14. Being an Ace is Hard

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“Preparing equipment?”

After eating Pafimia’s bread and taking a short rest, Sharon abruptly brings up going to the weapons shop today.

“Yes, to make equipment Pafimia-sama can fit into. If it were alright, I thought Capua-sama would have liked to accompany us as well…”

Equipment huh…
Well I do have this robe.
If possible, I don’t want to take it off in front of humans.

I inadvertently showed my naked body to Pafimia and Sharon, but a demon’s body should not be shown to the public.

However, I am curious about the humans’ weapons shop.
Depending on what kind of weapons are being sold at what price, I can also get an idea of their currency market.
It can be a good lesson to get used to life here.

“Master, let’s go together!!”

Pafimia grabs my arm, and starts pulling.

After looking closely, the traveling clothes she was wearing were pretty tattered.
I know red wolves have sturdy bodies, but it was too bold for her to assume she could take on Vazag the Mad Death like that.

“I’m not sure if I’ll make any purchases but I am interested. Take me with you.”

“Yes, Gladly!”

Pafimia raises both her hands in celebration.
Sharon also joins her hands, and showed a smile on her face.


The place we arrive at, was Neuville’s largest weapons shop.
It was quite narrow on the inside, where weapons and armors were lined up.
Ho… This could be quite an opportunity.
I could place a curse on these weapons, which turns their users into demons and raise an army of my own…


The clerks greet us with amiable smiles and approach us.
In contrast, Sharon bows respectfully.

“We were recommended this shop by the guild. My name is Sharon.”

“I’m Pafimia.”

Pafimia shows her bronze rank license certificate.
Seeing that, the clerks’ attitudes change even more.
As if saying- “Ku ku ku, the fake smiles from earlier were our weakest”, they begin to smile even more.
Almost enough to see halos behind them.

“I am aware. This way please…”

Pafimia and Sharon are taken to the back by the man who called himself the manager.

“Capua-sama, come along.”

“Nah, I’m fine. I’ll browse casually.”

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“Ah I see. Then I’ll leave you to it.”

“Look forward to the powered-up me, master.”

“Hm…? Oh, yeah sure.”

The door leading to the back finally shuts.

I begin looking at the weapons lined up in the shop.
Then, a female clerk sneaks up from my side.
Her eyes were shining at the opportunity.

“Welcome, customer. What weapons would you like to see today?”

“Don’t mind me. I’m only looking since I’m accompanying them.”

I chased her away after saying so.


It might be sudden, but my name is (Freema Ketton).
Although I’m still a newcomer with only two years of experience, I’m still the ace of this store.
I have worked at a clothing store before, and have earned a lot of money for this store using my talking skills, which I learnt there.

If they come across me, customers who say “just looking” and “just accompanying”, end up buying high-priced products before they know it.

The target this time is a man wearing a dingy robe.
After looking at him once, or twice, he reminds one of a simple beggar, but my intuition honed over a long time was tingling.

That this might be a camo.

There is only one reason.
He seemed to know the 2 VIPs who entered the back room earlier.
Also, the adventurers who don’t spend money on such equipment, are the ones with the most money.

I have decided.

I’ll make this man fall…

I’ll make him keep buying equipment, until the thing he’s warmed up in his pockets becomes mine.

Hi hi hi…


“Uhi hi hi hi…”

Uwah, how scary.
The female clerk suddenly began laughing.
Was it wrong to refuse her?

Ah! Is it improper to refuse such things in human society?

That laugh, might be the same as the devil who punished those who refused him.
Gulp… Humanity, is frightening…

“U-uuuh, then I’ll at least try a few things here.”

“Got him.”

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“Hm? Did you say something?”

“No. Not at all.”

How strange.
I think I heard the devil’s whispering just now.

“Weapons and armor… which one would you be looking for?”

Weapons I guess.
If I choose armor, I might have to take off my robe.

“Then, weapons–“

“How about this magical armor?”

While showing a fake smile, she points to a tough-looking armor.

…You should listen to what people are saying.

“No, I’m looking for weapons.”

“You would be surprised to know, that this armor *clink* *clink*, is made from mythril!”

Yeah, I could tell.
I used to use it as a research material.
This clerk… Isn’t she making a fool out of me?

“The physical defense stat, is a surprising plus 40!”

“Hm… It’s surprisingly low.”

“E, eeh?… Is that so? I think plus 40 is quite high though.”

The female clerk starts twitching her eyebrows.
Did I say something weird?
Plus 40 is pretty low after all.

The female clerk clears her throat.
She calms herself, and restarts her business talks.

“Fu fu fu. You’re quite tough, dear customer. However this magical armor doesn’t only give physical defense, but ma–“

“Magical resistance, I know.”

“How, did you know!?”

Well it’s called magical armor, so I expect its magic resistance to be great.
This clerk is making a fool of me, after all.

“T-that’s right. This magical armor has excellent magic resistance. That is plus–“

“Ho… I guess it must be above plus 300.”

“T-thre hunded…”


“N-no, t-t-t-that’s right! Plus 300, definitely! Definefinitely!!”

Who the hell’s definefinitely?

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“Ah, dear customer possesses good eyes! To have guessed the magical resistance correctly.”

“Well anything below that is scrap to begin with.”

Nowadays, even my ex-subordinate, (Dark Knight), had a physical defense of plus 500, and magic defense of plus 400.
If it’s not that much, you couldn’t hope to compete with the hero class.
Unless the equipment is at least plus 300, the Demon King will not sign on the approval form.

“Y…yesss~ t-t-t-t-that’s riiiiight~”

“Hm? What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?”

“N-n-not really. My person is n-n-n-not irritated in the least.”

I didn’t mention being irritated though.
Her way of talking is also strange.
Who uses “my person” these days?

“Why not try it on once? It may perform lower than what customer desires, but it will make you look much more attractive than how you look now.”

The clerk insists on the magical armor.

How persistent…
Why is she so insistent on me?
Moreover it’s armor…
It’s as if she wants me to take off my robe— Huh? No way!!

I look at the clerk again.
As usual, she had an annoying business smile.

“You scum… Did you notice my true identity?”

“Eh? Customer, what are you–“

“Don’t mess with me!! I thought you were just some clerk at a weapons shop, but is that really the truth!?”

“Eh? O, a, ah, did you notice? Yes, I am called the ace of this store.”

The clerk confesses, while twisting her body.

I didn’t know the meaning of this “ace”, but I’m sure it must be a strong person.
So that’s it. To think a guy who could see through my true identity, was hiding in a rural town like this…

Damn you, humanity!

“In any case, please strip!”

“No! I refuse!”

“Are you unwilling to believe me, the ace of this store?”

“Yeah! Your insight into my identity is a big deal! Which is why I will never take off this robe!”

“MUKIIIIIIII!! How dare you take this attitude with an ace like me, you damn beggar!”

“SHUT UP! What’s with all the noise!?”

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The manager comes out from the back.
He had a wrinkle on his forehead, and his face was already red from anger.

“M-m-manager, please listen!! This person refuses to try any equipment, and doesn’t listen to what I, the ace, has to say!”

“This woman forcibly tried to strip off my robe. You’re her senior, right? Tell her a thing or two.”

“I didn’t do it forcibly! I’m the ace of this store! I have to take care of customer’s troubles…”

The manager then sighs deeply.
He turns towards me and bows his head.

“My apologies, customer. I’ll let her have an earful.”

“Why are you apologizing manager? This person–“


The manager’s eyes flash red like a bloodthirsty wolf.
Perhaps sensing his murderous intent, Freema, who getting heated up, froze like an ice sculpture now.

“You’re fired.”

Eh? Eeeh? P-p-please wait a minute!! Firing me like this…”

Oh, a super development has taken place, all of a sudden.

“How many times have you clashed with customers like this? I can’t cover for you anymore!”

“A-are you sure about this? If the ace leaves the store, your business might go up in flames.”

“That won’t matter. You’re not the ace to begin with.”

“HUUUUUUH????? I’m not the ace? On what basis do you say that? You’re the one who first called me that, you know! On my first day, you said “You’re an ace, so do your best.”, and casually patted my shoulder!! I remember it clearly, how your hairy hand touched my shoulder!”

“Haaa… You know, to begin with…”

This shop doesn’t have any employees other than the both of us.

Freema freezes after hearing that.

“I am the store manager. Since I’m the “on-site supervisor and director”, I said you’re my only employee and “ace”. To begin with, you’ve only flaunted around this store, without properly selling a single piece of equipment…”

At that moment, I saw.
A bolt of lightning fell behind Freema.

“I’ve put up with you for two years because it was my acquaintance’s request, but it’s no good anymore… Oh. I’ll tell my acquaintance and I’ll pay you for your work till today, so can you be patient until I prepare the Hero-sama’s equipment?”

The store manager bowed to me again, saying that he’ll give me an apology item later.
Then he turned his back on the collapsed Freema and returned to the back of the store.

Freema and I are left alone on the sales-floor again.
With a super awkward mood in the air.

“Umm… Don’t mind! I too was fired recently so I know how you feel. Besides, life doesn’t end at a weapons shop you know.”

“Gu… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!”

Freema then buried her face in the magical armor she was trying to sell and cried.

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