Merria asked in wonder,

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“Does His Highness second prince often go hunting enough to make it his hobby?”


“Yeah. He does it a couple of times every quarter without missing a beat.”

Brana answered not knowing Merria’s surprise.


‘I knew he enjoyed drinking, but I didn’t know he enjoyed hunting in private.‘ Merria thought to herself.


‘Certainly, Dominique resembles the previous emperor more than Afrion.’


Hunting seemed to be out of date in the capital, but it was still one of the nobles’ hobbies in areas where the emperor’s presence was not significant.


While Lilith also went down to the estate, she learned hunting as a hobby.


“But how does Brana know that?”


“That’s because the Crown Prince entrusts us with orders from time to time. Because he used arrows made of wood.”


“What’s the name of the top by any chance?”


“It’s Mandela’s top.”


‘Ahh.’ The Mandela was a large top that had long been trading with the imperial family.


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A wealthy commoner named Mandela, an early merchant, made his name known from the eastern continent, bringing in medicinal herbs to cure the Emperor’s ailments.


He was given the title of baron in exchange for contributing to the health of the Emperor, and it seems that his last name was Owen.


As Merria shook her head, Brana took a step closer and lowered her voice to whisper.


“Actually, I’ve received a lot of orders for the arrows this time.”




“Ah, to be exact, as much as he always ordered, there was one more order and then another anonymous order later. I could tell that the arrows, which were dyed blue at the end, were only being distributed for the sake of His Majesty Dominique. Combined, that’s three times the usual amount.”


Triple than the usual…


Why would a prince who’s not even a knight and lives in the middle of the capital need so many arrows.


He wouldn’t even go hunting for a hobby every month, but it was very suspicious.


Then suddenly, for a moment, I thought that Brana might get in trouble one day because of her cheerful mouth.


“Well, Brana, is it okay for you to tell me these important things?”


I was grateful for the information, but it could be dangerous for Brana.


However, contrary to Merria’s expectations, Brana was only bad at social conversational skills, but she wasn’t an ignorant person.

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The incident at the Fabro’s mansion was a case of over-excitement.


Brana’s eyes widened, and clasped her hands tightly, and looked at Merria.


“You’re worried about me! But don’t worry too much, I don’t go around saying this to just anyone.”


“Why only to me…?” Merria asked.


“Please consider it as a small sincere token to you for graciously forgiving my rudeness.”


Merria’s worries doubled as Brana smiled brightly.


After the conversation with Brana was over, Merria called the staff instead of going to Reukis.


Although it was not officially opened, there were many items that caught my eye because it was stocked.


The staff who carried the items she pointed to immediately returned with two carefully packed boxes.


Merria chose a hairpin with little pearls and a candle that smelled of the dawn forest.


One for Serinia, who lends her books for a long time, and the other…


“Reukis. It’s your present!”


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It was for Reukis, who had been with me since early hours.


“I thought it might be helpful for you, so take a look. Thank you for coming with me today.”


When she first gave him a handkerchief, Merria decided to give him a small present often.


The problem, however, was that the word ‘small’ itself was too subjective.


I couldn’t choose easily because I wanted to give a better present and a prettier one every time.


The point was to buy a small gift that comes to mind.


Therefore, today was the perfect day to give him a small present.


When she handed the box, Reukis, standing still by the wall, looked at her with round eyes.


He held the same box without a word.


Merria, who had been thinking for a while about what it meant, burst into laughter.


“Ahㅡ if someone sees us right now, they might shake their head for ridiculous reasons.”


“Is that so?”


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The corners of Reukis’ lips also formed a smile. The two exchanged identical boxes.


“Can I open it?” Merria asked.


“Of course.”


“Be sure to open it before you go to bed when you get home.”


The scented candle she chose was a scent reminiscent of a forest sold anywhere, but the price was unusual.


I bought it because it had magic on it that clears a person’s head and helps sleep.


Merria worried about Reukis, who wouldn’t be able to sleep again with fever and headaches after her ring disappeared.


Now that I could no longer help him in that part, I felt even more concerned and worried.


That’s why I chose this gift.


Reukis nodded like an obedient child. Merria’s lips curled to a smile at the sight, and she relentlessly untied the ribbon of the box he gave.


Inside the box was a lavender fountain pen.


“It’s beautiful. It looks like you’ve been here the whole time, but when did you buy this?”


Merria asked as she blinked her eyes.


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