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A man with a very resentful expression stood in front of her, turning pleasantly, with glances of resentment.


Lexie pretended not to know, passed him by and tried to return to her seat.


However, the man urgently blocked the front and begged to give up only one piece, saying that he must buy that cake.


Lexie flatly refused, but eventually returned to her seat without getting the man off her.


“I told you no, but you kept following..”


The man couldn’t say anything and was only looking desperate.


“Excuse me for a moment.”


As an employee with a tray of colored cakes approached, the man quickly moved away.


“Enjoy your meal.”


When the employee left the cake on the table, Lilith, who was listening to the conversation, cut the cake first and savored it.


Lexi also started eating along with Lilith.


The expression of the man who saw it collapsed.


Merria, who was looking at his face, tilted her head.


“Does it have to be this cake?”


The man snarled and closed his eyes tightly.

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