The man shook his head with a troubled expression on his face.

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He murmured in a low voice.


“I made a mistake to master, I mean my boss, and I really need this cake to make up for it. I came here because I heard that this place was the most famous in the capital, but if I took an ordinary cake for him, what kind of eyes would my boss look at me?”


It looks like he made some mistake while working, but I’m so embarrassed because of the scary relationship.


Even if this was their first encounter, Merria felt sorry for him.


‘If I look at the pampering of his subordinates like that, the master’s personality would be bad, but it would be better to remove him from my ‘Husband’s Candidate List’, right?’


Merria, who was thinking hard with her chin up, opened her eyes and said to the man.


“Who the hell’s your boss?”




“Anyway, I don’t know him, so it’s okay. If you tell me, I’ll give up this cake.”


I just asked lightly.


When I saw the man with a serious face and a tight mouth, Merria felt a useless desire to win.


It’s a cake that’s for sale for a few more days, but the man was mistaken that it was for sale until today.


But I didn’t have to tell you, I needed to get your master’s name.


The man, who smiled for a moment at the hopeful words of concession, quickly changed his face and trembled.


“Miss, if my boss knew about this, I wouldn’t survive. I just happened to know that he likes sweets, so he told me to keep quiet about it.”

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“Then you could just buy any cake.”


As soon as Merria put a fork on the cake pretending to be uninterested in the man’s continuous defense, the man quickly approached the table.


Lexie and Lilith already ate the cake, and the only thing that was fine was Merria’s cake.


His eyes looked at the last remaining cake and Merria alternately.


“My life depends on it. Please…”


“No, well, could your boss be the Grand Duke?”




Merria’s fork fell to the floor.


Putting the Grand Duke in her mouth was just a joke.


It was a light word from the unconscious mind that he might have the worst temper among the aristocrats in the capital city because he was also a villain in the novel.


As soon as she saw the man’s face, who became fleeting and pale, Merria realized that she had caught the right answer.


There was only one man called the Grand Duke in this empire, Reukis Frederick.


So, that man’s boss was also Reukis.


‘Ah… Are there any secrets like this?’


A dark liquor drinker who enjoys cake.


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Anyway, I didn’t know when he’d get revenge because I tried to dig up a secret that Reukis wanted to hide.


I felt like I was pouring thick asphalt on the flower road that I had laid out with my own hands.


The man again grazed his face, and Merria also called the staff, pretending to be okay.


It happened for a short time when Lilith swallowed a cake in her mouth.


Merria asked the approaching employee to bring her a new fork.


“And wrap this cake and a few more popular ones and give it to the gentleman.”


“Miss…! Thank you very much.”


“It’s been this long, and if you buy one, you’ll get a good word. All the cakes here are delicious, so your prize…I’m sure you’ll be satisfied..”


There was no embarrassment or anxiety on the man’s face.


Seeing Lexie and Lilith eating cake peacefully, Merria seemed to be the only one who noticed that the main topic of this errand was Reukis.


‘Good. We could break up without knowing anything like this.’


Merria hurriedly turned her head out the window, thinking that a man might ask for her name.


The staff returned to their seats with a large box and a chocolate cake for Merria.


The man who received the box of cake smiled brightly and once again expressed his gratitude.


“Thank you for your consideration, Miss. I’ll pay all the share of the people with you, so I hope you enjoy it enough.”


After completing his work, the man rang a golden bell only for Merria’s seat and hurried out of the store.

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Merria also went home without even savoring the taste of the chocolate cake in front of her.


That night, Merria couldn’t sleep well after a long time.


* * *


On a dark night, the spacious room was overwhelmingly full of grim darkness.


The darkness, which was ringing as if it were alive, soon devoured a man’s body like an animal that found its prey.


The man struggled to pull himself out, but it wasn’t enough.


With a sense of helplessness, pain and fear grew, and the darkness that gained strength came up to the chin.


“Reukis, wake up, ahhhh!”


“Stop! No, sweetheart. Please stop!”


The woman who was standing next to the man quickly ran to the child standing in the room.


He tried to hold the child’s hand tightly and try to block it, but nothing changed.


On the contrary, darkness fell under the foot of a woman who tried to block something.


The man’s eyes opened wide while watching the scene and screamed in a trembling voice.


“No! Madam, hurry and get away from him-”


“Ahhhhh! What is this? Reukis! What–”

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Soon, a woman who found the darkness climbing on her body quickly distanced her body from the child.


The woman fell to the floor with a crackling noise.


The child’s eyes, who were looking at this situation from a distance, gradually returned to focus, and the child’s small body began to tremble.


“uh… uh, What’s this… “


Tears filled the eyes of the child who quickly looked around.


The child shook his head violently as if he were possessed by something, and repeatedly held his hand tightly.


“Mother! Father! I am not like that. Really! What’s this? I can’t stop… I can’t stop. Please someone save me. Please, somebody!”


“Reukis! Baby! Honey… What should we do with our son…?”


Tears welled up even in the woman’s eyes as the child sheds tears while turning pale.


“…Reukis, get out of the room.”


The man, who was eaten by the darkness and had only his face left, squeezed out a low voice and said.


“But… ”


“Get out!!!”


The child, surprised by the screaming man’s words, stepped back and exited the room.


As soon as the child escaped, the living darkness scattered through the air as if it had finished its work.


In time, Frederick was surrounded by silence as if nothing had happened.

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