29. Wipe! Tears…

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“I, it’s over.”

After editing the final entry in my [Death Note] and reviving the last demon on the list, I sank into my desk.

There were dead bodies scattered all around me.
The poltergeists who had enlisted my help, had collapsed there.
Probably because they worked till their magic ran out.

“A-as expected, Capsodia-sama.”
“To have in such short time…”
“Succeed in reviving 10,000 slodiers…”

With dying voices, Lit, Rat, and Esu all praise me.

“You guys also did well. I couldn’t have done it myself.”

I praise my former subordinates, while lying down on my desk.

I revived 7000, and the other 3000 were revived by them.
10,000 in half a day.
For me, and for Lit Rat Esu, this was a new record.
To think that I’d break my record number of revivals, after I quit my job…

Feeling tired as if I had carried a rock on my back, I finally get to ask the three what I was curious about.

“Hey, Lit…”
“What may it be? By the way, the one you’re looking at is Esu. I am he–“
“I don’t care anymore…”
“How cruel…”
“You guys said there was a big operation planned right? Where’s that moron Blazel planning on fighting?”
“Ah, did we fail to mention it? Right here.”


I raise my face as if a wire had passed through my spine.
Doing so, Lit lazily replies.

“Here in Neuville. I believe the Flame Beast Corps is gathering west from here.”
“Eh, Flame Beast Corps?? That’s Blazel’s main force! This is a rural town in a rural area, why is he sending such a large unit here!!”

I yelled without thinking.

“Capsodia-sama, please calm down… It’s your fault in the first place, since you defeated Blazel-sama’s altered Hydralord. In his rage, he dispatched his forces using large-scale transfer magic.”
“HAAAAA!! Is he mad! Sending his personal army over such a reason, that too using large-scale transfer magic…”

Large-scale transfer magic requires live sacrifice.
The further the location, the more the sacrifices snowball away.
If an army is 20,000 strong, it needs an equal number of sacrifices.
A part of it might be human prisoners of war, but that won’t even account
for 10% of the total.
Which means, the rest come from sacrificing our allies- other demons.

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In other words, the army that is about to push into Neuville now involves a total of 40,000 demons, including the revived troops.
Among which, 20,000 are already declared as sacrifices.

Work’s going to be a headache again…


This is wrong, both strategically and tactically.
Neuville is not a city that should be destroyed at the expense of 20,000, without even knowing if it was a royal capital or an important base for the enemy.

Besides, Neuville is the city where I decided to start my second life.
I can’t have it destroyed that easily.
It’s been going really well so far.
I couldn’t even imagine going to another city anymore!

I resolve myself, and stand up.

“Capsodia-sama, what are you…”
“You can’t be…”
“Going to the battlefield, right?”

“I am… But before that–“

I need to request something from you three.


In front of the hut where I was working, stood Lit, Rat, and Esu.
I couldn’t make out the expressions behind their hoods, but knew they were looking westwards.
The stars were already twinkling, and the horizon was vaguely red.
It wasn’t because the sun had set.
But the light from the fire caused by the Flame Beast Corps.

The 3 send off Capsodia, who ran off towards those flames.

“So he left…”

Said Rat.

“Regardless, what amazing strength and magical power. To be able to revive 7,000 demons and still be able to move…”

Said Esu.

“He was dismissed because of strange rumors, but at the very least, I don’t think of him as the weakest among the Four Heavenly Kings. I can’t let his request go unnoticed.”

Finished Lit, as he stows away the letter he had received from Capsodia into his robe.


“A~ra~, if it isn’t Capsodia-chan.”

Right as he set his eyes on me, Gidragon lets out a disgusting voice.
An unpleasant smell then drifts all the way here.

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An unhygienic guy, as usual.

I take a look around me.
The humans I had met in the human realm, had been defeated.
They were breathing still, but they all needed medical attention.

Well, even if they’re dead, I could still revive them.

In any case, I have to do something about this flame-lizard in front of me.

As I get ready for battle, Sharon, who was grabbed by Gidragon, wakes up. Seeing me, she begins shaking her head while panicking.

“Capua-sama! You mustn’t come here!! This being is a monster! Even with you as its– Kya!!”

Gidragon plays with Sharon’s face using its fingertip.
She loses consciousness with just that.

“My, what an unpleasant priestess~. Calling me a monster… how rude. Don’t you think so? Capsodia-chan.”

Gidragon’s eyes draw an arc.

“More importantly, I just heard something interesting, “Capua-sama”. I hate to think about it, Capsodia-chan, but have you been lurking– no, living in a human city?”
“Kya ha ha ha ha!! I must’ve hit the mark. Since you were dismissed from your duties, I thought you’d holed up in some village, but turns out you’re living with humans! Hey Capsodia-chan… Do you know what they call that? It’s called, a ‘traitor’.”

Gidragon arches his body and laughs loudly.
He continues talking again.

“Capsodia-chan must be stupid after all… You’ve come to save the humans right~? Wanting to save the village which took you in- you must’ve come with such vomit-inducing feelings correct?
“I only want to live in peace. If you come in the way of that, it won’t matter if you’re human or demon.”
“There you go boasting~. Howe~ver~, what’s impossible, is impossible…”

You mooooooorrrooooooooonnn…..


Gidragon sticks out his tongue.
He then snapped its finger.
Immediately after, magical power begins converging behind him.
A big hole opens, from which the Flame Beast Corps appears.


“Exactly, reinforcements! Just about 10,000 strong. The flame beasts that arrived first were cut down by a lot, but there’s still 5000, making it 15,000 in total. I wonder if they can beat you…”

Gidragon laughs again while baring his teeth.

In response, I point my finger as usual.
But Gidragon’s attitude didn’t change even a bit.

“Fu fu fu… I know your death magic is all-powerful. That’s why Bastrine was killed.”


“The life-reaping [Instant Death] magic, uses quite lot of power according to what I’ve heard. I admit your talent which let you climb up to the throne of a Heavenly King. You also have large mana reserves, but is it enough to take on 15,000 soldiers? No, can you even kill them? or do you plan on using demi-lich’s physical strength to defeat them? You can’t.”

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“You’re pretty exhausted, right? I know. The flame lizard tribe can see the body temperature of creatures. You’re a demi-lich, but I can still tell from experience. You’ve exhausted a lot of magical power. Your spirit and roots are exhausted, and your stamina is in a pretty bad state, right?”


“Your [Instant Death] is formidable. But my 15,000 subordinates will kill you eventually. I’ll be revived again, and I’ll overrun this city again. I’ll tease and torture this priestess, devour humans, and destroy the city you love so much.”


Gidragon’s voice resounds in the battlefield.
It was like the sound of a bell signalling the end.
However, what actually signaled the end, was this one line:

“All of you–“


It happened in an instant.
The flame beasts all let out shrieks as they collapse to the ground.
Their screams eventually stop, and all that remained was tranquility and skeletons that don’t speak.

Gidragon, who’d opened its mouth in shock, looks back.
15,000– The forces he had boasted of, were now lying on the ground.

His red, hard skin began turning pale.
The demon who was so eloquently describing his own victory was gone.
He was shaking like a fish lying on the chopping board.

“H, how? Why’d this happen!! How much mana do you have?”
“Us demi-lich have something called [Oath of the Dead], which allows us to spend barely any mana on death attribute magic.”
“Huh!? That’s not fair!!”
“It might be cunning… but it also has demerits. For example, my level doesn’t rise.”
“Wha-! That mean you staying level 1—“
“Is because of that. By the way, how long do you plan on doing that?”

You are already….. dead.*


Gidragon raises a squeal.
Death agony– no, that time has already passed.
The Gidragon I’m talking to, is this guy’s soul.
His body had already collapsed on the ground.

“No! Noo!! I don’t want to dieeeeeee!! Stop! Please don’t pollute my beautiful body!”

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I thrust my fist into Gidragon’s body, as hard as I could.
The body gets scattered in all directions, and blood splatters everywhere.
With this, Gidragon can never revive again.



While screaming pathetically, the soul of Gidragon disappears.
The soul stuck on the God of Death’s sickle, gets dragged forcebly into the underworld along with its lowly screams.

I had defeated the Flame Beast Corps.
However, my heart was empty.
It wasn’t because I had killed my companions, nor because I was a traitor to them.

There was a different feeling residing in my chest.

“Haa… Even though I knew it… After making all that effort of reviving them– I ended up killing them all…”

I hang my head down, as my knees give in.
Tears began flowing from my eyes.


Sharon opens her eyes.
The first thing to enter her vision, was Gidragon’s dismembered corpse.
Further beyond that, many demons laid flat on the battleground.

In front of it all, was Capua.

“Capua-sama, all these demons…”

Sharon becomes speechless, seeing the incredible scene before her.

However, the real shock came after that.
She glances towards Capua’s face.
He was neither intoxicated with his victory, nor proud of his war merit.
He had collapsed on his knees as if he’d lost, and was crying looking at the fallen corpses.

“It can’t be… Capua-sama, is he shedding tears for the lives of enemies he just took…?”

Oh…… How, merciful!

“As expected, Capua-sama is the true saint… My lord, I am grateful to you, for sending both the Hero, and the Saint to this world at the same time.”

Sharon takes a deep sigh.
She then clasps her hands together, and turns her ardent gaze towards Capua.

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