Lysia, was one of Karina’s followers, she recently opened a popular general store in the capital. She sent an invitation to Merria for her store’s opening party, if not in a grandiose way, with formality.

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Lysia and Merria were occasionally exchanging greetings, so she also attended with joy.


When I arrived at the address on the invitation letter, I saw an elegant and well-decorated store.


When I opened the handle carved with rose vine patterns, I was greeted with a fragrant smell of flowers.


Overall, inside the store, where warm-colored lights were brightly lit, there are displayed pretty items that are popular and trendy and good for gifts.


Entering the space full of young girls in dresses, Reukis looked out of place.


Merria spoke softly, fearing that the gaze focused on him might be uncomfortable.


“I just need to say to greet Lysia, will you wait over there?”




Merria, who was soon alone, looked around to find Lysia.


Lysia looked very busy with more visitors than she expected.


It was the moment when Merria only greeted her with a light nod and tried to go back to Reukis.


“Gasp, princess!”


I turned my head toward the sound with a small groan coming from behind.

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A familiar-looking girl with her dark blonde hair braided was looking at Merria charmingly. Her greenish eyes were full of energy.


“Owen young lady.”


“It’s an honor for you to remember my name. If you don’t mind, feel free to call me Brana.”


Brana, who has a young looking face, said fiddling with her fingers.


On the day at Mrs. Fabro’s party, Brana recklessly talked about the scandal in front of everyone in the party.


She stayed at the party and waited for Merria to return, after she had gone to the lounge, because she wanted to ask for Merria’s forgiveness.


But Merria did not return even if she waited long.


Even after that, I couldn’t meet Merria, so my heart was heavy all the time.


Brana met Merria at a small party that followed for the young noble ladies and became close with last time.


Brana was surprised earlier and inadvertently pretended to be close to Merria.


Whether she was fortunate or not, Merria seemed fine.


Rather, she remembered Brana’s name and even called her.


Regardless of the process, Merria, who suddenly disappeared after acknowledging her romantic relationship with Reukis, was like the main character in the novel for Brana.

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She had a perfect beautiful appearance, with a dignified personality, and noble status, and a wonderful lover.


A recent trend in popular novels has been that a dignified female protagonist trains a pure male protagonist.


The story of a maid or a fallen aristocrat rising to the ranks was a thing of the era.


Brana tried to calm down her excitement and decided to bring up the most important thing first.


“I’m really sorry for the rudeness at the last party,” Brana continued, “I really wanted to make a formal apology.”


For Merria, Brana standing in front of her, who has the same cheerfulness, looked sullen, as if her ears were drooping down.


A smile crept across Merria’s lips as she pondered the last time when she spoke to Brana.


“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”




Brana stared at Merria with tearful eyes.


There were cases where young noble ladies who had just entered the society either ran away or did not admit they made a mistake because they were brought up sheltered in their family.


If Brana had made her debut this year, she would have been only 14 or 15 right now.


Nevertheless, I was quite proud of Brana coming to apologize until the end.


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“Isn’t the word princess too hard? Why don’t you try to call me more comfortably?”


“Then… Merria?”


“Yes. Brana.”


Brana smiled, with her cheeks flushed red like a child who ate chocolate.


Merria was talking about this and that while looking at her reaction with delight.


Brana spoke her words as if she remembered something, “Oh, have you heard of that?”




Merria tilted her head to answer, and as Brana looked around her, she approached Merria’s ear.


It was quite rude behavior for the second meeting, but Merria did not stop her because Brana was not a malicious person.


“I heard there will be a hunting competition in the imperial family this time.”


“Yes, it’s been a long time since the Emperor passed away.”


“I was also surprised when I heard that a hunting competition was going to be held. Besides, I heard that this hunting competition was specially hosted by His Majesty.”


After the hunting competition hosted by the imperial family disappeared, the nobles did not enjoy hunting anymore.


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It seemed to be due to the atmosphere that some people dismissed as a barbaric culture.


Deep inside, it was to please the current status system, which was reluctant to a bloodbath.


What does it mean for the nobles living in the present to know the tastes of the late Emperor, who has already died?


Brana’s round eyes widened and continued to talk, “Even before the Crown Prince, he has no other place to show off his indecency without having other noticing, right? Probably because it was hosted by the imperial family.”


I see… It was also tactless to become a Prince and compete in a vain game for the knights.


The news of Altheon’s victory must have stimulated the blue-haired prince’ family.


“The Second Prince, His Majesty, will also be participating…”


Merria mumbled, touching the tip of her chin. ‘There might be sabotage on Helena’s side, so I’ll have to be careful.’


Altheon and Reukis would be a big obstacle if this was to win favor with Dominique’s force externally.


There must be a huge difference between the two men who were directly roaming the battlefield and Dominique, who was shooting arrows at the target in the peaceful imperial palace.


Then Brana nodded violently and added, “Of course. One of His Majesty Dominique’s hobbies is hunting.”




At Brana’s casual words, Merria’s eyes widened and asked.


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