15. The Flag Event We Saw That Day

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After leaving the weapons shop with the newly-equipped Pafimia and Sharon, I head towards the guild.
There, we were briefed by Carla who was waiting for us.

“On a broad basis, there are 3 types of quests.”

1st is subjugation quests, or quests where you have to subdue monsters.
2nd is gathering quests, where you find magic plants and magic stones, or dive into dungeons and collect cultural rare relics in them.
The last is everything that’s left- mainly odd jobs inside the city. These are done mostly by newcomers.

“You two who are above iron-rank in proficiency, can choose among any of these three. So which shall it be?”

“Yes! I’m definitely going with a subjugation quest! I’ll bash lots of monsters, and become strong like master.”

Pafimia raised her hand vigorously.
Her tail was spinning energetically, and she seemed motivated.

“Very well, Pafimia-sama. Then which of these quests would you like?”

Carla hands her a piece of paper with different quests written on it.
Pafimia nodded exaggeratedly, after receiving an explanation from Sharon.

“I’ll take this one!”

“Thank you very much, Pafimia-sama.”

Carla expresses her gratefulness, and presses the seal for approving her quest.

She then turns towards me.

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“What shall it be for Capua-sama?”

“I don’t mind doing a gathering quest.”

“Eeh! Let’s do the subjugation one, master.”

Pafimia swells her cheeks.
She seemed dissatisfied about not being able to do the subjugation quest with me.

“I’ll pass. Besides, I’ve gotten sick of hunting monsters in the mountains.”

“Ooooh! Master, that sounded cool!!”

Pafimia’s tension suddenly rises out of nowhere.
Her eyes start to shine, as she wags her tail.

“Also, if our respective subjugation sites are too close then it will also hamper your growth. So aim to hone your skills to their peak, while I work hard at gathering materials.”

Yeah, as if.
I just don’t want to encounter monsters.

Monsters are an independent race, unrelated to demons.
However, we have the ability to control these monsters.
Among those, are demons who can observe distant locations using the eyes of those monsters.

The probability of encountering such monsters is never zero.
That is why I’m sticking to gathering quests.

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Pafimia begins to dash, and jumps into me.
She rubs in her whole body, as if trying to mark me again.

“As expected of my master!”

“G-E-T A-W-A-Y. I’m suffocating.”

Trying to pull Pafimia apart was difficult.
It was thanks to this strength that Sharon chose her, after all.

“Then, I will have Capua-sama take on the quest to collect magic grass.”

“Ooh, that sounds good.”

I also get my quest approval stamp.

Right as I’m about to depart on my quest, I get detained by Carla.

“Capua-sama, there is one thing I should make clear…”


“If you come across a monster while collecting magic grass, you may bring it to us. Though it won’t increase your quest reward, we will buy it at the market price. “


Isn’t that an event flag, no matter how you look at it?

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The contents of the request detailed the collection of Luluil grass.

It seems to only grow in the forest nearby.
I don’t use it much, but it’s a magical grass needed to enchant weapons.

Also, I separated with Pafimia and Sharon.
The subjugation quest location seems to be at another place.

It should’ve been a relatively popular resource, but finding it was still hard.
By the time I found it, I was already quite deep in the forest.

Without wasting any time, I began collecting the Luluil grass.
When I finished getting the required number of blades, I immediately tried to go home.


I then hear growling reminiscent of a ferocious mad dog.
As I look back, a large wolf with a scar on top of his eye, was baring its fangs and staring at me.
It’s a monster called Garb Wolf.

『I didn’t think I would come across the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings at a place like this. I am none other than (Wolftalow). Named by the Heavenly King Blazel, as the Genus of Hell. My hobby is NTR!!』

Wolftalow howls, after saying so.

『To think you, who was exiled from the Demon King’s army, were hiding inside the human realm. This is clearly a betrayal! I’ll cut off your neck and make it a gift for Blazel. With this, I too shall become a Heavenly—』


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Wolftalow falls over sideways.
He dies, while foaming from his mouth.

I immediately ran into the genus of demons.
However, he doesn’t seem to be Blazel’s eyes.
Blazel shouldn’t have been alerted about me being here.

Even so, Blazel’s naming sense is awful.
He’s always been like that.

“Oh.. better not waste time. I should hurry back to the guild.”

The freshness of magic grass, is its life.
If it’s not used to craft immediately after being plucked, it’s not very effective.

I try and return to the guild, but then I stop my legs.
I look at the frothing Wolftalow/Garb Wolf.

“That reminds me, if I brought back monsters, they said they’d give me a bonus…”

I stuff the Garb Wolf inside my bag, and leave the place.

The me of this time couldn’t have guessed it, that this event would cause an unimaginable development to unfold.

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