Killian was coming to find me.

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Before he comes, I have to leave.


I jumped up from my seat, accidentally hitting the table with my knees

Collapsing and tableware poured out with unpleasant sounds.

“What’s going on?”

Devan’s forehead was deeply furrowed. I couldn’t afford to care about that.


Killian is coming. Tomorrow. To the Grand Duke’ place, to find me.

I remembered the chilling gaze I felt two days ago.


His golden eyes longing for love.


Why? How?


My thoughts were full of question marks.


I looked at Devan.


“Why, no.”


“Is it okay?”


“So… Can’t you postpone it?”


Devan did not hide his absurd expression.

It was impossible to change the schedule of visit, who had already appriveed it.

Furthermore, if it was tomorrow right away, it was highly likely that Killian had already known I’m here.

Since the Great Colonel here was quite far from the Capital.

What do I have to do?

My head turned fast.

I have to leave here before he comes.



Steal the kitchen key,

Jump through the window,

Climb the wall,

Beyond the wall, 


Crossing the bridge,

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To the border.

To the Ellywoon.

My heart was pounding.

Just like a fish on the verge of death feels and flaps at its fate.

“What’s going on? If you don’t want to meet, you can do that.”

I stared at Devan.

Can that man help me?

No, for him, I was simply a means to lift the curse.

If I couldn’t solve the curse in his right eye, he wouldn’t let me go.

“Today….. I’d better treat your right eye.”

“What? What’s that all of a sudden……”

“Your highness, aren’t you in a hurry to get treatment?”

As if squeezing out my throat, I barely spit out my words.

I could feel Devan hesitating. His adam’s apple moved up and down.

“You’re not going to tell me what’s going on?”


“….. .”

“…I got it. Okay. Then, come to my room at the same time.”


Still absent-minded, I nodded slowly.

All I could think about was Killian.





After finishing the meal, I went out to the garden recklessly.

Then, I looked around the wall in the false pretense of a walk.

Karen in armor was looking at me a few steps away.

This, too, was proof that Devan’s trust in me had increased.

Unlike before, when we had to take a walk together, we had some free time.


I sighed automatically.

Killian coming here. Tomorrow, right now.

What should I do?

How on earth did he know? Did he collude with the temple? Or, did he notice the rumor spreading in the Grand Dukedom?


He must have easily noticed the public’s lie that the Crown Princess was here because he had done Astrila’s job.

I didn’t even know.

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Does the Count know or is it Killian’s sole action?

What happens if I get caught? Will they drag me back to the basement?

Why don’t you persuade Killian to run away together?

I shook my head hard.

That was impossible.

Even if it was possible, I didn’t want to live my whole life alone with Killian.

My chest fluctuated greatly up and down. Even if I tried to avoid it, I couldn’t help it.

There’s only one thing for sure.

Tonight, I had to get out of here.

The route out of the castle was already memorised. The question wass whether it is possible for me, who lacks stamina, to beat all soldiers.

I glanced sideways at Karen. If it’s Karen, she won’t stop me with one hand and break my arms and legs.

Originally, I was going to make a more plausible plan over time… …but I couldn’t help it as long as I knew Killian was coming tomorrow.

Today, I had no choice but to heal Evan’s right eye and get out with his help.

“Yeah, let us give it a try.”

If you succeed in solving the curse, you will be paid as promised.

But if you can’t solve the curse…..

You have to run away.

I stopped walking.

It was inevitable.

Even if I was caught in the middle because I wasn’t lucky, it was better than staying still with my hands off.

How… How can I survive so that I am more likely to survive?????

“Lady, do you like Daisy?”

At that moment, I suddenly heard a cheerful voice from the back.

I was frightened and looked back.

It was none other than Hilda who was smiling brightly.

“You….Since when have you been here?”

“What are you so surprised about?”

“…… Didn’t I tell you to change all the sheets?”

Despite her fierce tone, she pouted her lips as if she were not discouraged at all.
“I just finished everything you asked me to do. I’m the only maid in this spacious castle. If I don’t assist you, who will?”

I definitely didn’t feel any popularity.

I squinted and looked at her.

Hilda was still staring at me with a face full of freckles.

Suddenly, I thought it was strange.

From some point on, she did not make gestures or stuttering sounds in front of me.

-I learned that Hilda, while I collapsed, got a lot of information.

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—When asked where the hell did he get such information, he winked, saying he could know everything. Curiosity was also a talent.

-I didn’t know how she came a day later than I was so confident, but she was reassuring.

New memories passed by.

It was just because she was curious, and I thought she would be good at learning work, so I passed on.

On second thought, it couldn’t have been.

She knew too much. My identity, my transaction with Devan, and even the movement of the temple.

There was only an old butler in this house, and he could not have taught Hilda all the geography of the castle in a day.

Of course, Devan couldn’t have told the maid these things,
Have I ever seen her… talk to anyone else?

Didn’t it suddenly disappear when someone else appeared next to me?

I got goosebumps all over my body.

Why didn’t I notice it until now?

“You… Where did you hear that the temple was looking for me?”

Hilda opened her eyes wide and laughed.

Somehow, at the chilling laughter, I took a step back.

“Why aren’t you stuttering?”

“Why, lady? Do you miss that time?”


Suddenly, she shrank, bowed her head, and looked sideways at me.

He looked scared no matter who looked at all. “Oh, oh, or you… Do you like this side of me?”



She even trembled to a small extent.

The familiar disgust surrounded my whole body.

When did I get this feeling?

“You, you… What are you?”

“Oh, now you’re stammering instead of me. What a pity.”

I looked around in a hurry. Karen was looking this way from a distance.

But he would think Hilda and I were talking normally, and there was nothing to hear.

Ask for help, Karen coming here, and Hilda harms me.

Which one is faster?

It was a car that was measuring that.

“Don’t worry, Lady.”

Hilda came up and stroked my cheek affectionately.

< “Because I don’t want to hurt you.” >

My body is stiff.

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As the two said, Hilda’s high voice and a playful voice were heard at the same time.

< “You catch on faster than I thought. I thought it’d be a little dull. No one noticed except you. The poor man, the experienced butler, you grew up eating nothing but wits. If you want to survive, you have to do that. Don’t you think so?” >


She giggled and talked to herself for a long time.

She looked intoxicated by herself.

< “Sorry. This was the only way to be around you.” >

Hilda put her hands together and winked.

The eyes and eyebrows were strangely drooping, and a sense of gap came over the exaggerated movement.

I couldn’t say anything, only my lips were clinging.

< “And I’m sorry again. You might feel a little uncomfortable.” >



As soon as I finished speaking, Hilda lightly bounced her finger in front of my eyes.

There was a cheerful sound.

“Lady, do you like Daisy?”

Hilda, who approached me before I knew it, crouched next to me and asked.

When did he get here?

I think something just happened…

“All of a sudden…  saying daisy.”

“That’s because you’ve been standing in front of Daisy for a long time. You’ve done that before too.”

Only then did I look at the white flowers blooming under me.

“…is this burnt?”

“Yes, lady.”

I bent down and smelled the scent of flowers. It was slightly different from the scent concentrated in the pendant, but the scent of daisy flowers was definitely there.

When I realized that, I could see that there were particularly many daisies blooming in the garden.

Like snow piled up to the waist dance, it was as if it was suffocating.

Did they plant it on purpose?

When I thought of the curse, Devan, and Cordelia, my appetite was gone.

“I don’t like it that much.”


Hilda looked up at me. Huh? I frowned. Something kept getting caught at the back of my neck.

I think I forgot one important fact…


In a strange voice, Hilda asked.

Looking at her eyes, somehow I felt like earthenware was going to come up.

A message rang in my head, such as a warning that I should not remember.


I avoided Hilda’s gaze.

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