The Flame Beast Army released by Blazel appeared half a day’s distance on foot, from Neuville.

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The flame beasts, which were sent through large-scale transfer magic, appeared one after the other from the hole which was created.
The forest had already begun burning, and their surroundings turned into charcoal.
The main body starts heading straight to Neuville.
Standing on its forefront, was Blazel’s right-hand man.

“Good grief… Looks like Blazel-sama’s having a tough time as well.”

The one letting slip a sigh was [Roggun], a lava demon.
His body was armored with hard rocks all over, from the gaps of which, flame blew out.
He carried a stick attached to a large rock on his shoulder, meant to be a hammer, and marched crab-legged.

“I mean, isn’t it too much to dispatch us just to erase a simple countryside town?”
“What’s wrong with that, Roggun-han?”

It was a giant dragon even bigger than Roggun, which responded with a unique intonation.
It marched with folded large wings, and carried oil in its stomach.

“I think it’s good to have battles like these as well. they’re much more comfortable than tense battlefields.”
“[Bagira], don’t get too carried away. The guy who defeated [Dora]-chan, the altered Hydralord made by Blazel-sama, might be there after all.”
“Aah, now that you mention it, I guess it’s true. In any case, Blazel-sama might be an exceptional being, but his naming-sense is no good.”
“Don’t say reckless things like that, Bagira. Do you want to be named by him as well?”
“Spare me… W, well, not to worry. One shot of my flames is all it takes.”
“You wish– hm?”

A silhouette appears in front of Roggun and Bagira who were marching.
Not just one, or two.
There were approximately 100 humans standing there.
Based on their weapons and armor, they didn’t seem like regular soldiers.

“What’s that?”
“Neuville’s adventurers, most likely. Courageous indeed. Or maybe their eyes are just buttons. Do they not see our numbers?”

Bagira begins snickering to himself.

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However, Roggun’s expression did not change at all (Though it’s difficult for lava-demons to change it in the first place).

“Quite a gathering of fighters we have here. Don’t let your guard down Bagira, even a cornered rat can bite the cat.”
“You’re talking of cats, yes? Roggun-han, we are demons. I can blow those guys away with a single shot of my flames!”
“Oi! Wait! The signal to attack ha–“

Loggun tried stopping him, but Bagira’s throat was already flaming up.

He swings down his long neck like a piece of cloth.
His attack approaches the adventurers standing at front.
The screams of the adventurers begin to echo.
Bagira’s eyes were distorted sadistically.


Right as it approaches the adventurers, the fireball gets split into two.
The fire dragon’s flames were completely shut out.

The surroundings turn into black charcoal.
But the adventurers didn’t even have a scratch on them.
Standing at their forefront, was a shield knight holding a large shield.

“He defended against my flames!”
“Bagira! Get ready!!”

The adventurers raise a battle cry.
Emboldened after surviving the dragon’s attack, they begin their assault.

“How idiotic are these humans. Getting cocky after defending against a single attack of mine.”

Bagira was indignant, but it’s difficult to shoot flames in rapid succession.
The oil in his stomach takes time to replenish.

“Bagira, step back for now.”
“Nope! Roggun might have forgotten, but I still have this tough body and tail!!”

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Bagira howls.
He lurches forward and advances.
Though he possessed large wings, since he belonged to an earth-dragon species, Bagira couldn’t fly.
Despite so, his rushing figure was akin to a large tank.

On his path, stood a single girl.
A therianthrope– it was a red wolf.
She doesn’t take a single step even after seeing the approaching Bagira, and raises her arms wide.

“What’s with you! Do you want to stop me in place!?– Ha! Try it, if you CAAAAaaaannnnNNN!!”

He approaches the red wolf furiously.
The small body easily gets crushed underneath–

–is how it was supposed to be.


It wasn’t just the demons.
Even the adventurers were flabbergasted at this once in a century sight.

“W, what is this!!”

The moment Bagira’s body tries to crush the red wolf, the giant fire dragon stops his charge, as if he had hit something hard.

The red wolf which had succeeded in stopping his rush, neither boasts of it, nor agitates Bagira about it.

Just a single phrase, was what she kept muttering to herself as if she could never forget it.

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“Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw. Hold and throw…”

Then, Bagira’s giant body slowly rises.
The red wolf’s fingers firmly dug into his huge belly, as she uses every muscle in her body to lift him.

“Hey! Wait… Wait wait wait… Just what are you planning on…!!”

In that moment, Bagira finally realized.
The sheer strength possessed by humans, whom he had previously thought of as mice…

Hold…… and THROOOOWWW!!


The wolf girl yells out a spirited scream.
She finally lifted up Bagira’s giant body.

“Hey, hey, hey!! Wait! Waiiiiiit!!”

Bagira raises a pitiful voice.
But there was no one there to answer to his appeal.
The red wolf girl, having lifted Bagira high, threw him just like that.


Though he had been slashed once, Bagira had never been thrown before.
To the unknown experience, the offense leader of the Flame Beasts Corps was half-crying.
Right as he struck the ground, his neck gets caught between the ground and his body, getting brutally crushed.

The demons become terrified when they see the overturned dragon.

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“Impossible! Bagira was defeated in one–“

Roggun, who had seen this all unfold, was also at a loss.
However, the God of Death had also come knocking at his door.
Noticing someone behind him, Roggun hurriedly raises his hammer.

Turning back, he saw a silver-haired adventurer taking a tilted stance.

“Ho… To have sneaked up on me, you… must be a well-known adventurer.
I’ll allow you to name yourself.”
“Ho… So you’re “Mysteltam the Absolute Flash”. I see. My name is–“

“I’m not interested in the names of those who are already dead.”

With a clanging noise, Mysteltam puts his sword back in its scabbard.

At that moment, Roggun’s hard body starts to slip.


After a delay, traces of sword slashes began appearing on him.
An innumerable number of cuts had opened on Roggun’s body.

“Bastard, what did you…”
“You should know by now… I cut you--that is all.”

Mysteltam declares him dead.

“Impossible! I am, the flame beast Rog–“

At that moment, Roggun’s body falls apart.
It turns into dust and disappears from the world.

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