16. As Expected, Quiet is Best

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“Yes, indeed.”

Carla receives the Luluil grass which I had collected, and gave me the 7000 Parc completion reward.
This was my first earning as an adventurer.
Reminds me of my starting salary when I was in the Demon King army.
If I remember correctly, I only got 1 dried frog at that time.

That reminds me, I knew that humans spend money in units of Parc to buy and sell things, but I still haven’t figured out its value.
I’m pretty sure that the inn I’m staying at is 900 Parc a night, so I don’t know if this reward is cheap or not…

I said I didn’t think so because I lived in the mountains till now, and ask Carla implicitly.

“Yes well, if you try and eat out cheap and easily, it should cost you around 500 Parc. So with 7000 Parc, you should be able to spend one night in a respectable inn.”

I see.
Hearing that, it does sound a bit low, but for a day’s earning it must be high.
Regardless, I’m still a fledgling adventurer.
I don’t have any use for it, other than food and accommodation.
For the time being, I have no choice but to steadily complete quests.

“By the way, where are the other two?”
“They haven’t… Oh, they have just arrived.”

The door to the guild opens, and a familiar red-eared red wolf enters.
The figure of her with dropped shoulders, was being comforted by a priestess from behind.
Speak of the devil.
It’s Pafimia and Sharon.

“Welcome back, you two.”
“Master. I’m home.”
“We have returned, Capua-sama.”
“Judging from that state, it didn’t go well, huh.”
“Yeah, the requested monster ran away. So frustrating!!”

Pafimia howls.

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“If you work hard, it will surely work out tomorrow, Pafimia-sama.”

Sharon pats her shoulder to comfort her.

“Yeah! Carla, it’s fine as long as I defeat it within the time period, right?”
“Yes, there will be no problems. Please continue your good work, Hero-sama.”
“Leave it to me! Next time, I’ll defeat it for sure.”
“That’s the spirit, Pafimia-sama.”

Pafimia seemed motivated.

“Hey… what kind of monster was it?”
“It was super awesome… My attacks didn’t hit it at all.”
“It was a ferocious wolf monster.”
“It had a scar on top of its eye…”
“Hey… don’t tell me, was it a garb wolf?”

Pafimia and Sharon look at me with wide open eyes.

“…Why does master know?”
“That’s because it attacked me while I was collecting magic grass, so I defeated it.”
“Is that true, Capua-sama?”
“As expected, master!”

I did have a premonition, but to think it was the monster Pafimia had to subdue.

I take its corpse out of the magic bag.
With a loud thud, the corpse of a big wolf rolled on the floor of the guild.


Carla’s appearance after seeing the garb-wolf, changes completely.
Blood had drawn from her face, and she strongly pulled her facial muscles.
She peels her eyes, and gazes at the wolf corpse on the floor.

I have a bad feeling.

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Have I done something I shouldn’t have?

Maybe if you didn’t catch it alive, you wouldn’t be able to complete the quest?

In any case, this silence was choking me.
Though I didn’t really need to breathe anyways.



Carla’s intensity, made me stand upright.
She then looks at me slowly.

“What’s with this, corpse…”

“My bad.”

I reflexively apologize.
I guess it had to be captured alive, after all.
But this seems too—

It’s so breathtakingly beautifuuul!!!

“I’m sorry… Eh?”
“Amazing! This is amazing, Capua-san. It’s the first time I’m seeing a monster defeated so beautifully. There are no wounds, nor any blood-loss. Did you perhaps use poison?”
“N-no… I didn’t use poison.”
“Does that mean the insides are clean as well?”
“Yeah, probably…”
“This is simply amazing. It will certainly fetch a great price, since it probably has great academic value…”


“The museums and laboratories nearby will certainly not remain silent. They might even fight for it. It will probably cost them around a million parc.”

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Well… eh… I have no idea what you’re saying right now.

H-how many Parcs were there in a million Parcs?
One night in my inn costs 900 Parc… How many nights can I afford with this?
Oh no, I’m panicking and can’t calculate.

For the time being, surely I live without doing anything?
That doesn’t sound bad.
Slowly enjoying my second life.
Wasn’t that the ideal which I was aiming for?

“Amazing! Master became rich all of a sudden.”

Those casual words from Pafimia, completely changed my thought process.

I can’t become rich.
Isn’t my name known by the humans?
My ideal is unobtrusive and quiet.

I could live my life in luxury, but that would contradict the conditions I’d set for myself.

“Let’s go through the procedure immediately. Contact the curator…”
“Ah, wait a minute, Carla.”

I stop Carla.

“What’s the matter, Capua-san?”
“You see that garb-wolf? If it’s so academically valuable, then I’ll simply donate it.”
“Eh? But then… the one million Parc would go to waste.”
“That’s right, master! This is you chance to become rich!”

Pafimia also disocurages me from doing so.

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But I’m also hard-headed.

“Pafimia, it seems your training is still lacking.”
“Rather than seeking immediate benefits, wouldn’t it be of greater value to use this corpse, for the academic development of mankind?”


The sorroundings become silent.
However, that was only for a moment.
A wave of praise then arrives like a tsunami.

“How wonderful, Capua-sama!!”

Sharon was clapping her hands loudly.
She had tears in her eyes.

“Master! I will value your words forever!!”

Pafimia begins praying at that spot.

“Awesome! You’re awesome, man.”
“Kicking away a million Parc.”
“He has such a pure heart.”
“For the sake of humanity huh. We may have forgotten about something important inside of us.”
“Let me call you big brother!”

Even the adventurers around me who were listening in, started crying.

I intended to resolve it by saying that, but there were deeper repercussions to it than I had expected.
I was more surprised than them.

Well… I guess I’ve deceived them for now, so it’s fine.

In the end, I couldn’t get rich.
However, I did not know at this time.
That even if you don’t get rich, you could still become famous…

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