28. Do It, Capsodia!

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“We can do this!”

Mackenzie says so with conviction.
The guildmaster fighting in the middle of the battlefield, blew away the oncoming Flame Beast Army with the same vigor he had in his youth.
He had penetrated deep into enemy lines along with elite adventurers, and had become a menace to the demons.

There were 3 reasons for his confidence.

The first, were Mysteltam and his partner Verdana.
Two of the most gifted adventurers in the royal capital were fortunately in Neuville at the time.
They lagged behind the Hydralord, but they were silver ranks regardless.
After casually defeating one of the executives, they had begun wiping out the small fries around them.

The second, was that the adventurers possessed high morale.
They were all displaying power beyond their limits.
The reason for that was the “Priestess of Prophecy”, who was healing everyone’s wounds and minds in the rear.

The 3rd and final reason, would have to be Hero Pafimia.

She had fallen into a slump initially when her attacks never connected, but she finally overcame her limits, and was now an outstanding warrior.
Even if she’s only grabbing and throwing, it’s still super effective.


Raising a shout, she continued throwing demons one after the other.
The thrown demons, further hit their own comrades wherever they landed, causing devastation in their ranks- truly a terrifying display of power.

As a result, the demon army, 10,000 soldiers strong, had been cut down to half.

Despite there being only 100 adventurers, these were shocking results.

“My ol’ bones won’t lose out.”

Mackenzie swings his club.
It was then, that his attack gets easily intercepted.
At that point, Mackenzie finally realized.
That these favorable results had clouded his own eyes.

Having his attack blocked, finally made him aware of that monstrous killing intent.
No, he was forced to realize it.

“Aaraaa~~… My goodness… Do you call that an attack?”

There was a slimy feeling to the voice, akin to a fish.
Mackenzie raised his head.
The giant flame-lizard was laughing with its tongue sticking out.

“An attack, you know~, is so~mething like this, old man.”

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The flame-lizard tightens its fist, and swings it at high-speed.
Mackenzie tried to dodge it, but it was too late.
With a clean hit to the solar-plexus, he gets thrown to the end of the battlefield, and loses consciousness.

“Mr. Mackenzie!!”

Pafimia shouts his name.
Then, a muffled breath leaks from Mackenzie’s mouth.
It seems that he was barely alive.

“Sharon! take care of Mr. Mackenzie!”

Sharon rushes to Mackenzie’s side.

“Aa~~ra~~? So he didn’t die. What a tough body~. As expected of the dwarf-race…”
“You! Who are you.”

Pafimia stands in front of the mysterious flame-lizard.
Verdana and Mysteltam also join her.
At first glance, the one whom the lizard reacted to was the swordsman, Mysteltam.

“Uho! What a nice man~. I’m a demon, but my mouth also works for humans, you know~. What for? To swa~llow, of course!”

Baring its teeth, the giant lizard laughs.

“I want that thing dead.”

Verdana, the shield knight, raises his shield in disgust.

“You’re quite handsome as well, shield-kun… Howe~ver, my heart already belongs to the one called Blazel-sama.”

While bending its giant body, it turns its face red.
It wasn’t cute at all.

“That~ is~ why~, I’ll turn you all into gifts to make him recognize my love.”

The giant flame-lizard returns its gaze to Mysteltam.

But he was no longer there.
“Mysteltam the Absolute Flash” had already made his move.
Towards the lizard’s back…


Pafimia leaks out her surprise.

Mysteltam wraps around the lizard and swings down his sword.
However, the lizard simply squeezes its hand…

…and easily grabs the blade.

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By slightly rotating its arm, it throws the sword along with Mysteltam.
He barely manages to flip and mitigate his fall, but his body had become numb and he couldn’t move for a while.

In front of such a Mysteltam, was a lizard baring its teeth wide.

“That reminds me, I hadn’t introduced myself yes, ladykiller-kun? My name is [Gidragon]. The Flame-Lizard General, Gidragon.”

“If I’m not wrong… That’s the heavenly king Blazel’s 2nd subordinate.”
“Second, huh… Seems kinda half-assed.”
“This sort of situation usually calls for the first…”

The adventurers on the side whisper to themselves.

A blue streak emerges on Gidragon’s head.

“Be quiet you all! The first, Bastrine, went off and died! That should make me the 1st subordinate.”

Gidragon says proudly.
He then puts all his weight on Mysteltam’s stomach.
Naturally, Mysteltam struggles as he suffers.

“Stoop iit!!”

Pafimia, who couldn’t bare to watch, steps forward.
She tries to plunge right into the monster’s bosom.

“There are no demons, who stop when told to stop by a human, are there~~?”

Gidragon further places its weight down.
It was at that moment.
A giant shield appears in front of Gidragon.
Seeing its appearance reflected in it, Gidragon becomes fascinated and intoxicated by its reflection.

“A~~ra, what a nice man.”
“Now! Pafimia!!”

Verdana screams, raising his shield and stealing Gidragon’s attention.
Pafimia rushes in, and grabs its foot.
She begins lifting it, to throw it like she always did.



It didn’t even budge.
Pafimia’s face distorts in despair.

“A~~ra, I wonder if my leg line is that beauti–ful!!”

Gidragon kicks Pafimia.
Pafimia who possessed considerable strength, was left with no way out.
She gets blown back into a rock, and loses consciousness.

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Seeing the hopeless situation, Sharon screams.
Hearing her voice, Gidragon’s cloudy eyes shift towards her.
Seeing the strange gaze fall on her, Sharon lets out a whimper.

On the other hand, seeing Sharon’s healing ability, Gidragon immediately realizes.

“That high-level healing magic… you’re a priestess right? A nasty enemy for demons- sorry, but I’ll crush you first.”

It directs its killing intent at her.
Sharon gulps in fear.

“Before that… I’ll make Ladykiller here–“

Gidragon looks down.
However Mysteltam wasn’t there.
Immediately after, Sharon could see something shining behind Gidragon.

Looking back, it saw Mysteltam holding a maximal sword of light.

“Take this—!!”

“[The Brilliant Sword of Susanoo]!!”

A bright light bursts.

“A~~ra, that looks dangerous.”

As Gidragon bends its body, its chest swells out.
A large amount of flames overflow from its mouth.

“[Blaze Blast]!!”

They were flames– no, waves of crimson.
Mysteltam’s [Brilliant Sword of Susanoo] gets easily deflected.
Without losing intensity, the waves swallow Mysteltam and penetrate the battlefield.

*Rumble* *rumble* *rumble*

A dull sound echoes.
A huge side-hole opens in the battlefield, like a terrible scar.

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“Verdana-sama!! Mysteltam-sama!!”

Sharon’s cries echo in vain.
As the smoke cleared, Verdana and Mysteltam could be seen standing.

Sharon’s face lights up.
But that was only for a moment.
Like the sun hidden between the clouds, its brilliance fades.

With a hair’s breadth, Verdana had raised his shield to block Gidragon’s “Blaze Blast”, but it was futile.
Verdana with his shield raised, and Mysteltam with his sword sticking out, had both passed out.

“It can’t be…”

Despair flows out from the priestess’ mouth.
But Gidragon cuts her consciousness in an instant.
It then grabs Sharon’s thin arm and lifts her up.

“What a cute priestess….. makes me want to mess you up.”

Gidragon sticks out its long tongue.
It stretches all the way under Sharon’s skirt.
Saliva start to drip from its tip.

“Oops… That’s as far as I go.”

It withdrew its tongue.

“A priestess would make a nice gift. Blazel-sama would surely be pleased. I’ll make him ruffy-ruffy my head all day long— Ha! I’m already so excited!!”

Gidragon shakes its butt and writhes.
It then looks down at the adventures, scattered on the ground.

“Not bad. They made me use this much power after all. You guys are pretty good.”

As farewell, Gidragon throws a flying kiss at them.

The dumbfounded Flame Beast Corps, receives a huge boost in morale.
A chorus of “Gidragon-sama!” could be heard from all over.
On the other hand, the morale of the adventurers dropped at once.
They threw their weapons, and began escaping one after the other.

A desperate situation…
No one could save the captured priestess now.

None except one…

“You’re an unpleasant guy as always.”

Gidragon turns around.

There stood Capsodia, with his hood covering his eyes.

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