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Merria reached out and stroked his head. Reukis closed his eyes languidly, like a cat being petted.

“I understand. I deserve to be kidnapped.”

She also shook her head with a playful smile on her lips.

Merria lowered her hand that was stroking Reukis’ head and held his hand tightly.

As he slowly opened his eyes and looked at her, Merria spoke in an exaggerated tone, “What? Let’s hold hands until we arrive? Ha! It’s a very uncomfortable and difficult punishment to be tied up with one hand.”

As he shook his head, Reukis burst into laughter and held her hand together.

The carriage arrived at a cafe near a quiet lake. The staff guided the two to the seat they had prepared in advance.

Unlike ordinary cafes, two chairs were facing the window side by side in front of a table attached to the wall.

It was the composition that Reukis had ordered in advance for Merria, who enjoyed the scenery.

Moreover, on the table, there were a lot of things that seemed to have changed according to Merria’s taste.

From the tender cut steaks to salads with fresh sauce, oven-baked potatoes and low alcohol sparkling wine.

The slightly pink-colored sky combined to make it look more delicious.

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When Merria, with an embarrassed red-faced face, sat down, Reukis, who pulled a chair for her, spoke first, “Merria.”


In a smooth motion, Reukis knelt down on one knee and held out a flower that Merria didn’t know where he got it from.

It was a pink rose with a shimmer glow as shy as his heart.

The ribbon tied in the middle was bright red like Merria’s pupils.

‘He must have been empty earlier…’

Did he take it with magic while I couldn’t see it? A thought passed by.

With his full-fledged figure than she had expected, Merria also straightened her back.

“Merria, I want to give you this flower. Please be my lady in this hunting contest.”

Although it had been a request for a partner several times before, Reukis’ body stiffened with tension.

Merria wondered why he was still so cautious.

He feared that she would say no if Reukis dared to act as if he knew Merria wouldn’t refuse.

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Merria liked even such a clumsy figure, so she decided to leave it alone.

Reukis then gave a sincere look and continued, “I will dedicate my fervent loyalty and love to you.”

His affectionate gaze was so hot that it was too warm for Merria to look at.

Merria looked at him for a moment with a trembling heart, then nodded her head a beat later.

“It’s an honor.” Merria answered.

As his heart was accepted, a moment of relief flashed across Reukis’ face.

Merria kissed the rose petals as deeply as she had before and held out the ribbon to him.

Now familiar with tying ribbons, Teukis has created an impeccable shape.

When Merria reached out to raise Reukis, he hurriedly got up and sat down next to her.

She said, fiddling with the rose using her hand with the ribbon.

“But I was a little surprised.”

“What do you mean?”

“This time it’s a little… It was right.”

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Previously, it was usually an ordinary partner application made by aristocrats.

If it was a gentlemanly attitude with a light bow, now it’s an attitude like a knight serving his master.

Reukis understood Merria’s words and answered vaguely.

“Actually, what I just did was a knight’s oath.”

“What is that?”

Reukis gently held Merria’s hair slightly and bowed slowly.

Reukis approached slowly, buried his lips in her platinum blonde hair, and looked like a devout believer.

As Merria silently watched the series of actions, Reukis’ gaze deepened.

“It’s a little different from the typical partner request, but it means the same thing. However, it will feel a little unfamiliar because only knights do it.”

“I’ve never received anything like this before.” Merria responded.

Reukis eyes languidly curled at the fact that he was the first for Merria in anything.

Beneath the shy smile, the eyes of the beast’s satiated flashed past.

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If he was the first, he had no intention of giving away the second or third loyalty from other knights.

If he ever had a successor in the future, he’s going to deal with it before Merria even told her name.

Contrary to his terrifying intentions, Reukis shyly blinked his eyes and continued.

“I usually offer my sword… but I can’t give you such a dangerous thing, so I decided to offer flowers. So the partner request is the right timing.”

“Oh, thank you.”

She didn’t want to get a sharp piece of iron, either.

“I’m very happy that you’ve accepted me. Merria.”

“It makes me glad that you are happy.”

Merria tilted her head and nodded.

Merria, who thought it was simply something like the custom knights, responded lightly.

It was Merria who never dreamed that the knight’s oath meant giving their life once in a lifetime.

Reukis, who was secretly entitled to stay with Merria for the rest of her life, smiled softly at her.

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