“I’ve been here the whole time. Shouldn’t the roads cross when you come to me? I asked the staff to pack it.” Reukis said tenderly, touching her fingertips.

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Then Karina, who found the two of them, approached.


“When were you here, Karina?” Merria asked with delight.

“I just got here.” 

Karina responded with a slightly awkward gesture.

Me6ria’s head tilted at the unusually bustling feeling.


At the person who appeared next, Karina flinched and trembled.

Merria and the others around her looked at him with astonishment.

“I see the Crown Prince.”

Merria, who quickly cleared her expression, bowed her head lightly.

Altheon nodded when Reukis, who was standing by Merria’s side, greeted him together.

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“Well, it’s not even a public visit.”

“Why are you here?”

When Reukis asked, Altheon raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

Then Altheon also gazed at him, asking, ‘Aren’t you here too?’

Karina, who was listening to their conversation, spoke with a smile.

“I asked him to come with me. I’d like to tell him that there’s a place like this—”

“I think you’re only getting better at lying in front of me.”

Before Karina could finish speaking, Altheon shook his head. He wrapped his hand around Karina’s waist and curled the corners of his lips.

“I can’t ask her to have a meal together, so I followed her wherever she went out of curiosity.”


At Altheon’s sly remark, Karina shouted a little. The earlobes, visible through her half-tied hair, were burning red.

Altheon grinned as he looked down at Karina.

“If you’re done greeting everyone, will you go to have lunch with me now, right?”

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Karina pursed her lips and nodded her head violently.

Merria cheered their love affair with a warm gaze.

‘It doesn’t look like a one-way street to my eyes, but I wonder if the person involved doesn’t feel it.’ Merria thought as watched the two love birds.

Karina presented Lysia with flowers, and soon left with Altheon.

Reukis, who glanced at the clock, also led Merria’s hand out of the store.

As soon as they went outside, the sky that greeted them was still as blue as water.

“This way.”

As I walked along with him, a large carriage appeared in front of us. Why did it seem like he sent the carriage we rode together first?

Merria glanced at him in secret, and Reukis tilted his head innocently.

“Don’t you want to ride the carriage?” Reukis asked.

His golden eyes were as bright as a child’s, but Merria knew that wasn’t all there was to it.

She saw from him a desire not to say anything until Merria got on the carriage.

There was no way that Reukis would take me to a harsh place, so I decided to grant his request for now.

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Upon entering the carriage, the interior was more spacious than it appeared from the outside.

The chair, which seemed more comfortable than usual, was wide enough for five people to lie down neatly.

‘This… It looks like a carriage for long-distance trips or journeys.’ Merria thought to her surprise.

Then Reukis jumped into the carriage and closed the door himself.

Meria didn’t know where she was being kidnapped, and she just enjoyed the scenery outside.

After I got out of the shopping district, I could see a lot of blue scenery outside the window.

As the carriage began to run at a moderate speed, a cool breeze blew in.

Reukis lightly held Merria’s hair, which was blown by the soft breeze, so as not to turn messy.

Thanks to this, Merria, who enjoyed the scenery to her heart’s content, closed the window and turned her head.

“So, you won’t tell me until we arrive?”

Reukis rolled his eyes at her question.

“Didn’t you say something to me before?” Reukis responded with a question.

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‘We’ve had a lot of conversations before…’ Merria pondered.

At his ambiguous answer, Merria simply leaned over Reukis. 

She whispered in his ear as her face came near his.

“Please give me a little more hint as a courtesy for lovers.”

Reukis, who shrugged slightly, reached out and wrapped his hand around Merria’s waist gently.

Reukis answered in a low voice, laying his head upon Merria’s head leaning on him.

“I decided to go on a trip together instead of working hard.”


Come to think of it, on the last day of Coming-of-Age Night, I said something like that.

And then, without making any promises, I was wasting my time with this and that.

Merria, who had suddenly become a person who took a promise lightly, pulled her body away from him.

Reukis looked down at her with a half-disappointed, half mischievous expression on his face.

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